Politics right winged United States United States Environmental Protection Agency

On Earth Day, More “Christians” Attack Environmentalists

Let’s look at the meaning of the word Environmentalist. According to the dictionary, an environmentalist is any person who advocates or works to protect the air,water, animals, plants, and other natural resources from  pollution or its effects.

Now, let’s see what the Bible says about Environmentalists and the protecting of our environment. There are many other scripture verses that remind us that God not only created the Earth, but also calls on us to protect it.

Psalms 104: 25-30 – There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there. These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things. When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust. When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.

This verse clearly asks us to be good stewards of the environment. It tells us that all living things, both large and small depend on us for protection, for with that protection, we “renew the face of the earth.”

Now, enter the far right winged “Christian” conservative. For some strange reason, these people believe any attempt to protect the environment from pollution is non-Christian.

See their video below.

Politics Republican

After Robbing The Middle Class, Republicans Want Us To Donate Cash

The short-sighted freshmen Republican congressmen were so blinded by the euphoria of robbing the middle class and giving to the rich, they forgot that they would need these same middle class Americans to donate more money for their re-election campaigns. Now, the reality is becoming very apparent – you can’t squeeze blood from a rock.

The New York Times reports;

Figures released by the Federal Election Commission last week showed that Mr. West raised more than $433,000 in the first quarter of the year, ranking third among all freshman Republicans. And he has already spent much of that, mostly on direct-mail fund-raising and other expenses. During the same reporting period in the 2010 campaign, Mr. West raised just over $839,000.

Two Democrats challenging Mr. West for the 2012 election, Patrick Murphy, a businessman, and Lois J. Frankel, a former mayor of West Palm Beach, did fairly well in the first quarter of 2011, raising $352,000 and $250,000 respectively.

Mr. West is one of more than two dozen Republican freshmen facing tough re-election battles in Congressional districts that lean Democratic or were won by President Obama in 2008. Others include Michael G. Grimm and Nan Hayworth of New York, Robert Hurt of Virginia, Patrick Meehan of Pennsylvania, David Schweikert of Arizona and Steve Stivers of Ohio.

Mr. Grimm, Ms. Hayworth and Mr. Meehan all raised less in this reporting period than they did a year ago.

But have no fear freshmen, the conservative-leaning Supreme Court has made it possible for corporations to donate an unlimited amount of money to you. Who needs the darn, pesky middle-class when a corporation can buy your election?

No wonder you’re so concerned about giving back to these corporations. So the vicious cycle continues…


Ed Schultz fails Featured michael steele MSNBC rachel maddow Republican United States

Michael Steele Fails To Convince Former Republicans That G.O.P Cares

I’m usually not a big fan of Ed Shultz. I know his passion for the issues, but there are times when he allows his passion to take over the debate and, in my opinion, losing focus of the bigger picture.  So for that reason, 10PM is usually the time I switch from MSNBC.

But last night, Rachel Maddow’s lead into The Ed Show made me keep the remote control at a distance. She promised that his show was going to be different, something I should not miss. Rachel was right. Last night, Ed Shultz earned his money.

Mr. Shultz had Michael Steele – the former RNC Chairman – on the show and asked some very pointed questions. Like, why haven’t Republicans done anything about the jobs situation like they promised the American people in the 2010 midterm campaigns? Of course, Steele tried to stick to his talking points, but Ed kept his cool and insisted on answers to his questions.

But the moment in the show that really brought it home for me, was when Ed introduced two Republicans citizens, one a fireman and the other a cop, who felt that the Republican party has, as they put it, “left us behind.” And listening to Michael Steele trying to calm these former Republicans and bring them back into the fold was well worth the show. Pure comedy! Trying to explain verbatim would not do the show any justice, so without further ado, watch what happened below.

You won’t be disappointed.

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