isil Politics Syria

Vice President Joe Biden Issues Apology to Turkish Leader

The Vice President spoke to the leader of the Turkish people on Saturday and apologized for comments he made on Thursday, the White House said.

In a speech on Thursday, the Vice President of the United States said that the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has conceded that Turkey mistakenly helped foreign fighters trying to unseat the Syrian government, foreign fighters like ISIS. Needless to say, the statement did not go over well with the Turks, prompting President Erdogan to say that Biden would become “history to me.”

According to the White House, the Vice President apologized “for any implication” that Turkey or other allies had intentionally supplied or helped in the growth of the Islamic State group or other extremists groups in Syria.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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