
We Ain’t Out The Woods Yet

Democrats are expected to leverage their new majority to wield Congress’ oversight powers. They could demand Trump’s tax returns, subpoena his Cabinet members and investigate suspected ties to Russia. And they can block the president’s legislative priorities, whether it’s funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border or curbing entitlement programs. That being said and done, the mid-term election was a historic one for people of color and the LGBTQ community, and female candidates spearheaded a significant amount of Democratic gains.

Ayanna Pressley became Massachusetts’ first black congresswoman. Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar and Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib became the first Muslim women elected to Congresss. Jared Polis was the first gay man to win a governor’s race. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became the youngest woman elected to Congress.

All this in the midst of Trump blathering on about a new concept he’s just heard of called “bi·par·ti·san·ship”, which he now implores the incoming House Democrats to partake in, in order to avoid his wrath. However, I’m happy to report that the #NewDem2019Crew have pretty much said, “FU Mr. President” (politically speaking, of course).
On their proposed agendas, — top being Trump’s impeachment, indictment, hopefully to be followed by an embarrassingly swift removal from office, despite what proposed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says — they’ve got plenty of bigger fish to fry, primarily damage control over the fires set by this Sad Satan after he’s removed from the whitehouse, if not in 2019 when the Dems take over the House and a large portion of the Senate, then by God in 2020!

Trump, trying hard to save face after the 2018 midterm elections, Nov 7, 2018.


  • lower health care costs and prescription drug prices
  • increase pay through economic growth
  • campaign finance reform bill
  • infrastructure
  • gun control legislation
  • renewable, sustainable energy

On September 10, 2018, The House Committee on Appropriations — comprised of 30 Republicans and 22 Democrats – published a press release stating that the House was expected to consider the conference report on a three-bill “minibus” that includes the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, and Legislative Branch appropriations bills. This bill will still be on the table in Januaury and is expected to be pushed forward for ratification. The Democratic priorities include:

Rejection of The Trump Budget

The conference report rejects President Trump’s extreme budget cuts, restoring $8.1 billion in funding for important priorities that create jobs, strengthen our economy, and build a better future for all Americans.

Increase Funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The conference report provides $2.38 billion for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy programs in the Department of Energy to support the development of clean, renewable, and energy efficiency technologies across the country. The conference report reverses a House cut of $243 million and provides $57 million above the FY 2018 enacted level.

Support for Advanced Energy Technology Research and Development

The conference report provides $366 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), which promotes and funds research and development of advanced energy technology. The conference report reverses a House cut of $28 million, rejects President Trump’s proposed elimination of the agency, and provides $12.7 million above the FY 2018 enacted level.

Improvement of VA Infrastructure

The conference report provides the second installment of $2 billion for VA infrastructure needs. The funding includes $800 million for Medical Facilities for non-recurring maintenance, $750 million for seismic improvements, $300 million for Major Construction, and $150 million for Minor Construction.

Expansion of Opioid Prevention and Treatment for Veterans

The conference report provides $348 million for opioid treatment and prevention programs and $52 million to continue to implement opioid safety initiatives outlined as part of the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, as well as to develop programs aimed at ensuring that non-VA providers treating veterans through community care programs are informed and in compliance with all VA standards for opioid safety and prescription guidelines.

Creation of New Compensation for House Interns

The conference report provides $8.8 million in a new dedicated funding stream for Member’s offices to pay interns. Each Member’s office may use $20,000 of that money to pay interns over the course of the calendar year. Interns paid through this account do not count against the limit on paid employees. (“I suppose the thinking behind this proposal is to generate an incentive for youth to get more involved in politics.”) – The House Committee on Appropriations

And what this writer would also like to see is an agenda to reinstate country-wide police reform, that fired/resigned ex attorney general Jeff Sessions thought necessary to shelve as a parting gift just hours before he resigned/was fired. The action sharply curtailed the ability of the federal government’s civil rights attorneys to police the police in regards to unconstitutional acts against citizens. Also a reversal of the militarization of local and state police.

Then there’s also the Voting Rights Act section 5 and section 4b that must be restored, for obvious reasons. In Shelby County v. Holder (2013), the U.S. Supreme Court declared the two provisions unconstitutional, reasoning that they were no longer responsive to current conditions. Yeah, right.

I’m looking toward to the new Senate and Pelosi, if she’s to win SOTH, pushing back hard and keeping these important issues on the front burner for presidential candidates in 2020. I intend to make my concerns known to all the fresh, new lawmakers who make themselves available on social media. You should too!

Democrats say they are fighting for the people, in direct opposition to Republicans, who they state fight for the powerful. That’s sounds endearing enough, but an even more gratifying prospect would be to see the beginnings of a solid third party coming out of all this “new car smell” activity. You know, a sort of antithesis to the Tea Party that totally brexited the GOP back in 2009. A true Coffee Party perhaps?
But that’s another post …


Featured Politics

Climate Change Is Real. The Hoax Sits in the White House

Contradiction? Who’s to say.

The federal government released a report based on the judgement of 13 agencies that unequivocally warned of the dangers, both economic and biological, of the comingpresent global warming crisis. The report was mandated by Congress and points out in stark detail why we need to address climate change, carbon dioxide, and everything else that is contributing to major changes in the United States and the world. It hands the Democrats a potent line of attack for the next election, and should make every American stand up and realize the danger we face.

Then, of course, there’s the guy in the White House. You know, the guy who says it’s all a Chinese hoax meant to destroy the US economy. The guy who has issued several executive orders that will enable the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries to pollute more, destroy sensitive ecosystems, and foul the air and water in the name of…jobs and a misplaced, OK, warped, sense of history.

Yes, it’s true that the United States grew wealthy on US Steel and Exxon and Dow Chemical, but those days are over and gone. And killing more people who mine and work around dangerous materials will not bring those days back.

Neither will the air and water, but that seems to be the policy of choice among Trump’s avid supporters, and those sycophants who worry about the latest tweet or the mercurial nature of the man who holds the future of the country in his small hands.

Yes, I am worried too.

At least with the Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, we can have an honest debate about the role and influence of actual science, rather than some warped accounting of the world that has no basis in rational thought. The White House thought it could bury this report in the frenzy of the holiday shopping season. It cannot, nor can it hide the facts that undergird the research.

A president whose approval ratings have never seen the sunlight that shines above 50% will have a tremendously difficult time running on a platform of denial and pollution.

He certainly has his fans.

The rest of us are in the majority.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured

Trump Listens to Reporter’s Question… Then Walks Away – Video

The disrespect is real folks. And if you’re on his… shitlist, Trump’s disrespect for you will be on a hole lower level. What else do you expect from someone with the mental development of a toad?

We already know how he feels about reporters and any media outlet doing their job and shedding light on Trumps many abuses of office. But White House reporter, April Ryan, has a special place deep in the dungeon of Trump’s hate.

Watch the disrespect this man exudes as Ryan asked Trump a question about whether his daughter should be investigated for using a personal email account to conduct government business in the White House.  


We Spoke. Now It’s Up to the Constitution

Do you get the idea that Donald Trump started reading the United States Constitution, got to “We,” decided it didn’t apply to him, and never went back to it? Of course, that assumes that you are giving him the benefit of actually starting to read the document. Or read.

Appointing an Attorney General without the consent of the Senate seems to me to be outside the realm of the president’s duties. Never mind that the person he appointed, Matthew G. Whitaker, doesn’t understand the sometimes fragile system of checks and balances upon which our government rests, having said that the judiciary is supposed to be the weakest branch. He also doesn’t like it when the Supreme Court weighs in on the legality of laws. I suppose he thinks that’s his job.

Of course, the real reason Mr. Whitaker was chosen was to try and shut down the Robert Mueller investigation into whether the president obstructed justice when he fired James Comey as FBI Director. I know that the press and the president are fixated on Russian interference in the election and the extent to which the Trump campaign played along, or worse, but the real issue is the obstruction. And the president knows that, which I think is why he keeps focusing on collusion.

Then there’s the tale of Jim Acosta, the CNN reporter the president threw out of the press pool for asking too many difficult questions. Does anybody remember due process rights? (Does anybody remember laughter?) At least the hated federal judiciary is reading the constitution and ordered the White House to restore Mr. Acosta’s press credentials.

And the elections? Immediately reaching into his vocabulary bag and finding the phrase, “voter fraud,” (the only other words in that bag are witch, hunt, collusion, not, fair, I, me, I, me, and I) to describe the achingly close results in Florida and Georgia, demonstrates that the president has no real respect for the electoral system, nor can he even be respectful, call for a calm, judicious process, and work on a winning issue, such as repairing railroads and airports.

Clearly, the non-stop confrontational attitude is wearing thin as the other results of the election prove. The Democrats are poised to win more than 40 seats that Republicans held in the House, and it’s possible that the Senate will be just as close as it was before. The president and his advisers will now need to answer for their actions in front of less friendly legislators. They’ll put up a fight, but they’ll also show how disdainful they are about the law.

In any event, the next two years will be difficult ones for the president unless he decides that he needs to get something done and works with the Democrats. If not, he will have a difficult time convincing people that he needs a Republican majority in order to succeed.

We’ve been there. And all we got was chaos.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest


Democrats Win Senate Seat in Arizona

CNN reports that Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema will win Arizona’s US Senate race, defeating Republican Rep. Martha McSally and flipping a seat that had been in GOP hands for 24 years.

McSally conceded the hard-fought race on Monday night — six days after the election — as county-by-county tallies of mailed-in ballots continued to increase Sinema’s lead.

“I just called Kyrsten Sinema and congratulated her on becoming Arizona’s first female senator after a hard-fought battle. I wish her all success as she represents Arizona in the Senate,” McSally said in a video posted on Twitter Monday night.

The win comes despite President Donald Trump and Republicans pushing false conspiracy theories about why ballots in Arizona were taking so long to count.


After the Elections: Moving Forward

Not bad. Could have been a little better, and will be if Florida and/or Georgia recounts change those races, but overall, a good result on Tuesday.

And yet, when all is counted, it looks like maybe 48% of eligible voters went to the polls. That’s terrible. Here we are, the world’s greatest democracy and we can’t even muster a majority of voters exercising their precious right. I honestly have no patience for people who complain or say they want to make this country better, or are seriously upset at the people who are already serving in office, yet do not bother to register, vote and make their voices heard. It’s our duty and our responsibility as citizens.

Moving on.

Democrats garnered more overall votes for both the House and Senate races nationally, which is good news for the party and the country. Midterm elections have traditionally been excuses for the left to be ignorant and stay home while the angry right takes over the Congress and statehouses. I hope this happens no more. And I also hope that, especially in New Jersey, these same voters come out next year when we elect the state legislature and senate, offices that have far more power over our day-to-day existence than federal representatives and senators. Traditionally, only about 25% of voters turn out for those elections. Then they have the temerity to complain about property taxes, school funding, the state of the beaches, and transportation. Again; no patience.

There was a great deal of discussion about what this past election means. There were a number of Democratic Socialists and other far left candidates who won elections, but the real story is that the party is (and must) moving towards the center. This is how the process usually works. The American people are not ready to support Medicare for all or free college tuition or a more liberal immigration policy.


These ideas will eventually become part of mainstream discussion in the same way that far right policies that seemed fringe 30 years ago have now become mainstream, such as anti-environmental and pro-business deregulation, and tax cuts that funneled billion of dollars to those who were already wealthy.

But for now, Democrats have to return to the issues that they have traditionally championed; a fairer tax system, being more responsive to the middle and working classes, affordable health care and housing, protecting the rights of all people to vote, to gain a livable wage, and to protect children from exploitation and poverty, not to mention a fairer immigration system. If the Democrats focus on these issues, which most exit polls said were voters’ key concerns, then the party can regain voters who defected to the Republicans in 2016 and build a base of support for future national and state elections.

The party also needs to stay away from talk of impeachment or appearing to be burying the administration under a blizzard of subpoenas in order to satisfy the far left flank that sees the president as illegitimate. Make sure that any actions are defensible, reasonable, pointed, and specific. Fight fire with fire, not a flamethrower. Present an argument for people who should be voting for Democrats to do so. Getting caught up in the minute-to-minute rantings of the president will not show the broader population that it is a party that will get things they want done.

Even with Congressional majorities and the White House, the Republicans were still only able to pass one major piece of legislation, which was a tax cut that didn’t help them a bit on election day, and neither did an economy that continues to create jobs. That’s extraordinary and it demonstrates the extent to which the president’s rantings have muddied, diluted, and just plain blocked what should have been a winning issue. Democrats can build a better tax cut and an economic program that helps the majority of Americans who earn a paycheck but are still struggling.

Let’s rebuild the trust with the American people, fight the groups that espouse hatred and bile, and show that we can truly be a model for the rest of the world.

It starts now.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest


Mitch McConnell To Offer No Protection for The Mueller Investigation

After all the blatant, in-your-face signs that Donald Trump is doing all he can to end the Mueller investigation into him and his campaign’s illegal activities, Mitch McConnell continues to offer nothing but encouragement to Trump by paving the path for the obstructer-in-chief to fire Mueller.

Asked about the possibility of a bill that will guarantee the continuation of Mueller’s work, McConnell saw no need for one, saying, “It’s not necessary.”

He added;

“The Mueller investigation is not under threat. The president’s said repeatedly he’s not going to dismiss the Mueller investigation. He’s said repeatedly it’s going to be allowed to finish. That also happens to be my view. As you can imagine, we speak frequently, and there’s never been any indication that he wants to dismiss Mueller or the investigation. It’s going to be allowed to finish.”

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured

Trump Demands Respect from Reporters While Calling Reporter a “loser”

Don’t laugh, but this is what Donald Trump said on Friday about ‘respect, before he began his short trip to Paris.

“When you’re in the White House, this is a very sacred place for me, a very special place. You have to treat the White House with respect. You have to treat the presidency with respect.”

That statement was part of Trump’s response when a reporter asked about the White House’s ban on CNN’s Jim Acosta. “I think Jim Acosta is a very unprofessional man,” Trump said. “As far as I’m concerned I haven’t made a decision. But there could be  others also.”

While answering the question and demanding respect, Trump naturally disrespected another reporter by calling April Ryan a “loser.”

“You talk about somebody that’s a loser; she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing,” Mr. Trump said of Ms. Ryan, in an unprompted diatribe. “She gets publicity, and then she gets a pay raise or a contract with, I think, CNN. But she’s very nasty. And she shouldn’t be. She shouldn’t be. You’ve got to treat the White House and the office of the presidency with respect.”

This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. A self-proclaimed pussy grabber who has absolutely no respect for anyone inside or outside the White House now expects respect in return.

I can’t wait for 2020 to restore some measure of sanity to this nation. I am tired of having a joker in the White House. I am tired of being the laughing-stock of the entire world.


Andrew Gillum Withdraws His Concession

It’s only been a few days since the midterms and already Florida is keeping true to form and confusing the heck out of the rest of the country. Even the contenders are confused.

On election night, Democratic Governor hopeful, Andrew Gillum watched the election results come in and conceded the race to his Republican challanger, Ron DeSantis.

Now, four days after the election, all eyes are once again on Florida. New vote counts have emerged and recounts are announced, prompting Andrew Gillum to withdraw his concession.

“I am replacing my words of concession with an uncompromised and unapologetic call we count every single vote,” he said via Twitter.

Recounts are now happening for Florida Senate and Governor positions.


Republican’s Response to Recent Shooting – “We Have to Protect the 2nd Amendment” – Video

Another week, another mass shooting. This time, in Thousand Oaks California where 12 people fell to a gunman. Reporters are interviewing members of Congress to find out if there anything anyone can do to reduce the senseless deaths of innocent Americans.

Marsha Blackburn is one of these congressional members. Blackburn recently won the opportunity to represent the people of Tennessee, was interviewed on Fox News today and asked about the mass-shooting. And sticking true to form, the Republican began her answer not talking about the lost souls, but instead about protecting the NRA and the 2nd Amendment.

“What we do is say how do make certain that we protect the 2nd Amendment.” Blackburn then went on to talk about mental health, as if mentally challenged individuals are the only ones committing mass murder in this country.

And if you thought Blackburn mentioned anything about guns or the need to have sensible background checks for people buying guns, you would, of course, be wrong.

But, you already know that. 

One thing is sure. Republicans will continue protecting the NRA and guns over the lives of American citizens, as we wait for the next mass shooting.


Donald Trump Politics

Watch What Happened When a Reporter Demanded Accountability From Donald Trump – Video

If other reporters did what CNN’s Jim Acosta did today, then maybe Donald Trump will think twice about using the airways to lie to the American people every chance he gets.

The day after the midterm election when Democrats commandingly regained control of the House of Representatives from Republicans, Donald Trump joined reporters at the White House to answer questions on, among other things, what went wrong for Republicans.

CNN’s Jim Acosta had the mic and asked a straightforward question about the Caravan and Trump’s depiction of these refugees as “invaders.” And just as expected, Donald Trump tried to shut Jim down, called him “rude”, and even had his White House aide attempt to wrestle the microphone away from the reporter.


Featured Politics

Stacy Abrams Still In It – Run-off Vote Set for December – Video

The Georgia Republican running against Stacy Abrams for Governor is also the keeper of the votes. Talk about a conflict of interest.

But even with that in mind, enough Georgians turned out to the polls on November 6th and kept Stacy Abrams close enough to be awarded a do-over in December, December 4th to be exact.

This is one time you can truly say, you can’t keep a good man woman down!
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