Anthony Weiner Politics

Anthony Weiner – The Internet Is The Reason I’m Not Mayor

He was born at the wrong time.

Anthony Weiner says if he ran for mayor before there was a Worldwide Web, he ‘d now be calling the shots at City Hall.

“Maybe if the Internet didn’t exist? Like, if I was running in 1955? I’d probably get elected mayor,” Weiner told GQ magazine in a profile titled, ‘The year of Living Carlos Dangerously.”

Weiner with wife Huma Abedin and son Jordan.Photo: R. Umar Abbasi

The serial sexter also said he felt bad that his wife, Huma Abedin, absorbed so much negative press because of him.

“I duck it as best I can, but her reputation has become the ‘Woman Who Married an Idiot and Stuck with Him,’ ” Weiner said.

“I’m just an empty, soulless vessel, so it doesn’t hurt me as much.”

He conceded that his relationship with Huma turned rocky following revelations that he continued online relationships with women after he left Congress in disgrace for sending racy tweets.

“One thing I’m grateful for is that now I’m under no obligation to answer anything like this,” he said, speaking of his personal life. “But we’ve had a very rough time.”

Anthony Weiner New York Politics

Giant Rat Outside of Anthony Weiner’s Apartment

The rodent is usually seen in front of business that hire nonunion workers, but when it appeared by Weiner’s crib, we were naturally concerned: Rodents and Weiners don’t go together.

A group of education and union activists inflated the rodent to protest a Weiner proposal to eliminate the parent coordinator position Mayor Bloomberg created in city schools to serve as parent contacts.

The protesters say they’re so determined to block Weiner from City Hall that they’ve launched a “Stop Weiner” campaign to rival a group that’s targeting City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

“If people think Stop Chris Quinn is bad, wait ‘til they get to meet us,” said Mona Davids, who works for the union that represents parent coordinators.

Along with the giant rat, the few dozen protesters at Weiner’s Park Avenue South building carried signs with slogans like “We Don’t Want a Weiner For Mayor” and “Don’t Let The Sexting Perv be Mayor.”

Weiner said he didn’t mind the rat, but he lamented what he sees as the overuse of the iconic protest symbol.

Anthony Weiner Politics

Anthony Weiner Considers A Run For Mayor

As far as I’m concerned, seeing Anthony Weiner in any political office would be a blessing. Like Senator Bernie Sanders, Weiner was a fighter for the American middle class. He was know for his ability to hit the Republicans where it hurts, and was the one who coined the phrase, Republican Party is “a wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry.

Mr. Weiner made a mistake. There are some who did worse things than he did, and they are still in government. It’s time we forgive, forget and move on.

Saying that he would like, at some point, to “ask people to give me a second chance,” Anthony D. Weiner, the former congressman who resigned in 2011 amid a scandal over his lewd online behavior, is mulling a run for mayor this year because “it’s now or maybe never for me.”

In an interview with The New York Times Magazine, which was posted online Wednesday morning and is to be published in print on Sunday, Mr. Weiner cautioned that he did not know when he would decide about entering the race, and conceded that “the fact that I don’t know tells me I shouldn’t run. Or I should not run now.” He also acknowledged that he would be “the underdog in any race I ran,” citing a poll he commissioned earlier this year to gauge whether voters were prepared to forgive him and take him seriously as a candidate.

Mr. Weiner and his publicity-averse wife, Huma Abedin, sought in the interview to demonstrate that he was a changed and humbled man: a stay-at-home father living in what the magazine writer describes as a “sprawling apartment” on Park Avenue South, far from the Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods Mr. Weiner represented in the House of Representatives for more than a decade.

“Some people just don’t buy it,” Mr. Weiner said. “Like they just don’t have room for a second narrative about me.”

Since leaving Congress, Mr. Weiner has generally refrained from commenting on either the scandal that prompted his resignation or his political future. But his visibility has increased in recent months, first with a photo shoot in People magazine that featured Mr. Weiner and Ms. Abedin with their infant son, Jordan, and then, over the weekend, with tabloid photos of the family, paparrazzi-style.


Former Mayor Charged – Masturbating At 90 Miles per Hour

Question: If you masturbate at 90 Miles an hour, do you cum arrive really fast?

William Blakely, former Vice-Mayor of Mount Carmel, Tennessee, was accused in court yesterday of having a long-running streak of reckless driving incidents that stem from a penchant for sticking his genitals out of the window and masturbating in the direction of passing female motorists.

Three women appeared in a Kingsport court yesterday to submit testimony about their personal interactions with Blakely.

“At over 90 miles per hour, he had his penis out [the window]. He was masturbating,” said one victim. “[A]nd that’s when it got really, really bad.”

All three testimonies followed a similar pattern: Blakely would wave and honk at the female driver in an attempt to get her attention, then he would expose his chest and ask her to “please, please” do the same.

According to Detective Terry Christian, it was thanks to one of the three women who wrote his license plate number down that Blakely was finally being brought to justice after years of harassment.

Per Christian, over the course of “three or four years,” his department received “dozens of phone calls” from victims aged 16 to 65.

Blakely has been charged with indecent exposure, reckless endangerment, and attempt to commit aggravated assault.

A Grand Jury court date, where additional cases involving Blakely will be presented, has been scheduled for June 14th

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