Featured Racism Republican

Republicans Labeled Outhouse “Obama’s Presidential Library”

This is the sophisticated mentality of the people we entrust to lead the greatest nation on earth. In Montana, Republicans gathering for a convention with Former Republican Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich as the Keynote speaker, felt the urgent need to build an outhouse with the words “Obama’s Presidential Library” plastered on its side walls. And for added maturity, fake bullet holes riddled the walls of their creation.

Inside, a fake birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama made reference to the disproven controversy over the president’s origins. It was stamped “Bull—-.” A graffito advised “For a Good Time call 800-Michelle (crossed out), Hillary (crossed out) and Pelosi (circled in red.)”

Said Will Deschampsthe State Republican Chairman, ” “It’s not something I’m going to agonize over.” He added, “Some of that stuff is not real good taste. We do have a president of the United States, and we have to honor that.”

Racism Teaparty

More Teaparty/Republican Racism – African Americans and Welfare

They call themselves members of the Teaparty. The group believes that they are paying too much taxes and that government spending is out of control.  The group stayed quiet when George Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit. Their silence showed that the Teaparty is not really a trustworthy bunch, but more of a political group – easily identifying themselves with the Republican ideology.

The group magically emerged in the Obama presidency – a presidency that has reduced taxes and spending to lower levels than recent Republican administrations. Bankrolled by right-winged businessmen and political figures, the Teaparty saw many of their members voted into Congress in the 2010 elections.

During the 2012 elections when the Teaparty took center stage in American politics, we all remember their many signs calling President Obama a Socialist, Communist American president who was also born in Kenya. And with these outlandish claims and a media led by the Fair and Balanced Fox News spending the entire election year covering various Teaparty Townhall uprising, the Teaparty’s message found favor with many voting Americans.

But the Teaparty is also plagued with blatant racists, some of which we have detailed here, here and here.  And now this:

The Baxter Bulletin in north-central Arkansas reported that Inge Marler made the comments at the annual rally of the Ozark Tea Party. The remarks, which suggested that African-Americans are on welfare, were condemned by Tea Party leaders in the state. The Bulletin reported that the condemnation came after they contacted the Tea Party for comment.

The Bulletin reports that Marler, who told the newspaper she would stop using the joke, said the following as an ice-breaker in her speech:

“A black kid asks his mom, ‘Mama, what’s a democracy?’“‘Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us po’ folks can get all our benefits.’

“‘But mama, don’t the white folk get mad about that?’

“‘They sho do, son. They sho do. And that’s called racism.’”


Health Care Healthcare Mitt Romney Pre-existing condition

Mitt Romney Supports Insurance Companies Denying Coverage to People With Pre-Existing Condition

To put things in perspective, Mitt Romney implemented ObamaCare in Massachusetts. Okay, it wasn’t called ObamaCare when Mitt Romney fell in love with the idea that everyone in the state he governed should have access to quality Health Care and included an individual mandate requiring all to buy insurance. No, ObamaCare wasn’t around at that time, so the bill was called The Massachusetts health care insurance reform law.

The main part of Romney’s law was an individual mandate that required all state residents to get insurance. The goal of the mandate was to make it financially feasible for insurance providers to be able to cover everyone, even those with pre-existing conditions. Romney loved the idea of the mandate so much, he even called for its implementation nationwide. His Health Care reform Law went into effect in Massachusetts 2006.

Now Mitt Romney is running for President of the United States and he is promising to repeal the very Health Care Law he once said should be replicated nationwide. Mr. Romney took this very different position because the individual mandate is not popular with Teaparty members of his party. Now that the President took Romney’s word and signed a bill that duplicates the Massachusetts model, offering the Health Care nationwide, Romney is promising to repeal and replace what is now called ObamaCare.

But what will Mitt Romney replace ObamaCare with?

Based on what he said earlier this month, Romney’s new-found vision of Health Care in America will not include an individual mandate and those who have a  pre-existing condition but couldn’t afford “continuous” insurance, will not have health care.

So let’s say someone has been continuously insured and they develop a serious condition. And let’s say they lose their jobs or they change jobs or they move and go to a different place, I don’t want them to be denied insurance because they have some pre-existing conditions. So we’re going to have to make sure that the law that we replace Obamacare with,ensures that people who have a pre-existing condition, who have been insured in the past, are able to get insurance in the future so they don’t have to worry about that condition keeping them from getting the kind of health care they deserve.


So the short version of what Mitt Romney is saying is this: if you have a pre-existing condition and couldn’t afford continuous health care coverage, don’t even bother trying to get insurance. Under Mitt Romney’s plan, you’re back to a system where healthcare insurance providers are allowed to drop your coverage based on your pre-existing condition.

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