Birthers Canadian Featured

Birther Will Elect Canadian Cruz for President Because Canada Is Not ‘Foreign Soil’

We all know where Ted Cruz was born. For those who have no idea, Ted Cruz was born in Canada. The reason this is important to know is because Ted Cruz stands a good chance of being the Republican nominee to run for President of the United States in 2016. And the reason this is really important to know is because of a group of Republicans who call themselves ‘Birthers.’

Birthers, as you may know, are those Republicans who believe that President Obama is not really the President of the United States, because they insist without any facts whatsoever, Mr. Obama was born in Kenya. So how do these lost, sad souls qualify Canadian born Ted Cruz to be president, while at the same time disqualifying American born Barack Obama?

Well they claim Ted Cruz’s mother was an American, so that immediately makes Ted an American, no questions asked. But what about Barack’s mother? Wasn’t she an American too, born in Kansas? Of course she was. So the “American mother” argument doesn’t fly. There must be other qualifiers, and thanks to the Texas Tribune, we know the other qualifiers are.

According to these  Birthers, Cruz “has the Hollywood look” to be President. Another Birther suggests that Republicans will vote for Cruz simply because he is a Republican and that’s what they do. It’s a party thing she said. But it was the qualifier of the third Birther that took the ignorance to a whole new level. She advises us that Canada is not considered “foreign soil,” at least not in her view!

See the craziness yourself.


Homeland Security Employee Advocates Killing White People

For work, Ayo Kimathi works for the Department of Homeland Security  as a small business specialist in a unit that buys handcuffs, ammunition and guns. But in his spare time, he hangs out online where he promotes a race war and the mass murder of whites.

Off-duty, he calls himself “the Irritated Genie.” He’s a gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist who advocates on his website – War on the Horizon – the mass murder of whites and the “ethnic cleansing” of “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.”

“Warfare is eminent,” the website declares, “and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

A former supervisor of Kimathi’s at the DHS told Hatewatch, “Everybody in the office is afraid of him.”

“This guy is filled with hate,” the supervisor continued. “People are afraid he will come in with a gun someday and go postal. I am astounded, he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

Kmiathi had to lie to get his job, which requires clearance to for outside activities because he is a federal employee at a law enforcement agency.

Kimathi obtained official permission but only by misrepresenting the true nature of his endeavor. He told management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures. He called it simply WOH, never saying that WOH stood for War on the Horizon.

“If he had adequately and truthfully described his group,” the supervisor said, “I can’t imagine for a minute he would have been granted permission.”

His homepage states the ultimate goal of eliminating white people.

WOH has dedicated our time and expertise to properly educating Black people to prepare for Racial Warfare. This includes intellectual, spiritual, psychological, and physical preparation for a global clash that will mean the end of white rule on this planet or the end of the Black Race as we know it.


March On Washington – “I Gave Blood in Selma For The Right To Vote” – Rep. John Lewis

(AP) — Tens of thousands of people marched to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and down the National Mall on Saturday, commemorating the 50th anniversary of King’s famous speech and pledging that his dream includes equality for gays, Latinos, the poor and the disabled.

The event was an homage to a generation of activists that endured fire hoses, police abuse and indignities to demand equality for African Americans. But there was a strong theme of unfinished business.

“This is not the time for nostalgic commemoration,” said Martin Luther King III, the oldest son of the slain civil rights leader. “Nor is this the time for self-congratulatory celebration. The task is not done. The journey is not complete. We can and we must do more.”

Eric Holder, the nation’s first black attorney general, said he would not be in office, nor would Barack Obama be president, without those who marched.

“They marched in spite of animosity, oppression and brutality because they believed in the greatness of what this nation could become and despaired of the founding promises not kept,” Holder said.

Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., speaks at a rally to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on W …

Holder mentioned gays and Latinos, women and the disabled as those who had yet to fully realize Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. Others in the crowd advocated organized labor, voting rights, revamping immigration policies and access to local post offices.

Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., the only surviving speaker from the 1963 March on Washington, railed against a recent Supreme Court decision that effectively erased a key anti-discrimination provision of the Voting Rights Act. Lewis was a leader of a 1965 march, where police beat and gassed marchers who demanded access to voting booths.

“I gave a little blood on that bridge in Selma, Ala., for the right to vote,” he said. “I am not going to stand by and let the Supreme Court take the right to vote away from us. You cannot stand by. You cannot sit down. You’ve got to stand up. Speak up, speak out and get in the way.”

Organizers expected about 100,000 people to participate in the event, the precursor to the actual anniversary of the Aug. 28, 1963, march.

h/t The AP

Education News

NYC Engineer wants to Help Homeless Man with Software Coding Classes

Good Morning America – NYC Engineer Wants to Help Homeless Man With Software Coding Classes (ABC News)

Patrick McConlogue is a lot like the many others working in the New York tech scene. Every morning, he walks to work, passing a few homeless people on the streets, and then spends the rest of his day at a computer, writing software code for a 35-person startup.

But the 23-year-old engineer didn’t think those two parts of his day had to stay separate. Earlier this week, he made an offer to one of those homeless men.

“I walk by a homeless guy every day on the way to work and I get this feeling every day that he is a smart guy — he has books and he writes,” McConlogue told ABC News. “I was trying to think of a way to engage him and help him.”

McConlogue approached Leo, a 36-year man who lives on the streets of lower Manhattan, on Thursday and gave him two options.

The first was $100 in cash.

“I figured that was enough for a ticket some place or a few meals, if that’s what he wanted,” McConlogue said.

The second option on the table was a laptop, three JavaScript books and two months of coding instruction from McConlogue.

After hearing the offer, Leo, who McConlogue described as very articulate and gifted, especially in on the topic of environmental issues, decided to take the coding option.
“I want to spread knowledge and information about climate change and global warming,” Leo told ABC News in a phone interview facilitated by McConlogue.

Soon, McConlogue will deliver him a Samsung Chromebook with 3G connectivity, three JavaScript books, a solar charger for the laptop and something to conceal the laptop in. He will spend an hour before work every morning teaching him the basics of software coding.

McConlogue began documenting his plans to help Leo on the blogging platform Medium earlier this week and has seen a mix of reactions.

Education News

Great Lakes Teen Soon to Receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at 14

Thessalonika Arzu-Embry and her mother, Wonder Embry, get up at 5 in the morning most weekdays to go to school together.

Unlike most 14-year-olds, however, Thessalonika isn’t off early in the morning to the local high school. She’s going to Chicago State University.

Thessalonika is putting the finishing touches on a college career that started three years ago at College of Lake County and will end next month with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Chicago State.


The Lies will Continue -Limbaugh Signs New 3 Year Deal

Rush Limbaugh signed a new three-year deal that will keep him on all the Cumulus Media stations carrying him now — except for WABC in New York. His show will move to WOR.

After months of speculation, Rush Limbaugh signed a three-year deal that will keep him on all the Cumulus Media stations carrying him now — except for WABC in New York.

Limbaugh announced his new deal Friday on his show.

In New York, as expected, his show will move to WOR, a station owned by Clear Channel, the parent of Premiere Networks, which syndicates Limbaugh’s show

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