
Donald Trump Draws His Executive Orders – PICS

A new Twitter handle has popped up and like its name says, the handle is all about Trump’s drawings. You didn’t know Trump drew? It’s what he’s done every time he signs an executive order. Don’t believe me? Here are a few examples.

Featured shootings

Man Goes to Wedding, Shoots Three People – Video

Nothing is sacred anymore. The Brazilian man follows a bride into a church, lifts his shirt and pulls out a gun shooting 3 people, and it’s all caught on tape!

In the video, an unidentified Brazilian bride is seen making her way down the aisle at Our Lady of Conception Church as a man in a striped t-shirt and jeans walks behind her.

As the bride gets to the front of the church, the man walks into one of the pews and says something to one of the guests. The man then lifts up his shirt, pulls out a gun and starts shooting. As guests run for cover, the shooter is seen calmly walking out the front door of the church.

Believe it or not, following the chaos the bride and groom actually continued the ceremony and got married.



Trump Ordered Raid Kills 8-Year-Old American Girl

You can count on it that Donald Trump will somehow try to turn this tragedy into praise and self-admiration for a job well done.

Little Nawar al-Awlaki — the daughter of U.S.-born Yemeni preacher and Al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al-Awlaki  — was shot and killed during a Sunday raidtargeting militants in southern Yemen, her grandfather said.

“She was hit with a bullet in her neck and suffered for two hours,” Nasser al-Awlaki told Reuters. “Why kill children? This is the new (U.S.) administration — it’s very sad, a big crime.”

Medics on the scene said at least nine other women and children were killed in the raid.


Trump Elevates Bannon on National Intelligence Issues, Reduces Director of National Intelligence

Understand this if you can. Donald Trump has basically demoted the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the director of National Intelligence and in his place, Trump has elevated Breitbart’s editor, Steve Bannon to sit in on national intelligence meetings.

Pure Insanity!

But the defining moment for Mr. Bannon came Saturday night in the form of an executive order giving the rumpled right-wing agitator a full seat on the “principals committee” of the National Security Council — while downgrading the roles of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence, who will now attend only when the council is considering issues in their direct areas of responsibilities. It is a startling elevation of a political adviser, to a status alongside the secretaries of state and defense, and over the president’s top military and intelligence advisers.


Finally A Record Trump Can Claim – Trump Breaks Disapproval Record

I honestly did now know there was such a record but apparently, there is. In just a little over one week, Donald Trump managed to get a majority of Americans to disapprove of the work he is doing as president.

It took former President George W. Bush 1,205 days to reach a majority disapproval rating. Former President Barack Obama crossed that threshold in 936 days.

And President Donald Trump did it in just over a week.

The Republican, who was sworn in on Jan. 20 as the least popular president in at least 40 years, hit majority disapproval in a record eight days, a new Gallup poll of 1,500 Americans finds. As of Saturday, 51 percent of Americans disapproved of Trump.

Trump’s majority disapproval rating comes after a tumultuous first week in office that was capped off with his widely protested executive order banning immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries. After the president’s first day in office, millions of women and men protested his agenda in the Women’s March on Washington and sister marches around the world.


Petition to Ban Trump from The U.K Gets Hundreds of Signatures Every Minute

A growing petition in the UK is trying to stop Donald Trump’s upcoming state visit from happening. The petition states Trump’s “well documented misogyny and vulgarity” as some of the reasons for denying his entry, but since Trump’s new immigration ban, the petition has taken on a life of its own.

The petition gets hundreds of signatures per second.

The petition states;

“Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US government, but he should not be invited to make an official state visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.

“Donald Trump’s well-documented misogyny and vulgarity disqualifies him from being received by Her Majesty the Queen or the Prince of Wales. Therefore during the term of his presidency, Donald Trump should not be invited to the United Kingdom for an official state visit.”


It’s Chauncey Gardiner On Crystal Meth

Something is telling me that this immigration ban isn’t working out the way the president (shudder) thought it would. He probably thought that since he’s, you know, Donald Trump and that, you know, Steve Bannon told him that Muslims are terrible, and that, you know, his rabid fan base voted for this craziness, that he could just, you know, do this immigration ban thing. Never mind that zero terrorists have come from the countries we’re banning people from. And make sure that we don’t include countries where Trump has businesses. Appearances matter, you know.

This is a nightmare. And it’s only been 10 days. All I can say is thank heavens for the Federal court system and the judges who understand the Constitution and our way of life, because clearly Donald Trump is the biggest Know-Nothing this country, or at least a minority of voters, has ever elected president. And it’s up to the majority who oppose him, a majority that’s getting more major every day, to stop him.

Consider what else we’ve learned since January 20.

We have a president who doesn’t read. He only likes to watch television and and then regurgitweet what he’s seen and heard.  Using the same language as the news shows.

He engages in conspiracy theories about illegal immigrants, 3.5 million strong, who came out to vote in November for Hillary Clinton. They didn’t vote for anybody else–not Senate, not House, not Dog Catcher–only for Hillary. And she got almost every one of their votes. That’s amazing.

And that’s why its a conspiracy theory. Because to an average, thinking, reading, analyzing, overworked, underpaid, patriotic American, it makes no sense. But to the leader of the free world? A perfect explanation for why he simply couldn’t, ever, lose the popular vote.

I shudder to think of what Trump would have done had he lost the election and made good on his promise to not concede. Here he won the election and he still can’t let go of the fact that he’s not more popular than he’s convinced himself that he is.

And all of this has nothing to do with actual policy. Remember the fuss the GOP made about Obama’s use of Executive Orders? That’s all Trump has used since his inauguration and not a peep out of the purring, moist right wing. What about the deficit, you say? Hey, $20 billion on a superfluous, irrelevant, showy wall is a fine use of taxpayers pesos, I mean, dollars. We might not get Mitch McConnell to go along with funds for highways, bridges, roads, hospitals, airports, water systems and other extras that we really don’t need, but a wall that will immediately become cover for tunnels? I can see him sidling up to Paul Ryan, with a handful of bills and in a low, conspiratorial voice say, “Don’t tell your father I gave you this.”

The Trump administration is making good on its campaign promises, and now we are seeing why more people voted against them. They are creating chaos, uncertainty and unnecessary hardship for many Americans, and they contradict this country’s values of tolerance and equality before the law.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

ban all muslims Featured

Cleveland Doctor Forced To Leave Country on Donald Trump’s Order

I find it hard to believe that a nation of immigrants is refusing entry to other immigrants, based for the most part, on the immigrant’s religion. But for Donald Trump and his Republican backers, this is exactly the outcome they are after.

Hours after landing in New York on Saturday, a doctor at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic was forced to leave the country based on an executive order issued by President Donald Trump that bans visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days.

Her flight to Saudi Arabia took off minutes before a federal judge in New York put a temporary stay on turning back people in such situations.

Suha Abushamma, 26, is in the first year of an Internal Medicine residency program at the clinic and held an H-1B visa for workers in “specialty occupations.” Born and raised in Saudi Arabia, she holds a passport from Sudan, one of the seven countries from which Trump barred visitors.

On Saturday evening, Abushamma was forced to make a choice by Customs and Border Protection agents: She could leave the country voluntarily and withdraw her visa — or she could be forcibly deported, which would have prevented her from coming back to the United States for at least five years. The latter also would have resulted in a permanent black mark on her immigration record.

She asked for a delay but was refused, she said in a FaceTime interview with ProPublica while she was flying over the Atlantic on her way back to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not one of the countries on Trump’s list, but because Abushamma’s passport is from Sudan, she was told she is covered by the executive order.

“I’m only in this country to be a doctor, to work and to help people — that’s it,” she said. “There’s no other reason.”

Donald Trump Featured

Pope Francis – “Hitler Did Not Steal Power, He Was Elected By His People”

Pope Francis did not mention Donald Trump, but as the new U.S “President” was being sworn in, the Pope made some interesting statement to a Spanish newspaper, El Paris. Pope Francis warned that “crises provoke fears and worries,” among people, and added that Germans “elected” Adolf Hitler to lead and fix Germany because he was the one telling them, “I can do it.”

Sounds familiar?

In an hour-long interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais conducted as Donald Trump was being sworn in as US president, the pontiff also condemned the idea of using walls and barbed wire to keep out foreigners, among them refugees and migrants.  “Of course crises provoke fears and worries,” he said, but added that for him “the example of populism in the European sense of the word is Germany in 1933”.

The pope added: “Germany … was looking for a leader, someone who would give her back her identity and there was a little man named Adolf Hitler who said ‘I can do it’.” “Hitler did not steal power,” the pope said. “He was elected by his people and then he destroyed his people.” The Germans at that time also wanted to protect themselves with “walls and barbed wire so that others cannot take away their identity”, he said.

“The case of Germany is classic,” he said, adding that Hitler gave them a “deformed identity and we know what it produced.”

Donald Trump

Ethics Group To File Lawsuit Against Donald Trump for Ethics Violation

It’s in the United States Constitution that no elected official shall accept gifts from any foreign government. Donald Trump should not be the exception to that and a watchdog group is determined to hold Trump’s feet to the same standards with a lawsuit.

The group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said that because Trump-owned buildings take in rent, room rentals and other payments from foreign governments, the president has breached the Emoluments Clause. That clause in the Constitution says that “no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” It was written out of fear that the young republic’s leaders or ambassadors could be bought off by a richer European power..


George Will – Trump’s Speech “The Most Dreadful Inaugural Address In History”

I did not watch Trump’s inaugural because anyone helped by Russia to “win” the presidency is not a legitimate president. So watching the event would have been a total waste of time for me. But the spectacle was watched by some, and the criticisms are quickly coming in.

George Will, a former conservative Republican who left his party because of its embrace of Donald Trump, wrote a column after Trump’s speech. Will called the speech, “the most dreadful inaugural address in history.”

Twenty minutes into his presidency, Donald Trump, who is always claiming to have made, or to be about to make, astonishing history, had done so. Living down to expectations, he had delivered the most dreadful inaugural address in history.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s White House counselor, had promised thatthe speech would be “elegant.” This is not the adjective that came to mind as he described “American carnage.” That was a phrase the likes of which has never hitherto been spoken at an inauguration.

I knew watching his speech would have been a total waste of time.

Donald Trump

Oppose and Replace

I completely understand how you felt Friday at around 12:20, after President Donald Trump (shudder) delivered the last of his vapid, sloganeering, frighteningly insipid and angry remarks after he was sworn in. You don’t recognize the country or its values or the office of the presidency or how the constitution fits into his plans and you wonder how anybody who calls themselves a patriotic, thinking American can vote for…that. Perhaps the best we can say is that James Buchanan, William Henry Harrison and Richard Nixon no longer occupy the bottom spot on any of the presidential rankings. It’s Trump’s spot all alone. And he owns it.

But it’s vitally important to understand that reasoned arguments, references to facts, visits and links to mainstream news sites or paper-based articles dogeared, cut out or copied for relatives will not do any good to win arguments in the political present and the near future. Statistics mean nothing. The fight will be won on emotion and righteousness, patience and repetition, repetition, repetition.

The Women’s Marches on Saturday were an excellent start. More people showed up to the one in Washington than attended the inauguration. Add in the number of marchers in other cities in the United States and around the world and you have a supermajority of people who will not stand to go backwards on civil rights for all people. We will need more of these types of mobilizations and actions to show the Republican administration and Congress that they must pay attention to the words and tone they use, and the laws they attempt to pass.

The rest of this is going to be up to our use of language and messaging. As much as Trump is described as unpredictable, he really won’t be. We already know that he’s concerned with winning every battle. He hates to be criticized. He has no coherent policies. The press needs to ask questions repeatedly and not let Trump or Sean Spicer off the hook. Yes, their antics might play well in precincts where Trump won, but even there, the people want action and they want details about what he’s going to do.  In short, question and oppose everything and let Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan complain about obstruction. Do not apologize. Do not outwardly cooperate. It seems to be the only strategy that works, but with our country at stake, it’s what we need to do.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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