News Sports

Sergio’s Racial Misstep

Sergio, Sergio, Sergio. The high-spirited Spaniard golfer has been very opinionated over the years and most recently, at the Players Championship in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida just two weeks ago. During that tournament, Sergio Garcia, who was playing with Tiger Woods, was flustered when he hit an errant shot and then blamed it on Tiger. As Sergio was addressing his shot, Tiger, who had hit a bad shot on the hole, pulled a club out of his bag which produced an eruption from the gallery. Sergio took it as if Tiger purposely did this to disrupt his shot and from that moment on, It’s Been On!

After both players had completed the round, Sergio, instead of talking with Tiger about the issue, took it to the media and complained vehemently that Tiger did this on purpose. He added that Tiger isn’t a nice person on the tour and others felt the same but wouldn’t say anything about it. Tiger, who seemed blind-sided by the Hoopla, made a comment saying, “Sergio is always whining and complaining about something. What Now”? For two solid weeks, the back and forth has been going on, mostly on the part of Sergio.

On Tuesday night, during a European Awards Banquet, Sergio was asked by a Golf Channel writer if he would invite Tiger over for dinner, basically to squash their feud which prompted the following response: “We’ll have him round every night. We will serve fried chicken.” And with that comment, a firestorm has encircled around the embattled golfer.

Sergio is no stranger to controversy nor controversial statements but This one will be his demise. The Golf Channel, since the feud began two weeks ago, has highlighted some of Sergio’s missteps which included him spitting in a hole after having a terrible score. Kelly Tiglhman, Golf Channel host, made mention to how Garcia had skipped interviews and sniped, “Go and interview your boy Tiger”.

So on Wednesday morning, Garcia, in a press conference said, “I want to also apologize to my Ryder Cup teammates who were there last night for taking the shine away from a wonderful event, and finally and foremost, I want to apologize to Tiger to anyone I could have offended. I felt very sick about it and feel really bad, and just hope to settle things down and move on.” Yep, he felt sick about it because we live in a world of Instant Access to News. And the news spread like a wild fire with Sergio holding the matches that started it.

But this time, his whining, complaining and big mouth has caused ‘Race’ to the forefront of what has been deemed to be a Sport For the Rich and Elite.

Tiger has been exposed to and directly targeted in racially motivated language. After firing his long-time caddy, Stevie Williams, the caddy attended a “Caddies Dinner” in his homeland of Australia and was asked a question about his new golfer’s victory, Adam Scott’s with Tiger in the field. His response: “It was my aim to shove it right up that black a——.” Williams, too, apologized afterwards.

And after Tiger won his 1st major, the Master’s Tournament in 1997, fellow golfer Fuzzy Zoeller shocked the T.V. audience after he referenced fried chicken as a potential meal Woods may choose to serve at the Masters Champions’ dinner. Of course, Zoeller issued an apology for his comments but suffered dramatically in sponsorships and on the tour itself.

Tiger was quick to answer the racially insensitive comment by Sergio on Twitter. He said in three tweets,

“The comment that was made wasn’t silly. It was wrong, hurtful and clearly inappropriate…”

“I’m confident that there is real regret that the remark was made.”
“The Players ended nearly two weeks ago and it’s long past time to move on and talk about golf.”

Sergio has been quick to talk to media showing his disdain for the #1 golfer in the world but now, he has to be even quicker to repair the damage HE caused, not just to Tiger, but to the African Americans who also watch, follow and are participate in one of the greatest individual sports in the world.

Golf is a Global sport which is played by All sorts of people. Black, White, Asian, Latino’s, Men, Women, Boys and Girls participate in this sport. In 2013, the 21st century for Heaven Sake, Race is still an Issue in our lives.

This is the world in which we live. Unfortunately, racial intolerance will Always be a part of our everyday lives. And when we try to get away from it in our sporting outlets, it will creep into our lives there as well. That’s because we will always have “Sergio’s” and “Zoeller’s” to make that possible.

Domestic Policies Politics

The GOP in N.C. are Eyeing SBI Authority

In what has become another ‘unpopular’ plan of action by Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina, the new target is the Attorney General of this state, Roy Cooper. In an unprecedented move, the governor and the GOP are attempting to overthrow the Attorney General’s authority of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and turn it over to the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. Republican leaders see it as a ‘cost-cutting plan’ while others have deemed it to be another Republican Power Grab.

Attorney General Cooper, a Democrat, held a press conference on Monday with law enforcement supporters from across the state Monday, including chiefs of police, sheriffs, and district attorneys who literally stood behind him at a news conference.

Cooper pointed to the many political corruption cases handled by the SBI in recent years. The majority of the public officials investigated during that time were – like Cooper – Democrats. But they were investigated at a time when Democrats held the governorship.

Cooper said putting the SBI under the Department of Public Safety – with a secretary appointed by the governor – could hinder future corruption investigations of the party in charge.

“The SBI has provided a check on power. And no matter who controls the state legislature, the governor’s office or the attorney general’s office, this system works best. Putting the SBI under any governor’s administration increases the risk that corruption and cover-up occur with impunity,” said Cooper.

One of the district attorneys at the news conference – Jim O’Neill, an elected Republican from Winston-Salem – said he didn’t see the move as a political power grab – just an attempt to save money. But, he said he still didn’t agree with the move.

He believes the SBI should remain under the AG’s office and that the legislature should instead better fund the SBI lab to eliminate long delays on evidence analysis.

So why is the Governor and the Republican party in North Carolina so hell-bent on “taking over” this part of the crime division? It’s obvious, isn’t it? It’s called, “ACCOUNTABILITY”! If they “Own” this division, they call the shots with NO Accountability. Just as they’ve taken control of the House, the Senate and have a Republican Governor, oversight of the Crime Division of North Carolina makes them this state’s version of “The Untouchables”.

Keep up the Fight Attorney General Cooper…Please!

NAACP Politics Protest

Civil Disobedience In North Carolina

The fight in North Carolina wages on into its 4th week. Ever since the people of this state elected a Republican Governor, a Republican House and a Republican Senate, the wheels have begun to fall off in the name of, “balancing budgets”. Gov. Pat McCrory and his Right Wing cronies have had backroom and midnight legislation passed without even a vote in some of his key moves. “If you meet with lobbyists secretly but refuse to meet with us publicly, you are violating the constitution,” said Rev. William Barber, North Carolina President of the NAACP.

McCrory’s GOP surrogates have made certain to pass other legislation including dismantling the Head Start program, making the Voter I.D. national argument a law, overturning Obamacare, decreasing Unemployment benefits from a maximum of $500 a week to $350 weekly and decreasing the length of Unemployment from 26-weeks to 13-weeks.

Rev. Barber stated in an interview, “They have cut 30,000 children, Black and white, from the preschool rolls,”. He continued, “They are trying to restart the death penalty. And we have the highest number of people on death row who have been exonerated. They have ended Sunday voting and have rolled back early voting. When we looked at all this, we decided that we had to go to another level.” This is a systematic attack by McCrory and the Republican party of North Carolina but what they didn’t count on was the backlash that has ensued.

Thanks to Rev. Barber, national attention is being brought to the ‘unrest’ in Raleigh in which Blacks and Whites, young and old, clergy, students, professionals, blue collar and white collar workers have stood together at the Legislation Building in what has been deemed, “Moral Mondays”. As they sing Spirituals and chants during the protest, the police have handcuffed and ushered them off to prison. They’ve also stood and prayed as they get ready for the next wave of what they call “civil disobedience” toward change.

They are fighting decisions to make cuts to Medicaid, education, unemployment and voting rights. Together they lit candles. Each one representing groups affected by these cuts. That’s what has made this movement similar to the Civil Rights Movement when Dr. Martin Luther King became the center of “change”. You had All types of People in All walks of Life supporting what was seen throughout the country, throughout the world as the worst form of discrimination. We see again the same Movement with All People coming together against a group seemingly passing legislation to continue to keep the ‘Elitists’ for and above the lowly.

How can people achieve the smallest of dreams when they’ve been laid off of work and need assistance through unemployment to make ends meet? With a family of four or more, $350 week won’t do it. Or how about Medicare assistance? If the Republicans have their way, that assistance will be null and void, leaving thousands of elderly searching for financial and medical assistance elsewhere. Has the Republican Party come up with an alternative to offset these cost to the elderly? NO! The overwhelming viewpoint to the protesters is They don’t care. Haven’t we seen this before?

The Head Start program that has been a major benefit to single parents is under fire as well. The GOP is looking to disband it causing preschoolers to be left in the cold and the single parents searching for other means of educational options for their child/children. And everyone knows the pre-years are the most important for children to get a “Head Start” and be prepared for elementary school.

Now, with the Voter I.D. legislation about to become law as well, this State is just about ready to boil over with discontent for this Government. And as we head into week 4 of the “Moral Mondays” protest, it’s time for National Attention to be brought to North Carolina. B.E.T. interviewed Rev. Barber recently so it has begun. But now, Big Guns need to be brought in to solidify the movement.

Understand people, just because Rev. Barber has taken the lead in this protest, this is Not an NAACP movement. EVERYONE in North Carolina is being affected by the Republicans continued barrage of unfavorable legislation. Medicare cuts will affect the elderly whether you’re Black or White or Latino. The unemployment benefits will affect Everyone, Black or White or Latino. The Head Start Program affects mostly low income people, Black, White or Latino. The Voter I.D. law will affect Black, White or Latino. With sweeping legislation, the Republicans have come in and done exactly what the Nation is trying to do across the board, get richer, make their corporate buddies richer and keep the low income and disenfranchised beneath them without a chance of progressing.

Amazing how some things Never change.

Domestic Policies

Guns in Bars, Restaurants and Colleges? It’s a Possibility

At a time in which you would think people would be up in arms (No Pun Intended) about guns, it appears to be the exact opposite. The NRA appears to be winning the debate as it has rallied the battle charge to its members and nonmembers alike, to buy, buy, buy.

All across America, gun shows are producing record numbers of not only visitors but purchasers as well. You would think that after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut where 26 were killed – 20 of them children – slaughtered by a deranged killer, sensible folks would say emphatically and with one voice, “NO TO GUNS”.

It seems that sensibility has left the building.

House Bill 937 in Cumberland County, North Carolina allows handgun owners with concealed permits to store weapons in locked cars on public college campuses and carry weapons at some sporting events. It also would allow them on bike and walking trails, and patrons could carry a handgun where alcohol is served.

And now, more idiotic behavior is about to continue. A proposal that would allow concealed weapon permit holders to take up arms in bars and restaurants is one step closer to becoming law. The bill also would allow people to pack heat on college campuses. Yes, that’s right, Bars and on College Campuses. Let’s begin with the latter first, shall we?

Have we all forgotten about the Virginia Tech massacre? On April 16, 2007, a 23-year old student went on a shooting spree where thirty-two victims were killed. And what about the 1999 high school shooting at Columbine in Littleton, Colorado where two students systematically and strategically planned and executed 12-students and 1-teacher? This, on the surface, seems like a no-brainer right? Wrong!

The Second Amendment is thrust into the mix yet again. No one has a problem with the right to bear arms, but come on people, Schools? Not everyone carrying their gun permit is mentally stable. I have to believe that at some point, in everyone’s lifetime, a bad day occurs. The problem is Columbine, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook are examples of bad days going terribly, terribly wrong. Guns + Schools = Catastrophic Results.

Lastly, Cumberland County is considering concealed weapons to be carried into bars and restaurants. If this were not so stupid, it would be funny. In Aurora, Co., a gunman opened fire upon a crowded theater, killing 12 and injuring 58. The key here is a ‘crowded’ area. How any “smart” person could think guns and bars is a match made in heaven is beyond my menial comprehension. Guns + Bars = Disasters Waiting to Happen.

This is just one more example of how this country is not in a Good Place. Our rationale has been distorted. The Big Picture should be on reduction, not addition. I don’t have a problem with the Second Amendment. The Constitution has given us the right, but let’s use Common Sense when we’re considering this amendment.

Ahhh…Common Sense…The missing piece to the ‘Smoking Gun’.

Boston News Terrorism

Stop, Look and Listen America

The world as we know it has changed or should I say within the United States anyway. Periodically and without warning – as Americans go about their daily routines – of work, weekend fun and scheduled family activities, terror strikes leaving all of us to wonder why and how could this have happened?

With the domestic terrorism of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, the Olympic bombing in Atlanta, the terrorist attack of 9/11, the movie theatre shooting in Colorado and the most recent attack at the Boston Marathon, we’ve become vulnerable to the threat of horror within our lives. As a matter of fact, places that we’ve been so accustomed to see terrorism like Iraq, the Middle East and Afghanistan, is slowly spreading its way to our soil. Those countries have had violence erupt on a weekly basis for so long that the residences have grown immune to the bombings and bullets flying throughout their neighborhoods.

But now, it’s here. Since the younger brother of the terrorists was captured on Friday evening, media outlets have posed the question of how can the government keep us safe from these attacks? While watching the coverage on several different news channels on Friday, a Terror Expert stated how we have been so fortunate that more have not taken place. Terror teams have intercepted so many chances by the enemy on our homeland. We just aren’t apprised of every chance taken for our own safety and to keep the masses from widespread panic.

Well we citizens have to do our part. STOP, LOOK & LISTEN. When we go to the airport, an announcement comes over the speakers to keep your luggage with you at all times. We are very observant at the airport for obvious reasons but now we need to be equally observant everywhere we go.

STOP: Be vigilant at all times. If something doesn’t appear right, notify the management team if you’re at the movies, restaurant or any event that you’ve noticed something out of sorts.

LOOK: Always be aware of your surroundings. No need to be paranoid but backpacks or bags carried now seem to be a popular carrying case of choice for those that would do us harm. If bags are left unattended, make someone aware of it.

LISTEN: We don’t need to eavesdrop on conversations but just be observant to things that sound suspicious. Notify authorities or management depending on where you are.

Don’t take matters into your own hands. We aren’t trained for that. But, we can do our part and that is the simple steps above: STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Perhaps by doing those three things, we could save a multitude of lives.

So be vigilant America. We really can make a difference.Our lives just may depend on it.

News violence

The Endless Violence Is Taking A Toll

It is getting so hard to believe in Humanity these days. What’s wrong with people? What causes a person – who is having serious issues in their own lives – to decide to take someone else’s life? The debate is whether these individuals have ‘mental issues’. Yes. That is obvious. But, the question still remains, what causes them to want to take it out on All mankind?

The Boston Marathon bombing was just added to the litany of violent crimes perpetrated on innocent Americans just enjoying their lives, their day, and their families when the unthinkable happened.

Today, a letter addressed to President Obama, was laced with ricin which is a toxic protein agent that is used as a biochemical. This same ricin was intercepted by authorities when it was sent to Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi. An arrest was made today in the Tupelo, MS area.
The Newtown Ct. shooting that still has politicians and the NRA fighting over banning semi-automatic weapons. The massacre which robbed the lives of 20-first graders was so appalling, disturbing and unsettling; it tears at the very heart of Hope. How can anyone kill a child?

The movie theatre massacre in Colorado killed 12 and wounded over 50 others. People just wanted to go out and enjoy a nice night out at the movies with friends, family and their children when yet again, a brazened attack on the innocent.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, was shot point blank in the head where six were killed, including a 9-year old girl and 13 others wounded while speaking at a neighborhood shopping center in Arizona. She survived but not without causing severe damage to her brain.

And this is just in America. The outside world is even more dysfunctional than here with suicide killers in Iran and Iraq almost daily. In 2011, a massacre in Norway tore apart a community when a lone killer plotted and executed a plan which included a car bombing, killing 8 and wounded over 200. Then, less than two hours later at a summer camp full of youth, a gunman opened fire upon them and killed 69 for a total of 77.

Are we seeing a pattern yet?

Everyday people, going through their ordinary lives with the ones they love. Why would anyone think the unthinkable would possibly happen to them? We’re not supposed to live in fear. We are not to look over our shoulder every second.

I’m just tired. I’m tired of the violence, the excuses for violence and lawyers attempting to persuade America their clients are ‘Clinically Insane’.

When does this stop? What is wrong world? I know we can’t agree on everything but killing others because of conflict is not the way.

Somehow, someway, Mankind has to find a way to end the violence. I don’t want to give up on Hope but people are making it harder to believe that Hope even exist.


Terror Attack in Boston

Just another day. An ordinary day like every other. Today is April 15th, 2013, Tax Day. Today is also the day of a long ‘running’ event – the Boston Marathon. An event in Boston that has been run since 1897 on Patriots Day, the third Monday in April will now have a stigma forever attached alongside their historic event – terror.

As runners were completing their epic test of endurance of over 26-miles throughout one of the most beautiful cities in the world, bombs exploded in a two-city block area. One actually detonated as runners were crossing the finish line. Why? Who’s responsible? What is the reasoning behind it? The last is obvious: To strike ‘Fear’ in the hearts of All Americans. The previous two have yet to be determined.

As paramedics and EMS attendants began to minister to the wounded, witness accounts of events have begun to surface, some disturbingly graphic. Bloodied spectators were carried to a medical tent intended for runners. Several of the injured had lost limbs, and at least one police officer was hurt.

“Somebody’s leg flew by my head. I gave my belt to stop the blood,” spectator John Ross told The Boston Herald.

Although no one has come forward announcing their guilt and purpose of the attack (as of this writing), we do have confirmed numbers to share. At least two – one being an 8-year old – was pronounced dead and over 100 injured. Chaos, panic and dismay have shrouded the country yet again, bringing about memories of 9/11, the Atlanta bombing at the 1996 Olympics and the Oklahoma City bombing of the federal building 18-years ago in this very month.

President Obama spoke on the attack Monday evening.

“We still do not know who did this or why; we still don’t have all the facts. We will get to the bottom of this. We will find who did this and we will find out why they did this. Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice. … We’ll find out who did this, and we’ll hold them accountable.”

“The nation will remember Boston in their prayers tonight,” the president said.

As the hours passed and perhaps even days, more information will surface. According to several media outlets, the FBI and terror experts are already searching surveillance cameras in the area to look for ‘suspicious’ activity. With technology and ‘Big Brother’ watching us, it’s just a matter of time before the culprit or culprits are brought to justice.

More to follow as reports come our way.

See more pictures and videos here.


Another Great Masters Finish

Wow! If we all had one word to sum up this Masters Championship – ‘Wow’ would be that word. This week had all the pageantry, excitement, big shots, awesome chips, huge birdie putts, disappointing bogeys, controversies, youthful surprises, a couple of senior surprises as well and finally, a suspenseful ending. And after all that, the Green Jacket goes to…Australia’s Adam Scott.

Scott overcame Angel Cabrera in a two hole playoff in a soggy Sunday finish to win his first major championship of a 13-year career. He is the first native of Australia to win a Masters Championship in which there have been great predecessors to attempt the feat including Australia’s legendary golfer, Greg Norman.

Adam Scott began Sunday’s round just one shot behind Angel Cabrera and Brandt Snedeker who were leaders on Saturday evening at 7-under par. A log jam of golfers were just six shots of overtaking them, including Tiger Woods who was just 4-strokes back at three under. And then, the fireworks began.

Jason Day, who was at -5 coming into the final round, jumped out early with a birdie on #1 and an improbable eagle chip from the front bunker of the par 5 second, giving him a lead temporarily. The move had been made but Brandt Snedeker, who is the current FedEx Cup leader, made birdie on 1 also and it was, “Game On”!

Analysts have always said, ‘the Masters don’t begin until the last 9 holes’. I’m a believer! What a great final nine we witnessed. It was a nail-biting contest with Snedeker and Day falling two shots off the lead with Cabrera sitting pretty on top of the leader board at -8 before they reached the 10th hole. At one point, the 43-year old Argentinean and 2009 Masters Champ – Cabrera – had a 3-stroke lead after getting to -9. While this battle was taking place with the focus on Cabrera, Snedeker and Day, no one checked the rearview mirror to see Adam Scott making a run for the lead.

Even Tiger began a charge for the lead but fell short and finished tied for 4th with a two under round and a -5 for the tournament.

Scott, plodding around a dreary and soggy course, tied Cabrera and overtook him on #18 with a birdie putt to go -9. The pressure was on Cabrera to hit a good drive – he did – and then he stuck his approach shot about 5 feet from the hole. Cabrera then birdied the final hole to send the Masters into extra holes and Scott had to halt his celebration…temporarily that is.

After both players parred the opening playoff hole on #18, the next hole they went to the par 4, 17th where they both hit stellar approach shots with Cabrera putting first. As his putt just missed, slipping by the hole on the high side, Scott made a 15-footer to win it all. He did it. He deserves it. He is this years Masters Champion and had the coveted Green Jacket placed on him in Butler’s Cabin from last years champion, Bubba Watson, who won his first Masters in the same fashion – a putt to win it on the same playoff hole.

This years Masters had it all but in the end, it gave us exactly what we wanted…excitement, drama and another nail-biter. Although my favorite didn’t win, I enjoyed it yet again.

Thank You PGA players and Masters Championship 2013 for continuing to give us your very best. I can’t wait to see what Masters 2014 has in store. Heck, I can’t wait to see what the remaining 3-majors has to offer for this is what we ‘weekend hackers’ live for, right?


A Master(s) Disaster

Just when the Masters 2013 Championship was beginning to take shape with movers and shakers maneuvering to the front of the leaderboard, a possible rules violation by one of the greatest golfers ever has shaken the golf world. Tiger Woods, who had one of the most unusual bad breaks in golf history, is now a target of a different sort – breaking a golf rule – namely, Rule 26-1. Let’s set the stage right here: Tiger, on hole #15, was hitting his third shot from the middle of the fairway about 85-yards away. He hit a perfect shot directly at the hole location and the ball struck the pin and caromed off backwards into the pond which was a tremendous body-blow to a surging Woods.

Tiger at the time was in second place with a 5-under score and charging the leader board. In fact, a birdie at the 15th would have propelled him to a tie with Jason Day at 6-under. Instead, the unfortunate occurred. Tiger, despondent and disappointed, had three options in which to take a drop shot which adds to the score of that hole.

The official USGA rules for relief from a water hazard (rule 26-1) are as follows:

a. Proceed under the stroke and distance provision of Rule 27-1 by playing a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played (see Rule 20-5); or
b. Drop a ball behind the water hazard, keeping the point at which the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the water hazard the ball may be dropped; or
c. As additional options available only if the ball last crossed the margin of a lateral water hazard, drop a ball outside the water hazard within two club-lengths of and not nearer the hole than (i) the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or (ii) a point on the opposite margin of the water hazard equidistant from the hole.
Woods chose the first option, to play from a spot nearest where the original ball was placed, but by moving the ball back two yards, he technically broke the rules.

All of the hoopla seems to be about whether Tiger should be disqualified and many PGA players have weighed in with not too kind words to say about it. Just take a look at some of the Twitter feeds below and judge for yourself:

“Take the fact that it was Tiger out of the equation and it is a fair ruling. Since it is him the debate begins about TV ratings etc etc.”

“I guess PGA made a new rule if a player not knowingly breaks a rule can get assessed penalty not DQ that it seems = Tiger.”

“I think he should WD. He took a drop to gain an advantage.”

That – David Duval – who is a majors winner himself and was also a fierce competitor of Tiger’s in the 1990’s, is preposterous! An “unfair advantage” is placing the ball CLOSER to the hole, not further away as Tiger did.

The whole story began when a T.V. viewer called in to notify the tournament of the possible infraction by Tiger Woods. That in itself should never be allowed to happen. There are so many golf officials on site to manage the game so if not one of the officials said anything to him about it, No Penalty should be given. Secondly, All golfers play with another partner and if that partner hasn’t said a thing about illegalities, No Penalty. This is a game of Sportsmanship, Honor and Integrity.

To think that a 14-time Major winner like Tiger Woods would take it upon himself to ‘cheat’ at a game that he has played since his dad, Earl, first placed a club in his hand is unthinkable. Why would or should Tiger have any reason to cheat the game he loves and even worships? He doesn’t and he wouldn’t. In my opinion, which seems to be what everyone has on this issue, is Tiger should not have been disqualified because the Rule Committee at the Masters said the same.

“After being prompted by a television viewer, the Rules Committee reviewed a video of the shot (after the drop) while he was playing the 18th hole,” Fred Ridley, the Augusta National Golf Club’s competition committee chairman, said in a written statement. At that time the committee determined Woods hadn’t broken any rules, but later met with Woods after he described on television where he stood to drop the ball. Woods told reporters he stood “two yards” behind the spot of his errant shot before the drop. Television replays suggested he was a little closer.

So with that said, move on golf world, move on PGA Players, move on has-beens of the game and move on weekend hackers. The Committee has spoken and Tiger Woods tees off at 1:45 pm on Saturday afternoon. What’s the matter? Are you all afraid he may still come back and win his 5th Green Jacket and 15th career major?

Of course you are…that’s why All the hoopla. And, P.S., he could just comeback and win it. He has come from 6-shots back before. He could do it again.


The Masters 2013 Recap of Round 1

The Masters Championship at Augusta National in Augusta, Ga. has completed the first round and what a round it was!

Surprises took shape in the opening round with an Aussie and a Spaniard leading at the end of the day with 6-under scores. Marc Leishman from Australia and Sergio Garcia from Spain, lit up the scoreboard at the 77th Masters which had many golf fans scratching their heads collectively and asking two questions: First) Who is Marc Leishman and Second) Sergio Garcia?

“The first time I was here,” Leishman says, “I was like a bit of a deer in headlights, I guess. I found myself looking around a little bit too much and not concentrating on getting the ball in the hole.” Well the concentration level was with him on Day 1 as he carded 7-birdies against 1-early bogey on the very first hole. We’ll call that nerves. He then lit it up with birdies on holes 3, 8, 10 and then four consecutive holes on 13-16 to finish with a 6-under 66.

Sergio also had a day of days for he had a bogey-free round, his first and best ever at the Masters in all his 14th appearances. Garcia, still seeking his first major title at age 33, has often struggled with Augusta’s tricky greens. He has only two top 10 finishes in 14 previous Masters.

“It’s obviously not my favorite, my most favorite place, but you know, we try to enjoy it as much as we can each time we come here,” Garcia said. “Sometimes it comes out better than others, but today it was one of those good days. And you know, let’s enjoy it while it lasts. A very quick start for Sergio but a tournament is not won on Day 1. It takes four days of consistent play and I don’t think Sergio has that consistency in his bag.”

The feel good story of the day: Guan Tianlang, the 14-year-old from China. He played a nervously steady 1st round after he rammed home a birdie putt on 18 to complete a surprising 73. Yes, he made bogeys here and there but he also made some unbelievable recoveries with long par putts and birdies that brought him back into the mix of conversation. A 1-over par from a 14-year old is amazing on such a stage as the Masters. Let’s see how he fairs on Friday.

Our ‘Favorites’ didn’t knock themselves out of the tournament by any means.
Rory McIlroy struggled with his short game and missed some makeable putts but finished at -1, 71.

Phil Mickelson was Phil Mickelson. Birdie, bogey, errant drives, spectacular shots from impossible locations, finished -1, 71.

Defending champ, Bubba Watson struggled all day and finished at +3, 75.
And my favorite to win the 77th Masters Championship, Tiger Woods shot a -2, 70. And the 70 bodes well for Woods, who has not won a green jacket since 2005. The four-time winner — tied for second most in tournament history with Arnold Palmer — has shot 70 in five opening rounds in his career in the Masters. He won three of those years so we won’t press the ‘panic button’ yet.

Dustin Johnson also had a great start along with Jim Furyk so again, stay tuned for a great Friday.


The Masters 2013

The 2013 Masters Championship in Augusta, Ga. is underway! Halleluiah! I, being a golf fanatic, am So excited about this time of year.

College basketball has completed its epic journey from the beginning of a dream season to the end of March Madness. Baseball season has begun and the NBA is about to begin with their Playoff run. But the journey truly begins for the PGA players and fans alike because the first major tournament starts in Augusta, Ga. – The Masters.

This is the 77th Edition of the Masters Championship and the uniqueness of this major is that it is played at the same location every year – Augusta, Ga. Over 100 players begin their quest for the famed “Green Jacket” that is presented along with the championship trophy on Sunday but it’s reserved for only one.

As this quest begins, there are so many storylines to follow. The one that I’m following is my favorite golfer and my favorite to win it all, Tiger Woods. Tiger has won the Masters four times now, in 1997, 2001, 2002 and 2005. He hit a speed bump of sorts after his personal life took a few ‘bogeys’ with the infidelities that ended his marriage in 2009, endorsements abandoning him thereafter, knee injuries and surgeries that slowed him down and his 3rd swing change, as well caddy change (3rd) and another swing coach change (also 3rd). Through all of this, his #1 PGA golf ranking took a tumble, knocking him all the way down to #51.

He’s won a couple of tournaments here and there, especially Jack Nicklaus’s tournament,
The Memorial and Arnold Palmer’s tournament, Bay Hill Championship, but we’re waiting on him to win another major, which he hasn’t done in 3 years.

But the resilience of this guy is so remarkable. Many, including myself, had counted him out of becoming the golfer of old, but this year alone, he’s won 3-times and we’re just in April. Just when you think he’s done, down and out, finished, he surprises us with another victory. Tiger is a very smart player. With the personal issues and coaching changes, one thing he has always alluded to is that this game “is a process”.

In every news conference, Tiger lets the media and the golf world know that winning takes hard work, diligence, persistence and time. And if any of you play this game, you can relate to them all.

To the tournament:

Tiger is the favorite to win because of the “Big Mo”. He won his last outing, the Bay Hill, two weeks ago and with 3 victories, he’s poised to win #5 at Augusta – major win #15 overall and closing in on Jack Nicklaus’s all time Majors record of 18.

Rory McIlroy has got to be in the equation. He’s a former #1 player with a U.S. Open major under his belt. His youthfulness and tenacious iron play makes him a formidable competitor. A very good driver and putter are a few tools that could put him in the mix for a great Sunday finish.

Phil Mickelson is everyone’s ‘darling’ player. He’s a great golfer as well and has 3 Masters Championships of his own. But Phil has been plagued with health issues and age may be catching up with him. At 46, he’s still a feisty competitor and could very well be there on Sunday but with Phil, he’s got to post good scores and Thursday and Friday make it interesting. If he shoots high scores early, he’s done.

Bubba Watson is last year’s Masters Champion. He has been rather inconsistent since that victory which takes away from him being a favorite, but no one expected Bubba to win last year so never-say-never.

Some of the “young guns” to watch are Keegan Bradley, Dustin Johnson, Justin Rose, who shares Tiger’s swing coach, and Rickie Fowler. Some veterans that may make it interesting are Jim Furyk, Lee Westwood, Graeme McDowell and Ian Poulter. I’d throw in Padraig Harrington who also has a Majors win.

And so it begins. The first Major tournament of the Year. The Masters 2013. Augusta, Ga. Where dreams will become a reality for someone on Sunday evening. Will it be the Favorite or will it be a Newcomer?

Whoever it is, rest assured the ratings will be higher than the expectations of the golfers. And I’ll be one of those adding to the ratings…with refreshments close by.

rihanna Television

Celebrity Fetish – Why All The Fuss?

Why are people so enamored with celebrities? I mean, really. Is it because of the lifestyle they live? The Fame? The Fortune? The Glitz? The Glamour? What is it? It can’t be said for 100% of celebrities in the world today but over 60% are in the news weekly, usually in negative connotations.

Lindsay Lohan

Since last summer, Lindsay Lohan single-handedly led the field of celebrities with news of courtroom dramas. She is continuing this year by staying in trouble, in the courtroom and in the limelight of tabloid heaven, thus in our living rooms weekly.

 Justin Beiber, once the teenage heart-throb of millions of starry-eyed pre-teen girls, has also begun to find trouble. If it’s not with paparazzi, it’s nightclubs and his entourage muscling through crowds, and picture takers that, “were getting too close” to their superstar. And in his latest blow-up, Beiber got into an altercation with his neighbor who claimed Justin had spat in his face because the neighbor had complained about his noise from his home.

Chris Brown’s troubles continue. He’s been in the courtroom for a possible probation violation. Fights with Drake, a lawsuit pending and a feud with singer Frank Ocean has kept Brown in a negative spotlight. Now, claims are surfacing that the community service Brown was to perform from the domestic violence on girlfriend Rihanna – who has continued to show support for her troubled boyfriend – may have been fraudulent. As he stays in and out of courtroom and in and out of the tabloids, she remains loyal to his ‘badness’ and folks insist on showing their loyalty by following their every move.

Reality Shows. Why? The Hollywood Housewives, The Housewives of Atlanta, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and OMG, the Kardashians are another form of Uck.

“Real Housewives”

Why THESE shows are becoming more popular than true actors of the Big Screens or even musicians that have a God-Given gift, crafted, trained and skillfully honed daily, some taking years to perfect, is a mystery…to me anyway.

I’ve never been a Fan of ‘Reality’ T.V. because it’s not reality. At least not my reality. If anyone can explain the fascination with these no-names-getting-on-TV-to-argue-fight-cuss out-share their intimacies, while drawing millions of viewers weekly, I’d greatly appreciate it.

You see, I don’t see how it’s interesting to see how a Multi-Millionaire lives, dates, loves, hates, breaks up, makes up, gets engaged, gets divorced, then makes his personal saga a series. I would think that your life is so much more interesting and sophisticated than theirs, but with less… materially speaking.

We’ve often been warned, be careful for what you wish for, or the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Both are true. Even the millionaires have issues but theirs are magnified by a million because of their status and because the World is following them 24/7. They are no different than us if you take away the bright lights, the glamour and all that loot. And if the truth be told, many would love to trade places with you or me just to live a more ‘normal’ life.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t appreciate the talent of these great artist (not Reality Shows), but we should be careful in getting caught up in their world…because we don’t live there. We’re just visiting, just passing through, innocent bystanders in a world of Non Reality. Until they walk a day in my shoes, they’re aliens as far as I’m concerned. Nope, I take that back. I’m more interested in Aliens.

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