Politics Republican

This Republican Appeared Naked On Gay Website

We all remember the massive uproar Republicans and the media had when Anthony Weiner was literally caught with his pants down. Republicans immediately harped on the bandwagon demanding that Weiner cover up and leave his job in the House of Representatives. So naturally, when a Republican is caught with his pants down showing his ass, other Republicans will immediately demand him to step down, right?


His name is Roberto Arango, and he is the Republican Senator from Puerto Rico. In 2004, Arango co-chaired the George W. Bush’s 2004 Puerto Rico campaign. Last Friday, naked pictures of him surfaced online. In one picture, found on a gay website, Arango is seen showing his cheeks, and we’re not talking about his pretty smile either.

But have no fear, Arango has a reason.

You know I’ve been losing weight. As I shed that weight, I’ve been taking pictures. I don’t remember taking this particular picture but I’m not gonna say I didn’t take it. I’d tell you if I remembered taking the picture but I don’t.

And you thought he was taking naked pictures of himself and posting them on gay websites. Take your mind out of the gutter! He said he was just documenting his weight-loss!

Of course! Don’t you take these type of pictures when you’re documenting your weight-loss?

Roberto Arango - Smiling


In A Ron Paul Administration, Disaster Victims Are On Their Own

Ron Paul is running for President on the Republican ticket. Let’s just say for argument’s sake, that Ron Paul wins his party’s nomination and goes on to win the Presidency in 2012. I know, it’s far-fetched, but let’s just say… If Ron Paul becomes president, his government will not help out when there are natural disasters.

With Hurricane Irene quickly approaching the east coast, this report was filed concerning Paul’s plan to handle such disasters;

After a lunch speech today, Ron Paul slammed the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, and said that no national response to Hurricane Irene is necessary.

“We should be like 1900; we should be like 1940, 1950, 1960,” Paul said. “I live on the gulf coast, we deal with hurricanes all the time. Galveston is in my district.

“There’s no magic about FEMA. They’re a great contribution to deficit financing and quite frankly they don’t have a penny in the bank. We should be coordinated but coordinated voluntarily with the states,” Paul told NBC News. “A state can decide. We don’t need somebody in Washington.”

FEMA is a Federal Emergency Management Agency whose job is to  assist local governments when they need help recovering from disasters. But according to Paul, FEMA is a “great contribution to the deficit.” Pay no attention to the real American lives this agency saves all the time.

And Ron Paul is not the only Republican who believes in money over human lives. Eric Cantor also shares Paul’s views, and even said that if any monies are spent to save or help Americans in the recent Earthquake and the upcoming Hurricane, then that money must be offset by spending cuts.

So to conclude, your home, your livelihood and even your life may hang in the balance, but Cantor will need to go to Washington first, figure out how much to cut from another program, preferably Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, then apply those newly cut funds to helping disaster victims.

Paul on the other hand, would prefer the government to just sit on its hands and watch the citizens suffer.

Welcome to a Republican controlled America. Good thing its just make believe.

Politics Texas Wall Street

Rick Perry Tried To Gain Benefits From Dead Texans

This is as slime-ball low as slime-ball low goes. A story in the Huffington Post details a scheme by Governor Rick Perry of Texas to make money off the dead.

The scheme, according to the report, spoke about an arrangement the Perry administration proposed, where Wall Street investors would bet on how long retired teachers would live. Perry’s administration would act as the middle man, introducing the insurance provider USB to the unsuspecting retired teacher. Wall Street would then bet on that teacher’s longevity, and upon their passing, Perry would take the insurance money and reward the winning investor. The state of Texas would get a percentage for introducing USB insurance, The Wall Street investor and the deceased.

The family of the deceased, predictably, will not get anything from this arrangement

According to the notes, which were authenticated by a meeting participant, the Perry administration wanted to help Wall Street investors gamble on how long retired Texas teachers would live. Perry was promising the state big money in exchange for helping Swiss banking giant UBS set up a business of teacher death speculation.

All they had to do was convince retirees to let UBS buy life insurance policies on them. When the retirees died, those policies would pay out benefits to Wall Street speculators, and the state, supposedly, would get paid for arranging the bets. The families of the deceased former teachers would get nothing.

Calling Perry a slime ball is wrong. My apologies to the real slime-balls of the world. You wouldn’t sink this low.

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