Newt Gingrich Politics

Newt Gingrich, Where Are Your Witnesses?

You can’t offer witnesses to something if no witnesses exist. Apparently, this little fact slipped Newt Gingrich‘s mind, as he continued telling ABC news that he had witnesses that will dispute his ex’s claim that Newt wanted an “open marriage.”

John King, the CNN host who moderated the last GOP debate and took a direct hit from Newt for asking about the ABC report, stayed on the story. And today, after a week of asking for these witnesses, King seems to take pleasure in announcing that Newt’s witnesses are just figments of his imagination.

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics

President Obama Talks About His Republican Challengers

In an interview with Univision, President Obama spoke briefly in response to the question of who he would rather go up against in the 2012 general election.

“I don’t really think about that,” Obama said in response to a question about who would be more of a threat in an interview with Univision conducted Wednesday night in Chandler, Ariz., and released Thursday morning. “What I can say is this: That whoever their nominee is, they represent ideas that I think are wrong for America.”

“On a whole range of issues I think that whether it’s Mr. Romney or Mr. Gingrich or Mr. Santorum or whoever else they might decide to select, they represent a fundamentally different vision of America. And it’s not the bold generous forward looking optimistic America that I think built this country,” he added.

The interview was Obama’s first since delivering his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, and comes as the Republican presidential candidates are stepping up their appeals to Hispanic voters ahead of next week’s Florida primary. Speaking to one of the top U.S. Spanish-language news outlets, Obama offered his own appeals, noting his efforts to make immigration laws more favorable to immigrants even without the comprehensive reform he’s repeatedly called for.

Osama bin Laden Politics

President Orders Another Successful Rescue Mission – Nine Pirates Killed

When President Obama took to the stage almost a year ago and systematically – and comically – dismantled all hopes Donald Trump had of becoming president, he had just ordered the successful assassination of Osama Bin Laden. When he took the podium for the State of the Union address a few days ago, the president had just ordered the rescue of Americans held captive by Somali pirates.

The rescue mission for Poul Thisted and Jessica Buchanan, was successful, and it was carried out by the same SEAL Team 6 forces that got Bin Laden.

The captives, an American aid worker and her Danish colleague, had been held as prisoners since last fall. The New York Times reports that the pirates had recently refused $1.5 million to release their hostages, and that ransom negotiations had “ground to a halt.” After receiving reports last week that the American’s health was “deteriorating rapidly,” President Obama directed his security team to develop an immediate rescue plan. Nine kidnappers were killed in the raid.

Note to terrorists: Be very afraid anytime this president is about to make a big speech.

This is not the first time President Obama had an encounter with Somali pirates. In the beginning of his presidency, Mr. Obama ordered the successful rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips. Three pirates were killed in that rescue.

Is this what Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans mean when they continually accuse this president of appeasement? ‘Cause if this is appeasement, I would hate to see any acts of aggression from this president.

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