jewish Politics Republican

Ron Paul Snubbed From Next Jewish Hosted Republican Debate

They say Mr. Paul is too extreme in his thinking, so his invite to the next Republican debate on December 7th wasn’t even considered. “He’s just so far outside of the mainstream of the Republican party and this organization,” said Matt Brooks, Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Brooks also said that inviting Paul to attend would be “like inviting Barack Obama to speak.”

The Republican Jewish Coalition is hosting a forum for our merry band of Republican presidential candidates next week. The contenders are expected to flesh out a broad range of opinions about Israel, its future, and its relationship with the United States. Oh, except for Ron Paul, who was not invited. It seems his “extreme views”—like how he would stop giving Israel a few billion dollars each year to purchase weapons from the American defense industry—would be too controversial even within the context of a debate of ideas.

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics republican candidate

Ron Paul Shows Newt Gingrich’s Speciality – The Flip Flop

We take pleasure in bringing you an ad from Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. The ad puts Newt Gingrich, the present leader in the Republican nomination race, into the spotlight, and, we believe, is meant to show Mitt Romney how the real flip-floppers, flip flop.

The 150-second ad showcases some questionable conservative stances made by the former speaker of the House, such as his agreement with Nancy Pelosi that “our country must take action to address climate change” and labeling Representative Paul Ryan’s proposed Medicare overhaul as “right-wing social engineering.”

The ad uses gritty black and white news clips to slam Gingrich’s work since leaving public office 13 years ago as a lobbyist for the health care industry and for mortgage giant Freddie Mac.


Something Happened On The Way To The Eviction

Over the last few months, we have reported on stories of police brutality and the obvious violation of the constitutional rights of American citizens. The right to peacefully assemble and protest was vigorously attacked by the very folks who took an oath to protect that right.

So allow us this moment to luxuriate in the pleasantries of this story – law enforcement officers who put their morals, honor and dignity ahead of the mindless “just following orders” mentality of today’s police department.

Chase Bank wanted to put this family out on the street. The order was given and the marshal with their moving trucks drove up to the door of foreclosure victim. With eviction notice in hand and Chase eagerly awaiting word that their orders were mindlessly followed, the law enforcement officers and the moving company opened the door to the home and met the residents. Then something miraculous happened, law enforcement found their heart.

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