
Mitch McConnell To Offer No Protection for The Mueller Investigation

After all the blatant, in-your-face signs that Donald Trump is doing all he can to end the Mueller investigation into him and his campaign’s illegal activities, Mitch McConnell continues to offer nothing but encouragement to Trump by paving the path for the obstructer-in-chief to fire Mueller.

Asked about the possibility of a bill that will guarantee the continuation of Mueller’s work, McConnell saw no need for one, saying, “It’s not necessary.”

He added;

“The Mueller investigation is not under threat. The president’s said repeatedly he’s not going to dismiss the Mueller investigation. He’s said repeatedly it’s going to be allowed to finish. That also happens to be my view. As you can imagine, we speak frequently, and there’s never been any indication that he wants to dismiss Mueller or the investigation. It’s going to be allowed to finish.”

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Dick Durbin – We Must Hold Trump Accountable If He “Violated The Law”

In a Sunday interview on CNN, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin told Jake Tapper that “no one, including the president, is above the law.” Durbin then warned that Trump will be “held accountable” if  it is proven that the violated the law.

 “Well, I don’t want to predict that. I think that’s too hypothetical. We understand what the constitution says. We must do, and that is hold everyone in the United States, including the president of the United States accountable if they have violated the law. No one including the president is above the law.”

For his part, Donald Trump and his Republican party are doing all they can to interfere with Robert Mueller’s investigation into his campaign’s illegal dealings with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. As improbable as it sounds, the so-called President of the United States is now blaming the FBI in his ongoing attempt to cast doubt on Mueller and the outcome of Mueller’s investigation. And the entire Republican party is going along with this.

I give Durbin credit though. Although Democrats are currently in the minority and limited by what they can do even if it is proven that Trump broke the law, Durbin and other Democrats are talking the talk. The stark reality is however, that Republicans are in power with no checks and balances, and they are too afraid of Trump and his Twitter handle. Until Republicans decide to uphold the laws and more importantly, the constitution, Democrats are left with no alternative but to talk.

It’s no longer country first, it’s protect Trump first for these Republicans


Panic in Memo Park: The Vindication of Robert Mueller

The good news is that, finally, the president and I agree: The release of the Nunes memo represents a national disgrace and shows that the investigation into the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russian intelligence remains a troubling and possibly illegal action that necessitates Robert Mueller’s continued action. Further, the president and I agree that the memo does vindicate the actions of the Special Prosecutor because it clearly demonstrates that members of the campaign, the president’s family and possibly the president himself might have broken United States law and obstructed justice.

Well, OK, maybe we don’t agree on all the facts, but this does represent a national disgrace and a vindication of the investigation’s existence. It also clearly shows that the president is in a panic as the investigation swirls closer to the Oval Office and his reasons for firing FBI Director James B. Comey.

And as a public relations event, this couldn’t be more of a disaster for the president. After weeks of puffing up this Potemkin memo… the House released it on Friday night… which is a dead zone for news… and there’s no, well, smoking gun. The argument that this whole investigation is rotten because the Democrats paid for a dossier of information that purportedly has damaging information about Donald Trump is not convincing. It doesn’t tell the whole story. The real issue is that the investigation of Trump’s campaign actions began before the dossier’s release and the request to follow Carter Page because of his interactions with the Russian, which were, in fact, rather extensive. And then there’s the information we already know about Micheal Flynn, Jared Kushner and others who have lied about their contact with the Russians. So the whole argument that this is a Democratic Kampaign Kaper falls off the bone like a good barbecued rib.

As with most scandals, the missing piece is the most important. The GOP memo leaves out a great deal of other information that would provide counterpoint, context and nuance, things that the GOP doesn’t seem to care about. It also leaves out the possibility that the salacious material contained in the Steele Dossier might be…gasp…accurate. Or accurate enough to show what we already know: That the president is an immoral womanizer, a suspect businessperson, a liar and susceptible to flattery and blackmail.

That’s why there’s clearly panic underneath the talk of exoneration. The president knows that this doesn’t exonerate him. It’s an attempt to shut down the investigation and to win the public’s support in anticipation of his desire to fire Robert Mueller. That’s not going to happen. If the president clearly knows that he and his campaign are innocent, then his best approach would be to praise the search for truth, support the FBI and condemn all Russian interference in any campaigns. I know, I know, you can stop laughing now.

As this investigation gets closer to the president, there will be more and more forceful actions that attempt to sully Mueller’s reputation and blame the Clintons. That’s how we know we’re getting close to the truth.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest


The Weeks Ahead: Pressure, Not Panic

Hoping for something special on Monday when Robert Mueller has promised to unseal the first legal action relating to his probe of Russia’s involvement in the election? Speculation is rampant and the Republicans must be nervous or they wouldn’t be dredging up Hillary stories. My favorites are the ones that say the Democrats are the ones who colluded with Russia. That’s going to be a tough sell when it was members of the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign whose emails were hacked.

But by now we know that facts are not the GOP’s, or the White House’s, stock in trade. And this was the week that the Republicans paved the way for a tax cut bill that the rest of the country hasn’t seen and doesn’t allow for much debate because that might open it up to scrutiny. Or debate. Or criticism. Or the very real possibility that many middle class taxpayers will pay more taxes just so corporations can pay much less.

But the Democrats had better be very careful about what they wish for. President Trump will not be impeached, and by calling for such action the left is courting a very serious backlash. After all; it’s one thing to vehemently disagree with the president. It’s quite another to threaten legal action based on what he’s done so far, which is monumentally bad and retrograde and backwards and the opposite of making our country the envy of the world. In fact, the Republicans are already running their 2018 campaign on the premise that a Democratic Congress will seek to impeach the president,which most people do not support.

In short, calm down and let the legal process work itself out. Robert Mueller has the respect of most of the country. Let the news drip for a while. Oppose the policies and keep a sharp eye on what the White House does, rather than on what it says.

On the tax bill, point out where the middle and lower middle classes will lose because of this bill. Remind people that corporations will pay less, but they won’t because someone has to pay for the tax cuts. Talk about fairness, because in  the end, that’s what this bill is all about, and that’s where it ultimately will fail.

And of course, agitate, agitate, agitate.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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