Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Wins 2015 Lie Of The Year Award

I remember not too long ago when one of Donald Trump’s supporter went on television and proclaimed that Donald Trump is the only politician who tells the truth and that President Obama lies all the time. But if you look at the supporter and listen to the things she said, it was obvious she was talking purely from an emotional state of mind.

PolitiFact however, did not base their Lie of The Year award on their emotions, no, they based their findings and award on facts!

PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly FalseFalse or Pants on Fire, out of more than 75 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.

In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s — his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll. But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy.

To the candidate who says he’s all about winning, PolitiFact designates the many campaign misstatements of Donald Trump as our 2015 Lie of the Year.


PolitiFact’s 2014 Lie Of The Year – Politicians’ Claim about Ebola

And by “politicians” I mean Republicans. We heard all their falsehoods about Ebola as they set out to intentionally lie to their base to win the midterm elections. And the easily led sheep in their base drank it all in.

A recap.

Thomas Eric Duncan left Monrovia, Liberia, on Sept. 19, for Dallas. Eleven days later, doctors diagnosed Duncan with Ebola.

Eight days after that, he was dead.

Duncan’s case is just one of two Ebola-related fatalities in the United States, and since Duncan traveled to Dallas,
more Americans — at least nine, and likely many more — have died from the flu.

Yet fear of the disease stretched to every corner of America this fall, stoked by exaggerated claims from politicians and pundits. They said Ebola was easy to catch, that illegal immigrants may be carrying the virus across the southern border, that it was all part of a government or corporate conspiracy.

The claims — all wrong — distorted the debate about a serious public health issue. Together, they earn our Lie of the Year for 2014.

Barack Obama Politics Republican washington

Lie Of The Day – Eric Cantor, “I Respect The Man. I Like The President.”

The world watches, as Eric Cantor and Republicans do everything they legally can to defeat this president. They especially fight against things that economists from both sides of the political fence agree will benefit the economy, simply because allowing the economy to flourish means President Obama’s presidency will be a bigger success than what it is now.

A question was posed to Eric Cantor – one of the biggest Republican threats to a healthy American economy.

Appearing on CBS, Cantor was asked by Lesley Stahl to explain why Congressional Republicans are so against the President. Why they exhibit a need for “brinkmanship, gamesmanship, one-upsmanship.”

He answered by spewing the same Republican nonsense, claiming that this is how things are done in Washington.”Ultimately this is part of the legislative process… I know it’s frustrating. I live it,” Cantor said. An obvious lie as both sides have always come together in the past to get things done.

He then went into his main lie – referring to the fact that Republicans want the President to fail as “just political rhetoric.” And then this, “You know, he is my commander in chief. I respect the man. I like the president.”

It’s just January 2nd, but already, this lie should qualify as PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year” for 2012.

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