Donald Trump Politics

POLL: Donald Trump Receives 0 percent Support in Detroit

So what does this mean for Detroit? Well, if Trump wins the White House – and all credible signs show that this is highly unlikely – he might just nuke the city for giving him zero percent in this poll. After all, he is “a small-minded, little man who holds grudges,” according to what I’ve heard.

Poll data shows Clinton holds a significant advantage over Trump among African-American voters, and among Detroit voters. Trump leads Clinton in Macomb County and in northern Michigan, including the UP.

Trump’s 0 percent support in Detroit isn’t unprecedented. The Republican candidate polled 0 percent among African-American voters in Pennsylvania and Ohio over the summer, according to an NBC poll.

In the Detroit poll, there are important caveats to the data. While the poll surveyed 600 likely voters across Michigan — a large enough sample size to get meaningful data — just 39 people were surveyed in the city of Detroit. The smaller sample size in the city increases the margin of error, and there’s almost certainly people living in Detroit who will vote for Trump in November. The survey found 7.7 percent of voters were “undecided”

The current data, however, suggests Clinton has an overwhelming advantage in the city. She polled at 89.7 percent support in Detroit.

Along with undecideds, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson’s 2.6 percent support made up the rest of the support in the city. Like Trump, Green Party candidate Jill Stein received 0 percent support in Detroit.

Donald Trump Politics

USA Today Endorses Clinton – “Whatever You Do, Do Not Vote for Trump”

Another Republican leaning publication went against the Republican nominee for president, urging its readers to not only vote for Clinton, but to avoid the Trump at all costs, someone the publication refers to as a “dangerous demagogue.”

The editorial board unanimously found Trump “unfit for the presidency” and the editorial, published Thursday, goes on to list the reasons why, among them: his “erratic” behavior and his “checkered” business past.

The anti-Trump sentiment does not translate into an enthusiastic Clinton endorsement. The piece notes that although some editorial board members admire her record, others have “serious reservations about Clinton’s sense of entitlement, her lack of candor and her extreme carelessness in handling classified information.”

The editorial urges readers to follow their convictions, whether that means voting for Clinton, a third-party candidate, a write-in or by focusing on down-ticket races.

The piece ends on an unequivocal note.

“Whatever you do, however, resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump.”

Donald Trump Politics

Leading Economist on Trump’s Trade Talk – “He Was Talking Absolute Garbage”

World renowned economist Paul Krugman is definitely not a fan of foolishness, so needless to say, he cannot stand Donald Trump. That said, Krugman evaluated the economic/trade aspect of Monday night’s debate and Krugman concluded that Donald Trump was talking nothing but garbage when he talked down the US economy.

There were specifics: China is “devaluing” (not so — it was holding down the yuan five years ago, but these days it’s intervening to keep the yuan up, not down.) There was this, on Mexico:

Let me give you the example of Mexico. They have a VAT tax. We’re on a different system. When we sell into Mexico, there’s a tax. When they sell in — automatic, 16 percent, approximately. When they sell into us, there’s no tax. It’s a defective agreement. It’s been defective for a long time, many years, but the politicians haven’t done anything about it.

Gah. A VAT is basically a sales tax. It is levied on both domestic and imported goods, so that it doesn’t protect against imports — which is why it’s allowed under international trade rules, and not considered a protectionist trade policy. I get that Trump is not an economist — hoo boy, is he not an economist — but this is one of his signature issues, so you might have expected him to learn a few facts.

More broadly, Trump’s whole view on trade is that other people are taking advantage of us — that it’s all about dominance, and that we’re weak. And even if you think we’ve pushed globalization too far, even if you are worried about the effects of trade on income distribution, that’s just a foolish way to think about the problem.

So don’t score Trump as somehow winning on trade. Yes, he blustered more confidently on that subject than on anything else. But he was talking absolute garbage even there.

Donald Trump Racism

Hillary Clinton Exposes More of Donald Trump’s Racism – Video

Originally, this post was supposed to be about all those black supporters of Donald Trump… all the 100 so-called “pastors” that is, remember them? They had a meeting with Trump in Manhattan a few months ago then emerged from the meeting at a press conference declaring their support for the Republican nominee.

Well honestly speaking, not all the ‘100 pastors’ announced their support for Trump, only a few. So this post was originally for those pastors and a question that bugged my mind  – what happened to your morals and more appropriately, what happened to your Christianity?

In the clip below, Trump was talking about his “success” in forcing President Obama to produce his birth certificate. He even had the nerves to say that he’s had a “healing” with the black community. Trump then told a truth for a change, saying his relationship with blacks go way back, like “over the last… a little while” – a clear admission that this “relationship” with the black community is new, one could even say pandering for votes.

Yet, some blacks – some pastors – support him.

But Hillary Clinton was not about to let this one go by. She pointed out that Trump and his racist ways go back decades, resulting in two federal lawsuits against him for refusing to rent apartments to black people.

Hillary explained;

But remember, Donald started his career back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy. He actually was sued twice by the Justice Department. So he has a long record of engaging in racists behavior.


Donald Trump Politics

Horror Icon Stephen King – “A Trump Presidency Scares Me to Death” – Video

If there’s one man who would seem immune to fear, it’s Stephen King, the best-selling author and master of horror fiction.
But after more than 50 novels, hundreds of short stories and numerous film adaptations of his voluminous work, the 69-year-old still gets spooked, the Washington Post reports. 

The author’s personal boogie man is not a supernatural clown or a zombie, as it turns out — it’s Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“A Tump presidency scares me more than anything else,” King told Ron Charles, editor of The Washington Post’s Book World, during a Facebook Live interview Saturday. “I’m terrified that he’ll become president.”


Donald Trump Politics

Trump Manager – It’s Not the Media’s Job to be Fact-Checkers – Video

Donald Trump has benefited from over a billion dollars in free media since announcing his candidacy for president. In essence, the same media that Trump and his campaign manager are complains about is the same media that allowed Donald Trump to lie once every 3 minutes, and to constantly go unchallenged.

But suddenly, due to some calls for the presidential debate moderator to fact-check the contestants, Trump and his people are crying foul!

In a recent interview, Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, actually had the balls to say the job of a journalist is not to fact-check.

And I really don’t appreciate campaigns thinking it is the job of the media to go and be these virtual fact-checkers and that these debate moderators should somehow do their bidding. They picked on Matt Lauer after the Commander-in-Chief debate … forum. We thought he did a great job, but they didn’t like the fact that Hillary Clinton was asked about her email server and her vote in Iraq. That’s not Matt Lauer’s fault. And Lester Holt, he’s a respected…brilliant newsman. He’ll do a good job tomorrow night as a moderator. It’s not his job…

The fight to keep Americans ignorant is alive and well in the Trump world. Just let the candidates lie and let the American people believe whatever they want!



Report – Millions of Americans Climb Out of Poverty 

According to census data released this month, 3.5 million Americans were able to raise their chins above the poverty line last year.
More than seven years after the recession ended, employers are finally being compelled to reach deeper into the pools of untapped labor, creating more jobs, especially among retailers, restaurants and hotels, and paying higher wages to attract workers and meet newminimum wage requirements.

“It all came together at the same time,” said Diane Swonk, an independent business economist in Chicago. “Lots of employment and wages gains, particularly in the lowest-paying end of the jobs spectrum, combined with minimum-wage increases that started to hit some very large population areas.”

Poverty declined among every group. But African-Americans and Hispanics — who account for more than 45 percent of those below the poverty line of $24,300 for a family of four in most states — experienced the largest improvement.

Government programs — like Social Security, the earned-income tax credit and food stamps — have kept tens of millions from sinking into poverty year after year. But a main driver behind the impressive 1.2 percentage point decline in the poverty rate, the largest annual drop since 1999, was that the economy finally hit a tipping point after years of steady, if lukewarm, improvement.

Domestic Policies Donald Trump Donald Trump News Politics

Time For the Main Event

I suppose it was inevitable that the first debate of the 2016 presidential campaign would be touted as a must-see, Super Bowl-sized audience extravaganza. This has been building since Dwight Eisenhower lamented that running for president was akin to being a product marketed across the country. Television and now social media has turned this election into the first full-force, multi-screen election. We will never turn back.

But the main concern is about the match-up. Who will win? How will they win? How will the debate shape the race? The conventional wisdom says that the debates in and of themselves will not change the dynamics of the campaign, but the research also says that the first debate has the most overall impact on shaping voters’ attitudes.

As of now, Hillary Clinton has rebounded from a bad couple of weeks and has seen her poll numbers improve. Trump has taken the lead in some of the key swing states, but that was based on his rise nationally, and those swing states should come back to Clinton. The reason for Trump’s rise, though, is interesting. Most of his rebound is based on Republicans deciding to support their nominee including, evidently, Ted Cruz, who endorsed Trump this weekend. The country remains as polarized as ever and there are a larger number of voters who say they are undecided and could be swayed by tomorrow’s debate. Then there are the Johnson and Stein voters, more of whom are Democrats who don’t want to vote for Hillary.

Which brings us to debate strategy. Of course, the more compelling media story is which Donald Trump will show up: the controversial, offensive one or the moderate, less blustery one. This is a false choice. Donald Trump has shown that he can’t stay away from saying things that grab headlines and reinforces stereotypes, and I expect that this is the Trump we’ll see on Monday night. He can try to appear presidential and restrained, but he’ll still be talking about building walls and deporting people and what terrible shape the country’s in right now. The last time he had to make a consequential speech, at the GOP convention in July, he painted a dystopian picture of a country that really doesn’t exist. During the summer, after he hired a new set of advisors, his message did become restrained at times, but we were never more than a few days removed from his making an outrageous claim about things that were not supported by data. And further, he told so many untruths, it was difficult to keep up. He will not be able to get away with that on Monday.

Hillary’s job in the debate, quite simply, is to appeal to the Bernie voters who don’t think she’s got his back. If she can convince wavering Democrats that her agenda is liberal enough for them to vote for her, then she’s done her job. Along the way, she needs to look presidential and strong, and she needs to remind the audience about Trump’s, shall we say, discomfort with specific policies. She will face some rough spots over the emails and the Clinton Foundation, but if she keeps the focus on Trump’s questionable business activities that will blunt some his points. And if Trump really tries to bring up things like Bill’s affairs or Hillary’s looks or any other topic from the dark side, Clinton should just remind people that we have very pressing issues, but Trump is worried about THAT?

Of course, if either candidate makes a huge mistake or comes off looking anything resembling unpresidential, then that will absolutely damage their chances. It will be interesting television and I’m glad that so many people are expected to watch.

This race is still Hillary’s to lose. I don’t expect her to.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Politics Racism

Charlotte Police Release Dashcam Video of Keith Lamont Scott’s Killing – Video

A few days ago, Charlotte Police Chief said he would not release the video of the killing of Keith Lamont Scott because he didn’t want to discourage victims of domestic abuse and sexual abuse from coming forward. Imagine that!

Well that was a few days ago.

Since then, the protests have increased and the pressure continued to mount on the department to release the video. And today, the Charlotte police department released the following video showing the moment when Keith Lamont Scott was shot by police for… who knows?


George Bush Michelle Obama Politics

First Lady Michelle Obama Lovingly Embraces George Bush – Video

During the opening of the African-American History Museum, the current Democratic First Lady lovingly embraced the former Republican president, George Bush.

Racial profiling

Black Charlotte Officer Cries When Questioned by Protesters – PIC

The question was a simple one, but it caused a reaction on the Charlotte officer that caused the photo below to go viral. What was the question? Was the job worth more than the Black lives killed?



Racial profiling

Charlotte Police Chief Will Not Release Police Video of Keith Lamont Scott’s Killing – Video

So much for transparency. After yet another police shooting of yet another black man, this time in Charlotte North Carolina, the chief of police decided to keep the video showing the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott a secret.

Asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer why he chose not to release the video, Chief Kerr Putney said that releasing the video was “not the transparency” he’s speaking of. Then he had the nerve to compare Lamont’s killing to “domestic violence and sexual assault.”

Well, um, what I am doing is allowing the family to view it… they’ve asked, and I have that authority. I’m not going to release it because ultimately I think I have to do what I can to protect the integrity of the investigation.

Also, I don’t want to set a bad precedent that I am releasing lots of video. And I think you can be destroying some of the trust of some of our most vulnerable victims, especially those of domestic violence and sexual assault!

You got that? It is apparently Chief Putney’s conclusion that showing the people what really happened to Keith Lamont Scott will stop victims of domestic violence and sexual assault from coming forward, because these victims would think the chief would release their video too?

One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. But when it comes to protecting a fellow officer from facing possible criminal charges, this police chief is willing to allow his community to burn instead of doing what the people wants and showing the video. To hell with transparency. Protect a possible criminal cop at all costs!


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