Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Politics

Paul Ryan Caught On Tape Lying To The American People… Twice! – Video

Move along folks, there’s nothing to see here. Just another story pointing out something you’ve all heard before and know for a fact – that Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate and his running mate Paul Ryan, both lie.

In this posting, you’ll see Paul Ryan denying that he requested Stimulus funds, only to admit that he did in fact, asked for funds on two different occasions. This admission came when Ryan’s back was against the wall in the vice-presidential debate.

Paul Ryan Politics

Right Wing Goes Nuts – That Could Only Mean A Win For Joe Biden

The right-wing is having a hissy fit today. Just moments after the vice presidential debate ended, the Republican talkers received their talking-points and hit the waves with one intent –  trying to fool their followers into thinking that Paul Ryan won the debate. Personally I missed the debate because of some other pressing issues I had to deal with, but if the Republican fallout is any indication, Vice President Joe Biden cleaned the stage with Paul Ryan.

This could be one reason Republicans are up in arms today!

Fifty percent of uncommitted voters who tuned into Thursday night’s vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., said they see Vice President Joe Biden as the winner over Mitt Romney’s GOP running mate Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., according to an instant poll taken by CBS News.

Of the 431 polled immediately following the debate, 31 percent deemed Ryan the winner, and 19 percent said they felt it was a tie. Party-wise it’s a switch from last week’s presidential debate, which uncommitted voters handed easily to Romney over President Obama.

Both Biden and Ryan gained ground on relatability and knowledge. The percentage of voters who say they believe they can relate to Biden spiked from 34 percent before the debate to 55 percent; 48 percent think Ryan is relatable, up from 31 percent before the debate. Meanwhile, after watching the two candidates debate, 85 percent of those polled think Biden is knowledgeable about the issues; 75 percent say that about Ryan.

Ryan, though, faced a loss among voters’ opinions of which candidate would be an effective president, if necessary. Before the debate, he led Biden 45 percent to 39 percent; after the debate, 56 percent of those polled said Biden would be an effective president, with fewer – 49 percent–saying the same about Ryan.

The debate:

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