New York occupy wall street Politics

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner – Occupy Wall Street Going To Millionaires Homes

New York’s richest are about to get a visitor or two – or maybe 800, give or take a few. On Tuesday, the leaders of the one month “Occupy” movement will take their message on the road and visit the residences of some of the richest tycoons in New York, including Fox’s Rupert Murdoch and David Koch, one of two Koch brothers who, through their donations, have effectively bought the Republican party.

This report from the Daily News;

The Occupy Wall Street protesters are planning to get in the face of some of New York’s richest tycoons on Tuesday.

A “Millionaires March” will visit the homes – or, more realistically, the gleaming marble lobbies – of five of the city’s wealthiest residents.

On the target list: NewsCorp CEO Rupert Murdoch, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, conservative billionaire David Koch, financier Howard Milstein and hedge fund mogul John Paulson.

Between 400 and 800 marchers plan to go to their homes to present them with oversize checks to dramatize how much less they will pay when New York State’s 2% tax on millionaires expires at the end of the year.

“Ninety nine percent of the residents of New York are going to suffer from this tax giveaway so the 1% who already live in absolute luxury can put more money in their pockets,” said Doug Forand, one of the march organizers.

“This is fiscally, economically and morally wrong.”

occupy wall street Politics

Russell Simmons And Kanye West Join Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Two multi-million dollar moguls made their way to Wall Street today, not to check on any stocks or investments, but to join in solidarity with the protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street. Russell Simmons and Kanye West walked with middle class Americans also known as the bottom 99%.

In an interview with GlobalGrind. Russell Simmons said;

“It was amazing to see how people loved seeing Kanye West at Occupy Wall Street. His music and his art has always been about the voice and the power of the people. Kanye just wanted to come down and experience the growing movement that has opened the eyes of many around this country and around the world of the struggles of poor people. The energy at Liberty Plaza was electrifying and the momentum to get the money out of politics is growing quickly.”

Democratic occupy wall street Politics Wall Street

Eric Cantor Is A Major Hypocrite – The Teaparty vs The Occupiers

This is beginning to become redundant – pointing out the many ways Republicans have proven that they are the party of hypocrites. I can dedicate the entire site to this purpose, and still be able to write multiple blogs a day showing different examples of the party’s deception.

“What is infuriating to me is we have elected leaders that are inflaming the sense that we are to be pitting Americans against Americans. Right now is the time for all of us to c0me together.”

Nancy Pelosi was correct to point out that Cantor wasn’t asking for the country to “come together” when the Teaparty was spitting on members of Congress during their protests, saying that instead of denouncing those in the Teaparty that resorted to such barbaric actions, Republicans held up signs encouraging them to continue.

MSNBC today asked about this apparent double standard, and was able to compare Cantor’s response to the Occupiers and the Teaparty when they demonstrated. The result was what we all expected… Cantor is a major hypocrite!


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Mitt Romney Politics

Rick Perry Said It – Mitt Romney Is A Flip Flopper

If Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry could say this about his Republican opponent Mitt Romney, who am I to disagree? I am not going to disagree, as a matter of fact, I am going to help Perry get the word out.

Definition of a flip flopper – See Mitt Romney.

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