fail ObamaCare Politics Repeal

Republicans Fall Short, Way Short Of Their Health Care Promises

Remember when President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act also known these days as “ObamaCare” into law? Republicans all over this nation went wild, promising to the American people that they would “repeal and replace” the law. Well, we’ve seen multiple attempts – 33 so far, but whose counting – to “repeal” the law, but what happened to the “replace?”

Apparently, replacing is not that important. As a matter of fact, it is not even the issue.

From Politico: Even as they cheer their “Obamacare” repeal vote, here’s a reality check: House Republicans have done next to nothing they promised they would when it comes to health care.

Sure, they’ve voted to kill parts of President Barack Obama’s law more than 30 times, slashing funding, using the votes as red meat to rally the base — even squeezing some into law.

But they’ve fallen short of what they promised the American people they would do when it comes to actual health care policy.

Flash back to the campaign promises of 2010: GOP leadership told voters they would “enact medical liability reform,” allow Americans to buy health insurance across state lines, expand health savings accounts, “ensure access for patients with pre-existing conditions” and “permanently prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion.

Eighteen months after taking the majority, they’ve passed only two of those: an abortion bill and liability legislation.

Republican leaders have passed a resolution asking committees to draft a replacement for the Obama health care law, but don’t look for any thick, comprehensive proposals; they don’t exist.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

7 replies on “Republicans Fall Short, Way Short Of Their Health Care Promises”

Based on your question, I found a very interesting graphic. It shows how much Congress is paid daily and compares that to days they've wasted trying to repeal Obamacare – (33 times and counting). You should check it out at the EzKool facebook page and share it!

We spend an enormous amount of tax dollars on congressional sessions…perhaps the GOP should be billed for each session they don't actually work on behalf to the people???

good question. i'm still trying to figure that one out. if we don't work, we don't get paid. i'm not sure why the same logic isn't applied to congressional republicans.

"…House Republicans have done next to nothing they promised they would when it comes to health care…" Because they've so focused on one thing, and one thing only–making Obama a one-term president. Why are these people being paid by us again?

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