Georgia Politics

Georgia Businessman Says No More Hires Until President Is Fired

Although companies have already made trillions in profits under the Obama administration – the fastest accumulation of wealth in decades –  and although companies have already received over 17 tax cuts and subsidies over the last three years, there are still some “businesse owners” out there who buy into the Republican talking-point that businesses are suffering because of Obama.

Bill Looman, owner of U.S. Cranes LLC, said he is fed up with the bad economy and D.C. politicians who do nothing to solve the problem. So until there is a change of leadership, his company trucks will bear the message: “New Company Policy: We Are Not Hiring Until Obama Is Gone.”

“Can’t afford it,” Looman told the local Waco, Ga., television stationWXIA-TV. “I’ve got people that I want to hire now, but I just can’t afford it. And I don’t foresee that I’ll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C.”

If a climate favorable to businesses cannot influence a businessman to hire, then maybe he should not be in business. Maybe they should shut down their operation and join politics. In Mr. Bill Looman’s case, he’ll fit right in with the do-nothing-to-help-the-economy Republicans.

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