Featured Michelle Obama

Motorcycle Escort For White House Threatens to Shoot Michelle Obama

A D.C. police officer who worked as a motorcycle escort for White House officials and other dignitaries was moved to administrative duty Wednesday after he allegedly was overheard making threatening comments toward Michelle Obama, according to several police officials.

The police department’s Internal Affairs Division is investigating the alleged comments and notified the U.S. Secret Service Wednesday, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to give details of the investigation.

The motorman allegedly made the comments Wednesday morning as several officers from the Special Operations Division discussed threats against the Obamas. It was not immediately clear where the alleged conversation took place or exactly how many officers took part in the conversation.

During that conversation, the officials said, the officer allegedly said he would shoot the First Lady and then used his phone to retrieve a picture of the firearm he said he would use. It was not immediately clear what type of firearm was allegedly shown.

An officer overheard the alleged threat and reported it to a police lieutenant at the Division, who immediately notified superiors, the officials said.

“We received an allegation that inappropriate comments were made. We are currently investigating the nature of those comments,” D.C. police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump said in an e-mail. She declined to discuss the matter further.

Police officials declined to identify the officer. Officials from the U.S. Attorney’s office declined comment.

Mitt Romney Politics

It’s Getting Worse For Flip Romney – Could He Be A Criminal?

Martha Stewart was involved with insiders trading. She also lied to the Securities and Exchange Commission – The SEC –  and she went to jail.

Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter suggested that Mitt Romney may be a criminal on a conference call with reporters this morning about a Boston Globe report that shows that Romney stayed at Bain Capital three years past when he said he’d left.

Cutter said that there were two ways to interpret the story. The first: Mitt Romney was “misrepresenting his position” at Bain to the Securities and Exchange Commission, “which is a felony.”

Or, he was “misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people. If that’s the case, if he was lying to the American people, that’s a real character and trust issue,” Cutter said.

Cutter called on the Romney campaign to clear up by the issue by releasing the candidate’s tax returns.

“If the SEC filings aren’t accurate, then prove it,” she said.

Bob Bauer, head lawyer for the Obama campaign and a former White House counsel, also implied that Romney could be in legal trouble. He said that SEC documents are “very carefully scrutinized by lawyers because of the very severe consequences that follow from making statements to the SEC that aren’t correct.”

“Of particular consequence woud be a misrepresentation that involved a controlling person,” Bauer said, and “Romney is the controlling person.”

The Obama team’s charges against Romney extended all the way to his handling of the Salt Lake City Olympics, which Cutter described as “less than wholesome.”

“These aren’t just campaign tactics, this is important information,” Cutter said.

Mitt Romney NAACP Politics

Romney To ObamaCare Lovers – “If You Want Free Stuff, Vote For The Other Guy”

The individual mandate in RomneyCare requires that all capable Massachusetts residents buy Healthcare. The individual mandate in ObamaCare requires that all capable Americans buy Healthcare.

How then, can Romney call those in favor of ObamaCare freeloaders, but apparently considers those on RomneyCare as diligently doing their civic duties?

After his speech to the NAACP, Romney said this to a group of supporters;

By the way, I had the privilege of speaking today at the NAACP convention in Houston and I gave them the same speech I am giving you. I don’t give different speeches to different audiences alright. I gave them the same speech. When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare, they weren’t happy, I didn’t get the same response. That’s OK, I want people to know what I stand for and if I don’t stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that’s just fine. But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy — more free stuff. But don’t forget nothing is really free.


House Republicans Cut $16 Billion From Food Stamps For The Poor

Democrats failed on Wednesday to block Republican attempts to cut billions of dollars in food assistance to poor American families, having earlier denounced the plans as an “abomination” and “immoral”.

The Republicans included the $16bn cut to the food stamp programme over the next decade as part of a five-year farm bill debated in the House of Representatives agricultural committee. Democrats submitted an amendment to prevent the cuts but lost in a vote after a heated debate in which some members of Congress said more than 2 million people would lose food assistance under the programme formally called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programme (Snap).

“You need to think of that child out there that’s going to go hungry,” said Democratic congressman David Scott. “This right here is the meanest cut of all. It’s un-American. Twenty percent of my home state of Georgia is on Snap. Can you imagine what a $16bn cut will do?”

The Republican move appears to be intended in part to highlight Republican disparagement of Barack Obama as the “food stamp president” because record numbers of Americans now claim the benefit, doubling the cost of the programme since 2008 to $80bn a year. More than 46 million Americans receive food stamps, nearly half of them children.

The agricultural committee chairman, Frank Lucas, justified the cuts in part by claiming that the system had been manipulated by some US states so the federal government provided food to households not entitled to assistance.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Debunks Mitt Romney’s “Blind Trust” Claims – Video

Are we there yet? Are you at a point where you’re actually beginning to feel sorry for this guy… a guy we affectionately call Flip Romney because of his rather uncanny abilities to lie?

Well if not there yet, here’s another example.

Flipper over the last few weeks have been under increasing attacks Democrats to release his financial documents – a practice that began when his father George Romney, released 12 years of his taxes when he ran for president. But Flip Romney so far, has only released his 2010 taxes and a projection for 2011.

Romney’s taxes are important for a number of reasons, but mainly to show the American people that he is transparent in every way and has nothing to hide. Various reports however, have surfaced showing foreign investments by Romney in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands and other Swiss accounts, so naturally people are concerned that the next president of the United States could be a man who made money investing in other countries betting against the American dollar.

To combat this assumption, Romney is going around on the campaign trail claiming to have nothing to do with these investments. The investments were done by a “blind trust” he says, and he knew nothing of them or where his money went.

Well that’s all fine and good if it was the truth.

However, the video below shows Mitt Romney contradicting himself yet again. In 1994 when Romney was campaigning against Ted Kennedy for the Massachusetts Senate seat, Kennedy used the Blind Trust excuse to explain some of his investments. The 1994 Romney dropped this bit of information: that blind trusts are an “age-old ruse.” His exact words – “The blind trust is an age-old ruse, if you will, which is to say you can always tell a blind trust what it can and cannot do. You give a blind trust rules.”

So what are we to believe now Flipper? What are we to believe now!!!


fail ObamaCare Politics Repeal

Republicans Fall Short, Way Short Of Their Health Care Promises

Remember when President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act also known these days as “ObamaCare” into law? Republicans all over this nation went wild, promising to the American people that they would “repeal and replace” the law. Well, we’ve seen multiple attempts – 33 so far, but whose counting – to “repeal” the law, but what happened to the “replace?”

Apparently, replacing is not that important. As a matter of fact, it is not even the issue.

From Politico: Even as they cheer their “Obamacare” repeal vote, here’s a reality check: House Republicans have done next to nothing they promised they would when it comes to health care.

Sure, they’ve voted to kill parts of President Barack Obama’s law more than 30 times, slashing funding, using the votes as red meat to rally the base — even squeezing some into law.

But they’ve fallen short of what they promised the American people they would do when it comes to actual health care policy.

Flash back to the campaign promises of 2010: GOP leadership told voters they would “enact medical liability reform,” allow Americans to buy health insurance across state lines, expand health savings accounts, “ensure access for patients with pre-existing conditions” and “permanently prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion.

Eighteen months after taking the majority, they’ve passed only two of those: an abortion bill and liability legislation.

Republican leaders have passed a resolution asking committees to draft a replacement for the Obama health care law, but don’t look for any thick, comprehensive proposals; they don’t exist.

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