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Republicans Labeled Outhouse “Obama’s Presidential Library”

This is the sophisticated mentality of the people we entrust to lead the greatest nation on earth. In Montana, Republicans gathering for a convention with Former Republican Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich as the Keynote speaker, felt the urgent need to build an outhouse with the words “Obama’s Presidential Library” plastered on its side walls. And for added maturity, fake bullet holes riddled the walls of their creation.

Inside, a fake birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama made reference to the disproven controversy over the president’s origins. It was stamped “Bull—-.” A graffito advised “For a Good Time call 800-Michelle (crossed out), Hillary (crossed out) and Pelosi (circled in red.)”

Said Will Deschampsthe State Republican Chairman, ” “It’s not something I’m going to agonize over.” He added, “Some of that stuff is not real good taste. We do have a president of the United States, and we have to honor that.”

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