Mitt Romney Politics

The Passion of the Mitt

Really, all that’s missing is the thorny crown. Mitt Romney all but threw himself under the bus this past week as he attempted to show his conservative bona-fides. The problem is that right-wing Mitt hasn’t quite reconciled with moderate Mitt. The result is a political dissonance not seen since Sarah Palin looked out her front window and saw Russia. It’s embarrassing, and it’s going to cost Romney the election.

Of course, I’m not talking about the 53% of Americans he identified by omission as hard-working people who take not a whit of government money, including Social Security, public pensions or tax credits. These people built it by themselves and if it wasn’t for those Cheatin’ Chinese, we’d be out of the economic doldrums and on our way towards prosperity.

What I’d like to know is why the 53% aren’t showing up in polls for Romney? In the latest national polls, Romney has 45, 43, 46, 45, 46 and 47 (in a Rasmussen poll where he actually leads Obama by two) percent of the vote. The latest NBC/WSJ poll has him losing by 50-45%. If the 47% are in the tank for Obama, that should leave plenty of room for a majority in Romney’s corner. It isn’t happening yet. And time is running out quickly.

What Mitt’s comments about the moochers who support Obama and his disastrous ruminations on the violence in the Middle East have done is to divert precious moments away from his central attacks on the president’s economic record. And Medicare (does anybody remember Medicare? This is an election about Medicare.) And the deficit. And any other substantive issue that Romney/Ryan believed was going to win them the hearts and minds of American voters with valid picture ID’s everywhere. The Republicans have lost days in the maelström of media-driven narratives and have tripped over their own tongues. And all Obama has had to do is to get out of the way, gracefully, and let them fail.

This election is by no means over. The first debate is October 3, and that presents Mitt the absolute last chance to reset himself and present his arguments to the electorate. The problem is that research shows that the debates do more to solidify the state of the race as it exists prior to the debates than they actually change minds. Plus, many people are just now tuning in to the election and they could decide that Obama has had his chance and he didn’t deliver. Stranger things have happened.

But even stranger things have already happened in this campaign. And they’ve all happened to Mitt.

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Mitt Romney Politics

Republican Senate Candidate Linda McMahon – “I Disagree With Gov. Romney”

Connecticut GOP Senate candidate Linda McMahon distanced herself Tuesday from Mitt Romney’s comments dismissing the “47 percent,” becoming the first high-profile Republican candidate to do so.

“I disagree with Gov. Romney’s insinuation that 47 percent of Americans believe they are victims who must depend on the government for their care,” McMahon said in a statement. “I know that the vast majority of those who rely on government are not in that situation because they want to be. People today are struggling because the government has failed to keep America competitive, failed to support job creators, and failed to get our economy back on track.”

In her statement, McMahon referenced her family’s early struggles, when she and her husband, Vince, declared bankruptcy and lost their car and house. The McMahons are now multimillionaires, having developed World Wrestling Entertainment, where Linda served as CEO from 1997 to 2009.

Joe Scarborough Mitt Romney Politics

Joe Scarborough – “Mitt Romney Sounds Like a Plutocrat!” – Government By The Rich, For The Rich

I’m not a big fan of Morning Joe on MSNBC. Host Joe Scarborough usually get to me and I still cannot figure out what Mika’s role on the show is. But sometimes, Joe would say something worth repeating and on Tuesday morning, the news worthy part of Joe’s broadcast featured his cast discussing Romney’s recent blunder, where he was caught on video dissing 47% of America.

Joe started the discussion pointing out how comfortable Mitt Romney when he said that poorer Americans are basically lazy and dependent on the government. “What was that?” Joe asked.

“That’s the case the Obama campaign made last night. This was a man saying what he believes. This is a window into the real Mitt Romney,” was one answer.

A second guest added, “… unfortunately he says this thing, this one sentence, ‘I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.’ That’s pretty much every senior citizen in America. Pretty much every senior citizen in America who is on Medicare and Social Security doesn’t pay any income tax. That’s the one voting group Mitt Romney had a clear advantage over the President with. It’s so contentious, it’s so condescending.”

Joe then made a comparison with George Bush who, according to Joe, tried to get voters from the minority group. Joe finished up with the conclusion that Mitt Romney sounds like a “plutocrat.” (According to the Dictionary, a plutocrat is someone who believes that Government is for the wealthy, that the wealthy should be the ones controlling the government.) He later added that this week is the worst he’s seen for the Romney campaign.

WOW! Video below.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Degraded Half Of America At Fundraiser Hosted By Sex-Party Organizer

By now you’ve all heard the one about Mitt Romney and his disgust for half the American people. He is so disgusted with this group, that he has already wrote them off as Obama voters, fully dependent on the government and too lazy to take care of themselves. Of course I’m just paraphrasing what Romney said at his private fundraiser. His exact words however, does not take away from the interpretation given above.

Here’s what Romney said;

There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.

My job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

As unbelievable a statement as that is, there’s more. Word on the street is that Romney’s infamous statement about 47% of Americans was made at a fundraiser… hosted at the estate… of a Sex Party-throwing Hedge Fund Manager.

David Corn just said on TV that the now infamous Romney fundraiser was held in Boca Raton, Florida at the estate of hedge fund manager Marc Leder.

According to the New York Post, Leder throws a pretty mean party.

His “wild end-of-summer bash was the talk of the Hamptons this year,” the Post reported last December. “At the Bridgehampton home that Leder rented for a whopping $500,000 a month, guests cavorted nude in a pool and performed sex acts, while scantily clad Russian women danced on platforms. Dancers at the party also twirled flaming torches to booming beats.”

Come to think about it, we never really saw what was going on from the waist down while Romney was making his speech.

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