Mitt Romney pat robertson Politics

Pat Robertson Endorsed Romney, Only Because Jesus Isn’t Running

The Conservative Republican television host who preach politics but sometimes dabble in Religion, took his endorsement of Mitt Romney one step further, telling his listeners that since Jesus isn’t running for President, Romney – although a Mormon – is his choice.

“It looks like the people who were worried about his Mormonism, at least that crowd is diminishing somewhat,” Robertson said. “The question is, if you have two candidates, you don’t have Jesus running against someone else. You have Obama running against Romney.”

Robertson previously expressed some concern that Romney may govern the nation based on his Mormon beliefs, but Robertson was more than willing to give Romney a shot. On one of his TBN shows last month, Robertson said, “I can’t imagine that he’s going to interject the Mormon religion into the way he governs. He might, but I would sincerely doubt it. That’s the concern, but I think the biggest concern right now is the fact that this country is going bankrupt if we don’t do something about the terrible federal deficits.”

“I believe [we] now have a clear-cut choice between somebody who has no plan and between somebody who has a very detailed plan.”

And this “very detailed plan” amounts to tax cuts for the wealthy… again!

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