Politics Wall Street zuccotti park

An Emergency Call From Occupy Wall Street

At 7AM tomorrow – Friday, the owners of Zuccotti Park, formerly “Liberty Plaza Park” – where the Occupy Wall Street movement has set up headquarters – plan to clean the park. This move, according to the occupiers, is just another effort by the Bloomberg administration to end the protest.

Occupy Wall Street  Released the following:

EMERGENCY CALL TO ACTION: Keep Bloomberg and Kelly From Evicting #OWS
Posted Oct. 13, 2011, 2:14 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Prevent the forcible closure of Occupy Wall Street

Tell Bloomberg: Don’t Foreclose the Occupation.

This is an emergency situation. Please take a minute to read this, and please take action and spread the word far and wide.

Occupy Wall Street is gaining momentum, with occupation actions now happening in cities across the world.

But last night Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD notified Occupy Wall Street participants about plans to “clean the park”—the site of the Wall Street protests—tomorrow starting at 7am. “Cleaning” was used as a pretext to shut down “Bloombergville” a few months back, and to shut down peaceful occupations elsewhere.

Bloomberg says that the park will be open for public usage following the cleaning, but with a notable caveat: Occupy Wall Street participants must follow the “rules”.
NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has said that they will move in to clear us and we will not be allowed to take sleeping bags, tarps, personal items or gear back into the park.
This is it—this is their attempt to shut down #OWS for good.


1) Call 311 (or +1 (212) NEW-YORK if you’re out of town) and tell Bloomberg to support our right to assemble and to not interfere with #OWS.
2) Come to #OWS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT to defend the occupation from eviction.

For those of you who plan to help us hold our ground—which we hope will be all of you—make sure you understand the possible consequences. Be prepared to not get much sleep. Be prepared for possible arrest. Make sure your items are together and ready to go (or already out of the park.) We are pursuing all possible strategies; this is a message of solidarity.

Click here to learn nonviolent tactics for holding ground.

Occupy Wall Street is committed to keeping the park clean and safe—we even have a Sanitation Working Group whose purpose this is. We are organizing major cleaning operations today and will do so regularly.

If Bloomberg truly cares about sanitation here he should support the installation of portopans and dumpsters. #OWS allies have been working to secure these things to support our efforts.

We know where the real dirt is: on Wall Street. Billionaire Bloomberg is beholden to bankers.

We won’t allow Bloomberg and the NYPD to foreclose our occupation. This is an occupation, not a permitted picnic.

Mitt Romney Politics

Bill Donohue To Rick Perry – Drop Jeffrees Before The End Of The Week

“Where did they find this guy? When theological differences are demonized by the faithful of any religion – never mind by a clergyman – it makes a mockery of their own religion. [The] Rev. Jeffress is a poster boy for hatred, not Christianity.”

That was  Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League. Donohue was discussing the recent remarks made by Robert Jeffress at last week’s conservative Voters Values Summit, where Jeffress endorsed Rick Perry and buried Romney’s faith, referring to it as “non-christian” and earlier as a “cult!”

Speaking with The Christian Post, Donohue said that he disagreed with Jeffrees comments. “That’s simply an ignorant statement,” Donohue said, “Mormons have been around for a long time, so I wouldn’t consider them a cult any longer.”

When asked who he would vote for if Romney is the Republican nominee, Donohue said he would vote for the person most qualified to lead the nation. He then said he cannot vote for President Obama because of his “abortions-on-demand” stance. He then acknowledge that Romney had the same “abortions-on-demand” beliefs, but confessed that Romney would actually get his vote.

“Romney’s positions on abortions are disturbing to me too, Donohue said, “He supported abortion-on-demand when he was governor of Massachusetts but has now said he changed his position. It is concerning that his mother is a supporter of abortion-on-demand and he has made statements that he would do what his mother tells him to, but I would rather have someone who is willing to change his views on abortion than someone who won’t.”

Asked if Perry could run a successful campaign with the Jeffrees’ endorsement and controversy hanging over his head, Donohue said Perry would have to distance himself from Jeffrees first, and the sooner the better… like, by the end of this week!

Today is better than tomorrow, but if he doesn’t do something by the end of the week – and we are almost there – then I think his campaign will be in serious trouble.

Well it’s Friday, and Perry is still holding on to Jeffrees’ endorsement. We’ll see what happens by days end.

Read the entire interview here.

death row Politics

Florida Republican Files Bill To Use Firing Squad On Death Row Inmates

Apparently, following in Rick Perry’s footsteps by killing people through lethal injection is just too slow and burdensome for a Republican Representative  in Florida. Who needs to waste time injecting three different levels of poison in a human being, putting them to sleep and stopping their heart beat, when you can just line them up and shoot?

Well, that’s exactly what the bill Brad Drake proposed will allow done to Death Row prisoners in Florida;

Saying it’s time to stop letting convicted killers “get off that easy,” a Florida state lawmaker wants to use firing squads or the electric chair for those on death row.

Rep. Brad Drake filed a bill this week that would end the use of lethal injection in Florida executions.

Instead, those with a death sentence would choose between electrocution or a firing squad.

Drake, a Republican, said the idea came to him after having a conversation with a constituent at a Waffle House over the legal battles associated with last month’s execution of Manuel Valle .

Valle’s lawyers tried to stop the execution by arguing that a new lethal drug cocktail would cause him pain and constitute cruel and unusual punishment.

So, to stop lawyers from arguing “cruel and unusual punishment,” Drake wants to line ’em up and shoot, or just fry ’em in the electric chair! Yay for morality!

Herman Cain republican debate

Herman Cain Lied Again – His Economic Adviser Is Not An Economist

So what do we know about Herman Cain’s 999 plan?

  • Well, if you turn it upside down, it magically transforms from 999 to 666 –  the mark of the beast! A fact that was originally tweeted by EzKool over 3 weeks ago, and is now being quoted by Michele Bachmann in the last Republican Presidential debate.
  • We also now know that it is not the price of one of his large pizzas, another fact tweeted by EzKool over a month ago, and was also used by Jon Huntsman in the last Republican Presidential debate.
  • And we know that for some reason, Herman Cain wouldn’t name his economic advisers… well, that was until the last debate where Mr. Cain dropped the name Rich Lowrie of Cleveland as one of his leading economists…

“My advisers come from the American people. Now, I will have some experts. One of my experts that helped me to develop this is a gentleman by the name of Rich Lowrie out of Cleveland, Ohio,” Cain said during the debate. “He is an economist, and he has worked in the business of wealth creation most of his career.”

As it turns out, Rich Lowrie is not an economist.

Herman Cain says his much touted 9-9-9 plan is the product of extensive testing and thinking, but the only man he cites as involved with its research — Rich Lowrie of Cleveland — is not a trained economist.

Instead, Lowrie — who’s the only economic adviser Cain has been willing to mention by name — is a wealth manager for a division of Wells Fargo and according to his LinkedIn page holds an accountancy degree from Case Western Reserve University. Lowrie also spent three years on the advisory board of the conservative third-party group Americans For Prosperity.

We are now back to square one. Herman can’t even tell the truth about who his economic advisers are. It could be Bugs Bunny for all we know.

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