Mitt Romney Politics

What Do Wisconsin, Maryland and DC Have in Common?

They are examples of places where Mitt Romney will win primaries, but will lose to President Obama in the fall.

For people who follow politics, there’s a certain heaviness to the Republican race for delegates. Most prominent Republicans, including such conservatives as Marco Rubio, have endorsed Romney, and the trading markets are assuming that he’ll win the nomination. Is this news? No. But we have to write something every few hours, so why not make it interesting?

Even Mitt has turned his attention to Obama and is basically ignoring Santorum. Newt’s so far out of it that the press isn’t even making a big deal out of the fact that he hasn’t made a formal announcement. It’s very tidy. Just like the GOP wanted it in the first place.

But once again, some of the biggest states will have little influence on the contest. The story might have been different if California, New York, Texas, New Jersey and Pennsylvania had voted much earlier in the process. As it is, they’re afterthoughts. Too bad for the runners-up.

After tomorrow, all eyes will be on the two man race most of us envisioned months ago. Mitt will try to reinvent himself into a likeable everyman and President Obama will continue the Passion Offensive he launched last September. Their success will largely determine which one of them wins in November.

Tid Bits

EzKool Hate-Mail – “In Your Face With the Truth” banner.

We get a lot of hate-mail here at EzKool. Sometimes we reply to the author through email, but the majority of times, we ignore the hate and keep on moving. But the absurdity of this email prompted us to post it here. It’s amazing that there are people like this out there.


Richard Bridwell


Dishonest banner



Could you please remove the word “truth” from your banner? All I can see from your pages are hypocritical distortions of actual ‘truth’. For instance, in reporting the Limbaugh-Fluke controversy, you failed (an oversight, I’m sure) to note that Limbaugh was making a satirical point ridiculing Fluke’s TESTIMONY regarding students in law school needing $3,000 for contraception (despite the availability of inexpensive…as low as $9 per month…contraception within a couple of blocks of Georgetown University).

Limbaugh used her ‘testimony’ at face value to show the absurdity of her ‘argument’, saying what 99% of people would agree with…that either Fluke is a liar, an useful (but uninformed) idiot, or a slut…a word commonly used to describe a promiscuous woman.

When people wanting to make political hay objected to his satire, he made it even more obvious by saying that anyone wanting someone else to pay for her to have sex would qualify as a “prostitute’ (again, a point about which few would argue even though it was obviously a satirical statement). When that didn’t work, he went for even greater absurdity, demanding that Fluke post videos so the taxpayers could see if they were getting value for the spending of their revenue.

Even yesterday, Hilary Clinton dishonestly (and extremely hypocritically considering her approval of her friend and adviser James Carville’s savage mocking of the young women sexually harassed by her husband) continued this farce. I suppose that today’s liberals would vilify Jonathan Swift for his satirical “A Modest Proposal”…although liberals rarely read & think for themselves, evidently. I won’t be clicking on your site again and adding to your revenue since you don’t offer honest discourse. ‘Tis a shame…another wasted opportunity by those who know better.

Just goes to show you that no matter how wrong Rush Limbaugh is, wrong even to the point of him issuing an “apology,” there are those who will go out of their way to defend his sexiest, racist rants.

contraception Nikki Haley Politics war on women women

Nikki Haley – “Women Don’t Care about Contraception”

Appearing today on The View, Nikki Haley – the Republican governor of South Carolina – did her best to promote her new book, Can’t Is Not An Option, but managed instead to somehow continue the Republican war on women. Haley, considered a future star in the Republican party, informed the women of the view that women in general do not care about contraception.

“Women don’t care about contraception,” Haley said, “they care about jobs and their families…” She was cut off by Joy Behar, who bristled along with the rest of the panel and noted that women should care about contraception. “The media cares about contraception,” Haley tried again, and then concluded that while women might care about contraception, they just want to be able to make those decisions themselves, without government involvement.

Interesting position for a female Republican governor!


Barack Obama Politics

Bill Clinton – President Obama is “Gonna Win Handily.”

Former President Bill Clinton told ABC News that unless something catastrophic happens, he predicts President Obama will win his re-election “handily.”

Former president Bill Clinton told ABC News that he largely agrees with this assessment, that President Obama will be re-elected.

“I think that he’s gonna win handily, and I have for a long time,” Clinton told ABC News in an exclusive interview. “I actually have since the 2010 elections. Which made me sad, but…what the right-wing says always sounds better when they’re sayin’ it than when they’re doin’ it. So I thought after the 2010 elections, they basically assured his reelection.” As for the unknowns, the former president said, “you could have a crisis in the Eurozone, and because American banks have big investments in European banks, that could hurt us. You could have a crisis in Iran blow up in a way that, you know, added $50 a barrel to oil prices. Even though we’re producing more oil than ever before, you see? And the world is clearly worried about that. ‘Cause you saw all those people talkin’ about takin’ down their oil reserves.”

“There’s always something that could happen,” he continued. “But even if that happens– most Americans believe the president’s done a good job on national security. I obviously think he’s got a great national security team….So I’d be very surprised if an intervening event derailed the path I think this election’s on.”

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