hypocrisy Politics Republican

Mitt Romney – It’s Like The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

This one is almost laughable. Mitt Romney is now accusing the President of running a dirty campaign. If this ain’t a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black!

Romney sent his spokesman Eric Fehrnstorm to give his campaign’s official answer to the story of Joe Soptic. Joe’s wife died of cancer after Joe lost his job when Romney’s Bain Capital took over Joe’s company. Apparently, based on what Fehrnstorm said, the Romney campaign thinks Romney is running a clean campaign and the President is focusing on other things. The president’s response was also classic.

The graphic below explains…

Mitt Romney Politics

President Obama’s Ad Denouncing Romney’s Welfare Lie

By now you’ve all heard of yet another massive lie from the Mitt Romney, accusing President Obama of getting rid of the “work” element for welfare recipients, and “sending them a check” just for being on the program.

Of course, this is just another of Romney’s growing list of blatant lies against the President and this time, President Obama is answering back.

Here’s the ad.

Mitt Romney Politics

CNN: Romney Approved Over $70 Million In “Fictional Tax Losses”

What is Mitt Romney hiding, and why can’t he come clean with the American people about his taxes? Well maybe one reason is because he was involved in a tax scheme worth over $70 million dollars, something CNN called “fictional tax losses.”

Yea, if I had cheated the government out of $70 million dollars in fictional tax losses, I too would want to keep that a secret. Makes you wonder what else is he hiding?

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