Newt Gingrich Politics

Breaking News: Newt Gingrich Tells The Truth – Republicans Can’t Compete If Hillary Runs in 2016

Yes, it’s unbelievable. Newt Gingrich opened his mouth and something miraculous happened… the truth jumped out.

The amazing revelation happened today on NBC’s Meet The Press. Gingrich was talking about the perils of his party and the prospects of them winning in 2016, when he said this;

“If [the Republicans’] competitor in ’16 is going to be Hillary Clinton, supported by Bill Clinton and presumably, a still relatively popular President Barack Obama, trying to win that will be truly the Super Bowl. And the Republican Party today is incapable of competing at that level.”

But that wasn’t the only truth Gingrich spoke today. He kept his mouth opened long enough and more truths to jumped out. This time, Gingrich explained that the reason his party lost the November election was not only because of Mitt Romney was a loser, but also because his party is a loser’s party that refused to adopt to the changing political climate in America.

Gingrich explains;

“We didn’t blow it because of Mitt Romney, we blew it because of a party which has refused to engage the reality of American life and refused to think through what the average American needs for a better future.”

The suggestion was also made that Gingrich should run again for president in 2016. But if Gingrich continues to tell the truth, the Republican party will quickly show him the door. There’s no room for truth tellers in that party, and Gingrich should know better!

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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