
“Everybody Hates Chris” Star Joins “The Walking Dead”

Word on the street is that Tyler James Williams, the actor who starred in the television show “Everybody Hates Chris,” has apparently landed a role in TV’s mega-hit show, The Walking Dead. There is no word on when Tyler would make his début or under what circumstance, but he has been seen mulling around the set of the AMC popular zombie show in Atlanta.

His character is expected to be called ‘Noah.’

According to “Spoiling Dead Fans,” Tyler is possible the man seen following Beth as she ran from the hospital in Season 5. Spoiling Dead Fans also said that Tyler seems to fit the description of the unidentified man seen filming with Rick, Ty, Glenn and Michonne.

I guess we will find out soon enough. The Walking Dead Season 5 premiers October 13th, 2014

democrats Domestic Policies Mitch McConnell News Politics

Senate Sense

I have gone on record as saying that the Democrats will somehow come out of the midterm elections still controlling the Senate, if only because Vice president Joe Biden will be the deciding vote in a 50-50 chamber.

That was last week. And a new spate of polls has the left in a bit of a tizzy, since they seem to show the GOP potentially picking up 7 seats, which would give them clear control. Let’s take a look.

RealClearPolitics shows nine tossup races on their election map, but new polls last week also show Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado and Georgia moving to the right. One notable poll, from Qinnipiac, is clearly and outlier, but especially in Colorado, the trend is towards the Republican. Electoral-vote also shows the same trends, although a mouse-over some of the more contested states shows razor-thin majorities in Colorado, Arkansas and Iowa. And over at the Princeton Election Consortium, the Meta-margin is currently at R+0.9 using a polls-only model.

So what does this mean?

That the races are still too close to call and that we need many more polls to make some sense of where we stand. No candidate in any of the contentious states has 50% in any poll or poll average, making it difficult to gauge anything other than movement towards one candidate or the other. In the end, the Senate race will be one of bragging rights since President Obama will veto anything he doesn’t like. The big repercussions will have to do with judicial and other nominees, where the Senate will most likely advise, but not consent. And in 2016 the GOP will be at the disadvantage, having to defend 23 seats.

The best news for the left, though, is the news that the GOP is still moving farther to the right, as evidenced by this past weeks Values Voter Summit.  As long as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Perry are the faces of the Republicans, they will continue to lose national races.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

isil Politics war

Standing On The Sidelines, Boehner Wants “Boots On The Ground”

Republicans want nothing to do with the war against the terrorist group ISIS, and they are doing everything possible to avoid the issue all together, even suggesting that the next Congress handle the vote.

Republicans in Congress are standing on the sidelines, but observing from the sidelines does not stop them from pointing and dictating how things should go.

House Speaker John Boehner says the U.S. may have “no choice” but to send ground forces into Syria to battle the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

“At the end of the day, I think it’s gonna take more than airstrikes to drive them outta there,” the Ohio Republican said in an interview airing Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” according to a transcript. “At some point somebody’s boots have to be on the ground.”

Asked if the U.S. should supply those ground forces if no other country would, Boehner said: “We have no choice. These are barbarians. They intend to kill us. And if we don’t destroy them first, we’re gonna pay the price.”

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