Politics Racism trayvon martin

Right Winged-Nut Accuses Trayvon of “Stalking a Neighborhood on a Rainy Night.”

Republicans have managed to take a national tragedy and turn it into a something political. It began with the Glenn Beck show – saying things about Trayvon I refuse to list here in this forum – then the politics of the tragedy made its way on Fox News, when Geraldo Rivera blamed Trayvon for Trayvon’s murder.

Now, regular right-winged nuts on Twitter are jumping into the fray. They have scavenged the internet looking for anything they could come up with to paint a negative portrait of the victim in this heinous crime. Below is a tweet by John M. Patello, who mentioned messages against “the liberal media” in some of his tweets, and sent out this picture he claimed is of Trayvon Martin. Off to the right of the picture are the words;

… have you seen these pics? Probably not. They’re not selling any t-shirts with THESE pics from Trayvons Facebook on them. Now imagine Trayvon, dressed in a “hoodie” (a disguise), stalking a neighborhood on a rainy night.

Politics trayvon martin

Geraldo Rivera’s Son is “Ashamed” of His Father’s Remarks

The Daily News Reports: “My own son just wrote to say he’s ashamed of my position,” the Fox News contributor tweeted on Friday.

Rivera created a firestorm earlier this week when he argued the hoodie the unarmed teen chose to wear when he was killed in Florida was as much to blame for his death as the man that shot him.

Despite his own family’s harsh criticism, Rivera refused to budge on his position, adding on Twitter “Still I feel parents must do whatever they can to keep their kids safe.”

Rivera elaborated on his 32-year-old son’s shame to Politico.

“Gabriel broke my heart…He just told me for the first time in his life he’s ashamed,” he told the political website, adding his son believed he had “gone viral for all the wrong reasons.”

Rivera said he wrote Gabriel back and tried to explain his position that “every hoodie should come with a warning like cigarettes, ‘caution wearing this could get you killed.'”

Politics Racism trayvon martin

Fox Network Blames Trayvon Martin for Trayvon Martin’s Murder

According to Geraldo Riveria of the Fox News Network, Trayvon Martin may still be alive today, had he worn different clothing the night he was murdered. The Fox employee equally blamed Martin’s hoodie for the killing, as he the killer, George Zimmerman.

“I believe,” he shared, “that George Zimmerman, the overzealous neighborhood watch captain, should be investigated to the fullest extent of the law and if he is criminally liable, he should be prosecuted. But I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies. I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.”

Although there are many preconceived notions and misconceptions about blacks and other minorities, casting blame on the outfit of the 17 year old murder victim is part of the problem we face as a society. The problem is not our clothing – we take pride is considering ourselves a “free” country. The problem is ignorance and bigotry, and the apparent willingness by some – especially those in the media – to foster that ignorance.

Trayvon Martin wasnt killed because of a hoodie, he was killed because George Zimmerman thought he was better than Trayvon. George Zimmerman looked down on Trayvon and saw something he despised and it wasn’t a hoodie… it was a color… the color of Trayvon’s skin… black.

Politics trayvon martin

President Obama Speaks about the Trayvon Martin Case

Some have criticized the president for taking too long to issue a statement about the senseless killing of an unarmed teenager in Florida. A crime that allowed the shooter to walk free without even being brought in for questioning, while the teenager’s bullet-ridden body was tested for drugs and alcohol.

The president had this to say;

“I’ve got to be careful about my statements to make sure that we’re not impairing any investigation that’s taking place right now.” He did, however, share that he empathized with Martin’s parents and that the young man’s death made him think about his own daughters

“But, obviously, this is a tragedy,” he added, noting that we all have to “do some soul searching to find out why something like this happened.”

“I think every parent in America,” he said, “should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative to investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together — federal, state, and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.” He noted that he was glad that the Justice Department had stepped in to investigate the specifics of the case.

“But my main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon. And, you know, I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and that we’re going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened.”

Trayvon Martin was killed by what is amounting to an overzealous racist, who made multiple 911 calls complaining about black teens in his neighborhood, and even used a racial slur in the 911 call he made about Trayvon. The killing, which happened in the last week of February sparked a national outcry when it was learned that the shooter George Zimmermann was never arrested for the crime and today, one month later, is still walking the streets as a free man.

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