Mitt Romney Politics

Poll Shows Mormons Excited About Mitt Romney’s Lies… sorry… Candidacy

Most Mormons in Utah believe that Mitt Romney’s rise to become the likely GOP presidential nominee is a good thing for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But many do not trust the media to cover the church fairly, according to a new poll released Monday (June 25).

The study, conducted by Key Research and Brigham Young University’s Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy, is believed to be the first to gauge Mormons’ reaction to Romney’s barrier-breaking achievement. He is the first Mormon to clinch the presidential nomination of a major U.S. political party.

More than eight in 10 Utah Mormons said they are “very excited” or “somewhat excited” about Romney’s feat. Nearly as many (77 percent) said his nomination is a good thing for the LDS church; just 2 percent told pollsters it was a negative development.

Utah Mormons do not differ in many respects from Mormons in other states, according to studies conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

Politics Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Is Bringing Back The “Death Panels” Lie

The attention grabbing Sarah Palin is at it again. And this time, she has decided to bring back one of the many lies she created. A lie that was debunked by fact-checkers and even won the lie of the year award the year Palin invented it.

Sarah Palin is bringing back the Death Panels lie.

Palin took to her Facebook page and wrote;

“Though I was called a liar for calling it like it is, many of these accusers finally saw that Obamacare did in fact create a panel of faceless bureaucrats who have the power to make life and death decisions about health care funding.”

What do you expect. For a moment if felt like the rest of the world had moved on and left Sarah Palin behind. But it was too good to be true. Unable to find a reputable news channel (Fox is not news, and Fox is not reputable) that will give her the time of day, Palin has decided to resurrect an issue that was put to rest almost three years ago. With the Supreme Court expected to deliver its decision on Health Care this Thursday, Palin chose this time to blabb her nonsense with the expectation that her name would once again be mentioned.

I’ll say it one more time…Sarah Palin. There! I hope you’re happy. Now please go away!


Once an Obama Critic, Former New York Mayor Wants Obama Re-Elected

Ed Koch, the mercurial former New York mayor and Jewish community figure who was helpful to George W. Bush in places like Florida in the 2004 presidential race, sees “change” by President Obama, who he was slow to support, on the subject of Israel.

“Going to foreign affairs and Israel in particular, where I am very concerned that I think Israel is in great danger, where I thought the president was not giving enough attention,” Koch told WABC radio’s Aaron Klein. “He’s changed. And I believe I had something to do with the change.”

He added, “I think Obama has done a terrific job in the last six months in support of Israel. And I want to praise him and I want to reelect him.”

Politics taxes

America – Used, Abused and Abandoned By The Wealthy

If America was a woman, right about now she will have every right to feel used, unwanted and abused. A new report is projecting that wealthy Americans – those who received the most financial benefits from the tax laws and tax loopholes that allowed them to become wealthy – these people are projected to abandon America at a record pace this year.

Startling new data from Uncle Sam show that defections by Americans are expected to double this year, largely to avoid any stiff tax bills resulting from the proposed 55 percent hike on the rich — as well as the likely expiration on Dec. 31 of the Bush era tax cuts.

As many as 8,000 US citizens are projected by immigration officials to renounce in 2012, or about 154 a week, versus 3,805 in 2011, or about 73 per week.

“High-net-worth individuals are making decisions that having a US passport just isn’t worth the cost anymore,” said Jim Duggan, a lawyer at Duggan Bertsch, which specializes in protecting assets of the wealthy.

“They’re able to do what they do from any place in the world, and they’re choosing to do it from places with much lower tax rates,” he said.

If this is not a slap in the face of a nation that, in many cases, made these people rich, then I don’t know what is.

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