Mitt Romney Politics

The New Mitt Romney Controversy – Bussing In Supporters To Univision Event

According to Buzzfeed, Mitt Romney’s recent appearance at the Univision event had some issues. The report quotes Maria Salinas, one of the anchors at the event that catered mainly to the Spanish-speaking audience, where she explained that a special exemption to the rules had to be made before Romney came onstage.

Buzzfeed reports that the event that featured a student audience but Romney had problems filling the seats, so he was allowed to bus in “rowdy activists” supporters from other parts of the state.

(Maria Elena) Salinas told BuzzFeed that tickets for each forum were divided between the network, the respective campaigns, and the University of Miami (which hosted the events) — and she said both campaigns initially agreed to keep the audience comprised mostly of students, in keeping with the events’ education theme.

But after exhausting the few conservative groups on campus, the Romney camp realized there weren’t enough sympathetic students to fill the stands on their night — so they told the network and university that if they weren’t given an exemption to the students-only rule, they might have to “reschedule.”

…Romney’s team was allowed to bus in rowdy activists from around southern Florida in order to fill the extra seats at their town hall.

And according to the report, Romney was not happy with the reception he received when introduced, and demanded redoing his introduction with a more appreciating audience. Ms Salinas was shocked. “It was a very awkward moment, believe me.”

Bringing in his own supporters for an event is nothing new to Mitt Romney. He was also accused of flying in supporters when he spoke to at an event hosted by the NAACP back in July.

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