Politics Republican

Republican’s Hate for Obama Is Not About Policies, They Hate The Man

When you see a graph like the one shown above it makes you wonder: what is it about this president, this particular president, that would make Republicans hate him so much?& A hate soo strong, that they’ve decided to do everything they can, even bringing the country to its knees, to make sure this president fails.

Their excuse is always the same – we are against the policies and the direction the president is taking the country. Yes, that would be admirable, but it’s not true.

The fact is, the policies Mr. Obama have implemented are not the left winged, Democratic wet dreams that Republicans must fight against. No, on the contrary. The president’s policies – maybe by design or purely unintentionally – are more center or right of center.

Take the Republican hated Obamacare for example. The idea of Obamacare was first instituted in Massachusetts by a Republican governor named Mitt Romney. And the dreaded “individual mandate” Republicans hate so much, was the brainchild of a right winged think tank called The Heritage Foundation.

But Obamacare was not all. There are more policies previously supported and even proposed by Republicans, that lost Republican favor when the president embraced those policies. A fact that even the President noticed, when he, on many occasions, called Republicans out for turning their backs on their own policies because those policies gained his support.

So if it’s not about policies, then it has to be about a man. What is it about the man that has Republicans so pissed off? So consumed with hate that they’re happily pushing the country over the edge hoping to point their finger to the man in charge and say, “see, he did it!”

It’s not Obama’s family that they hate, or his policies or even his party. And it’s not the president’s beliefs. What’s fueling the Republican’s hate is nothing more than the color of the President’s skin.

The graph above tells the whole story. All American presidents, a mixture of Democrats and Republicans. But the black dude on the left has seen more of his court nominations filibustered by Republicans than all the other presidents combined.

Republicans want you to think that they’re all for the Constitution. They’re the first to quote selected texts and point out what the Founding Fathers intended when they put the document together. But I’m sure they can’t find a passage in the Constitution that says one branch of government must do all they can to make sure the other branches fail… especially if the head of one of those branches is black.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

One reply on “Republican’s Hate for Obama Is Not About Policies, They Hate The Man”

And they are TOO chicken to even put it out there……..but even a blind person can see what’s going on. Except the ones that listen to FOX, of course.

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