
Detroit Mayor – Vacant Lots To Be Sold for $100 Each

One of the ideas from Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan during his campaign was to sell empty lots in the city for a small price to be used for the owner’s (legal) discretion. Looks like Duggan is keeping his promise, as such a program is coming to fruition.

Duggan tweeted last night that a pilot program to sell lots in the city for $100 is under way in Southwest Detroit. The lots are ones that likely are owned by the city, whether naturally empty or vacant by means of home demolition. They’re probably not huge lots; likely just enough for a home that used to be there.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney’s “Oops” Moment – Now Says He’s For 100% of Americans

Can you say a Rick Perry “Oops?”

After showing his true colors in what he thought was a private gathering with his millionaire friends, where Mitt Romney expressed that 47% of Americans consider themselves “victims” who depend on the government for food, clothing and shelter and lack the ambition to “take care of themselves,” Mitt Romney is now changing his tune and he is hoping the American people are too slow to notice.

At an appearance on a Spanish network on Univision, the Republican presidential nominee is now quoting another number – 100%

“My campaign is about the 100% of America,” he said.

Romney also tried to put a different spin on what he said about the 47%. He explained;

“I know that I’m not going to get 100% of the vote and my campaign will focus on those people we think we can bring in to support, but this is a campaign about helping people who need help.”

ABC News noted Romney stressed the number three times in the first 10 minutes of the candidates forum.

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