Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump Leads Hillary Clinton by 1 in New Poll

Just when you think Americans knew better, you see polls like this.

Strong enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton has ebbed since the renewal of the FBI’s email investigation.

While vote preferences have held essentially steady, she’s now a slim point behind Donald Trump — a first since May — in the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates.

In the latest results, 46 percent of likely voters support Trump, and 45 percent are for Clinton. With the data taken to a decimal place for illustrative purposes, a mere 0.7 of a percentage point divides them.

arrested Featured

Police Union President Apologizes for ‘Arresting’ Fake Hillary Clinton

It’s Halloween. Time for the Republicans to make their voices heard and then apologize when their insanity is called.

The president of a Medford police union said he used “poor judgment” when he posed for a photograph with a person dressed in a Hillary Clinton orange prison-inspired costume that went viral on social media.

Harold MacGilvray of the Medford Police Patrolmen’s Association said the photo was taken spontaneously during a community festival on Saturday afternoon and was “absolutely not” taken to make a political statement.

“These were Halloween costumes. It was meant totally as a joke,” MacGilvray said in an email to the Globe. “I apologize if this offended anyone in any way. I never expected this sort of reaction. It was poor judgment on my part.”


FBI Obtains a Warrant to Search Weiner’s Computer for Hillary’s Emails

While the rest of the world assumes the FBI has already found incriminating emails from Hillary Clinton on Weiner’s computer, MSN News is reporting that the FBI just obtained a warrant to search Anthony Weiner’s computer for emails related to the Hillary Clinton private server probe.

The warrant came two days after FBI director James Comey revealed that the emails were linked to Weiner’s estranged wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

The FBI already had a warrant to search Weiner’s laptop, but that only applied to evidence of his allegedly illicit communications with an underage girl.

Comey’s disclosure of the emails ignited fierce criticism, particularly from Clinton, who called the move an “unprecedented” departure from FBI policy.

On Sunday, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid scolded Comey as well, saying in a letter that he “demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be clear intent to aid one political party over another.”

Donald Trump Politics

Stop The E-Mail Panic! Hillary Will Still Win!

Come on now, be honest. Did you panic on Friday night? Are you still panicked over the emails that might cost Hillary the election and cost you your sanity? Are you angry that Hillary set up a private email server in the first place? Even angrier that FBI Director James Comey had the gall to insinuate himself into the election?

I’m here to tell you that you are wasting precious emotional and intellectual capital by doing any of those things. Hillary Clinton will be elected president on November 8 and chances are good that the Democrats will control the Senate, if only because Vice president Tim Kaine will be around to break ties.

What makes me so confident you say?

First and foremost, there doesn’t seem to be anything that indicates this new batch of (10,000+) emails came from Clinton’s server. They are messages that Huma Abedin had because she was printing them out or they were duplicates of emails that Clinton had already given to the FBI. Of course, there could be some messages that we don’t know about or ones that Anthony Weiner saw and shouldn’t have, but that’s what the FBI is looking at. The GOP can say all it wants about investigating Clinton’s server, but that’s not an issue here.

Also, the Clinton campaign will make this about James Comey, and will do so effectively. He will need to defend his actions when other Justice Department officials told him that they opposed releasing such a bombshell so close to a presidential election date. He will ultimately need to say that he doesn’t know what’s in these emails and that to conclude that the are in any way incriminating would be wrong. Then the GOP will attack him and the story will continue to be about James Comey, not Hillary Clinton.

I understand why he sent his letter to Congress, because to sit on this information until the election was over would open him up to accusations that he wasn’t following the law. And obviously if there was something incriminating he has his duty to release it, but there isn’t any. In fact, his letter to FBI employees states specifically that they don’t know what’s on the computers. This is irresponsible. Imagine if you did that on your job. The job you would then lose, I mean.

The other nonissue is that most voters have already made up their minds and either have voted or wouldn’t dream of voting for Trump. This is where polarization works to Hillary’s advantage. If the GOP had a reputable candidate and the election was close, then I could see being worried. But Donald has already overreached by calling this as big as Watergate and I’m assuming that Comey will need to clarify that the FBI doesn’t know what it has, so that will undercut Trump’s attempts at blaming anything specific on Hillary. Plus, the email issue is nothing new and it won’t erase the terrible things that Trump has said over the course of the campaign.

What about the polls, you say? The polls have been tightening, right? Well, yes and not-so-yes. The margin by which Hillary has been leading, since July, I might add, is getting a bit smaller, but that seems to be because recalcitrant Republicans who were repulsed by Trump’s misogyny are coming back to the party. They’ll regret it later, but Trump’s improvement has been almost entirely built on his getting a greater share of GOP voters than he did earlier this month.

Most state polls, which are the ones that we should be watching, show that he’s behind in most of the swing states and has never led in the Electoral College projections since the campaign started. He could even win Ohio, Nevada, North Carolina and Florida and still lose, assuming that Clinton wins Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, which she will, so I don’t know why you’re bothering me about this. Probably because you’ve been consulting the mainstream press, which has an interest in creating uncertainty so you’ll continue to consume their messages. Please stop.

The most important thing that Democrats can do now is to vote. I know that some thought that Hillary had this in the bag, but that’s not true if people don’t vote for her and Democrats for House and Senate. Vote early if you can. This election is too vital not to.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Hillary Leads Trump in 3 Battleground States

These are the polls Donald Trump hates. He loves the polls from his campaign showing him in the lead. Reminds me of Mitt Romney.

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in the crucial battleground states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Colorado, while the Republican presidential nominee leads his Democratic rival in Arizona, according to new polling.

Clinton holds an 8-point lead in Pennsylvania, according to a CBS News Battleground tracker poll out Sunday morning, and has 3-point leads in North Carolina, 48 percent to 45 percent, and Colorado, 42 percent to 39 percent.

Trump is up by 2 points in Arizona, 44 percent to 42 percent.

Donald Trump Featured

Just Like That Trump Changes His Mind on “Rigged” System Talking Point

Can you imagine this guy in the White House with all the power of the world at his disposal? A guy who can change his mind at the drop of a dime should not and cannot lead the free world or have his finger on the nuclear code.

Trump has shown time and time again that he is incapable of maintaining a steady position on any political issue. We’ve seen and heard situations where Trump says something one day and totally change position days, even hours later. So it comes as no surprise that Trump’s “rigged system” talking-point has come to an end now that the FBI announced a review of Hillary’s emails.

“It might not be as rigged as I thought,” Trump said at a campaign rally in New Hampshire after FBI director James Comey advised Congressional leaders of newfound Clinton emails. “The FBI, I think they are going to right the ship, folks. I think they are going to right the ship, and they are going to save their reputation by doing so.”

Just hours before the FBI’s announcement, Trump was interviewed on Fox News where he condemned the FBI, saying the agency “rolled over” by not throwing Hillary Clinton in jail.

“The system is rigged when Hillary Clinton is allowed to run for president, because what she did is criminal,” Trump told Baier Friday morning. “The FBI rolled over and the Department of Justice rolled over.” For extra emphasis, he added moments later, “When she’s allowed to run for office, the FBI rolled over.”

“Rolled over” no more. Trump has now changed his position on the very same FBI.

“I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the Department of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood. And it is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.”

I can see Trump in the Oval office snuggling with Russia’s Vladimir Putin on the phone, then bombing Moscow minutes later because Putin hung up without saying good night. Instability is not a trait we want in the next Commander-in-Chief and it is unbelievable that Republicans allowed Trump to get this close to the White House.

Donald Trump Politics

Report – Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Early Voting States

Hillary Clinton appears to have a slight edge over Republican rival Donald Trump in a number of battleground states and among important demographic groups based on an analysis of the millions of votes already cast both at polling places and by absentee ballot, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Mrs. Clinton is seeing positive signs of enthusiasm in such states as Florida and Nevada. She is also seeing strong turnout rates in the early vote from Latinos and women.

But Mr. Trump may have an advantage in the midwestern battlegrounds of Ohio and Iowa, where Democratic voter interest appears to be flagging compared with the 2012 presidential, records show.

According to data compiled by the United States Elections Project and the Associated Press, at least 17 million votes had already been cast as of Friday. Early voting is under way in a number of top-tier battlegrounds including Florida, Nevada, Iowa and North Carolina. Absentee voting has been happening in some form in every state, thanks to laws that require military and overseas ballots to be ready by September.

Anthony Weiner Politics

FBI Reopens a “Review” of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

According to the FBI, the new-found emails came about during an investigation into Anthony Weiner and his text messages to a 15-year-old girl. Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin apparently used that same electronic device to send emails to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. The FBI is now re-addressing the issue.

This Weiner is in everything.

The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the tens of thousands — potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.

In a letter to Congress, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said that emails had surfaced in an unrelated case, and that they “appear to be pertinent to the investigation.”

Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. was taking steps to “determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” He said he did not know how long it would take to review the emails, or whether the new information was significant.

Donald Trump Politics

The Debates Do Their Job

I love the presidential debates. Why, especially in a campaign that will go down in history as one of the nastiest? Because the debates uncover what the candidates want to cover. They ultimately show us the character of the candidates. And they tell us a great deal about how each person would rule, should they win the election.

This year was no different from any other.

For most of the campaign, the media reported that Donald Trump was unique and that he could say anything without exacting any penalty from the electorate. We were also told that Hillary Clinton was a flawed, unpopular, programmed candidate who could do nothing but damage herself in the debates because, surely, Trump and the moderators would pummel her with the emails and the foundation and Benghazi! It turned out that exactly the opposite was true.

Hillary Clinton’s performance in the three debates will become mandatory viewing for anyone who aspires to national office. She utterly defeated, deflated and defanged Donald Trump with clinical efficiency and cool professional effectiveness. She turned questions about her weaknesses into attacks on Trump, and was able to deflect the more damaging accusations into her past with a smile. Of course, we all want candidates to answer for their sins, but part of being a great debater is knowing how to parry and evade. Clinton did that; Trump did not. By the end of the third debate, it was crystal clear that Trump did not prepare or have any strategy other than to bully, interrupt, cite questionable evidence or hurl accusations.

And this is where the debates were so instructive. They really did show us that the Trump campaign is a Potemkin operation, built on personality and the teachings of Chairman Breitbart, with the GOP’s greatest conspiratorial hits from the 1990s thrown in. They also showed that Trump is not suited for the presidency. Given the biggest stage of the campaign, he didn’t prepare, and it showed. His answers were short and scattered, he didn’t press advantages that he did have, and his behavior was abominable. For someone who was supposed to be able to use his television experience, his body language showed him to be too aggressive, and his constant interruptions came off as ill-mannered. He went for every piece of chum that Hillary threw at him and he got angry, which rarely plays well on the tube (contrast Trump with Reagan’s “I paid for that microphone” line to see the difference between power and tantrum).

Clinton was not perfect, but she was close. Trump helped by letting her off the hook on many occasions and by reacting too emotionally when she brought up things that he didn’t expect, which is part of debate preparation. She interrupted him at times despite her promise to “go high,” but she understood that she had to seem even more in control because she’s a woman, so she couldn’t back down. At the third debate, where she essentially closed the deal on the election, Clinton spoke forcefully and in command of the issues. She’s clearly thought a great deal about them over the course of her adulthood and she enunciated them impeccably last week. Trump played along for a while, but his lack of preparation, personal control, and content sunk him.

In the end, we learned a great deal about each candidate. Clinton did her due diligence, Trump did not. She displayed a command of events and issues and explained them in cogent, factual terms. Trump was able to do that on occasion, but he then got caught in rhetorical whirlpools which led to what unfortunately became signature moments that didn’t help his campaign. She was able to put him on the defensive and keep him there; he tried, but didn’t have the intellectual stamina to press his points. He called her names and accused Clinton of conspiracies and plots that the right has manufactured for almost 30 years. He also, fatally, said he would not accept defeat.

As for Trump being able to say anything he wanted and get away with it, those days ended for good with the groping tape. Trump had always been penalized for what he said, rarely polling over 42% nationwide and never leading in the electoral college count, but the media couldn’t fold up its tent in July, so they continued to feed us the story that this campaign was different and that political correctness was on the run. Yes, there is a sizable group of people in this country who support Trump and what he says, but there are far more who finally saw through his tactics and are abandoning him with impressive speed.

The record low for a major party candidate in a presidential election is a popular vote of 39%. I predict that Trump will poll lower on election day. He’ll cry fraud, but he’s the only fraud in the race. Clinton beat him fair and square in three debates because she’s the most qualified of the two, and of many more, to be president.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Election results election rigged Politics

Donald Trump Cannot Commit to Accepting Results of U.S Election

The Republican presidential candidate said a lot of insane things in final presidential debate last night, but one thing in particular is causing a lot of stress throughout the political world.

The Republican nominee said that he will wait and see how the election turns out before deciding whether to accept the results. That stance, coupled with his recent unfounded conclusion that the election is “rigged” against him, is setting up for an interesting time in November.

Trump’s refusal, which his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton called “horrifying,” was the standout remark of their third and final debate and ratcheted up claims he has made for weeks that the election was rigged against him.

Asked by moderator Chris Wallace whether Trump would not commit to a peaceful transition of power, the businessman-turned-politician replied: “What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense. Ok?”

Trump’s statement may appeal to his anti-establishment followers, but it was unlikely to reverse opinion polls that show him losing, including in key states that will decide the election.

“That is not the way our democracy works,” Clinton said during the debate. “We’ve been around for 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections. We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election.”

Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump – “I think [Hillary Clinton] is a great wife to [Bill Clinton]” – Video

In 2008 when he was not yet a Republican, Donald Trump had some rather nice things to say about Hillary Clinton. Asked about Hillary’s legacy, Trump had this to say.

“Well, I think her history is far from being over. I’d like to answer that question in another 15 years from now. I think she is going to go down at a minimum as a great senator. I think she is a great wife to a president. And I think Bill Clinton was a great president.”

“You know you look at the country then,” he continued. “The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell. You know people get jealous and they hate you.”



Naked Hillary Clinton Statue Causes Fight in Manhattan – Video

The artist depicted Mrs. Clinton with animal hoofs instead of feet and a Wall Street banker’s head attached to her left breast. The depiction was enough to cause a passerby to angrily pull the statue down, even sitting on it to prevent a man from putting it back up again.


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