Jews Mitt Romney Politics

Jews Prefer President Obama Over Mittens – A 61% to 28% Blowout

Obama would defeat Mitt Romney among Jews by a margin fo 61% to 28% according to the survey of more than 1,000 American Jews conducted by the American Jewish Committee.

A spokesman for the American Jewish Committee, Kenneth Bandler, cautioned however that the AJC had retained a new polling company and cautioned against a direct comparison to past surveys.

Obama, who has faced criticism from community leaders over his handling of Israel and has struggled to raise money from some top Jewish donors, won 78% of Jewish voters in 2008 exit polls. But White House officials became worried that he would be unable to repeat that performance, and his numbers dipped steeply in last year’s annual AJC survey, which showed him beating Romney by a margin of just 50% to 32%.

Those numbers may actually understate Obama’s electoral strength with Jews. The survey which the AJC says it tries to keep as consistent as possible from year to year, but which is not a simple random poll, showed Obama leaning John McCain in September of 2008 by 57% to 30%, a somewhat narrower margin than he now leads Romney. In November, exit polls showed him winning 78% of the Jewish vote, part of a strong showing across demographic groups.

The new AJC survey also shows Obama’s approval rating among American Jews, which stood at 57% in 2010 and dipped to 45% in 2011, recovering to 57%.

Source: Buzzfeed


Surf’s Up! The Right Wing’s Gnarly Ride To a Wipeout

It was easy for me to say that the conservative movement would come crashing down this year not once but twice. After all, the GOP primaries were a virtual orgy of anti-women, anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-responsible economic policies, so saying that the far right would implode was like shooting fish in a barrel of domestic oil.

Now that we’re in the general election, you’d think the Republicans would want to moderate their stances. Not a chance.

Over the past few days the GOP has managed to crystallize their reactionary agenda against women and college students by questioning President Obama’s commitment to lowering student loan interest rates as a campaign ploy, and then by tying the rate reduction to cuts in health programs that especially benefit women. What a curious move by a party, and nominee, that’s already losing the female vote by a score or more.

With that kind of thinking, you can kind of see the Republicans passing a burka law, then loosening it and claiming to be pro-women.

The party also continues to bash the health care law that is allowing families to cover their children through age 26 and is forcing insurance companies not to drop people with pre-existing conditions.Their argument? That the law is causing health costs to rise. Well, wrong again GOP. Health care spending seem to be slowing,

Mitt Romney is certainly doing his part to lose the race by alienating Latino voters in Florida during the primaries, and then trying to woo them back for the general election. As a famous Republican once said, “How’s that workin’ out for ya?” Not well at all, it seems, due to a combination of the recession, changing health industry habits, and the law itself.

And in case you thought the Republicans were ignorant of history, along comes  Florida GOP Representative Alan West, who famously said that there were between 78 and 81 (curious set of numbers) Communists in the Democratic Party. Obviously, this is intended to lock up the elderly white male vote that’s the only reliable voting population the GOP has left, and to remind us that McCarthyite tactics will never go out of style.

What does this show? That the GOP is moving to the fringe at an alarming rate and is taking a great deal of accepted American values with it. The problem is not with both parties. It’s with an increasingly reactionary Republican Party that will oppose anything Obama says, even if it means opposing its own interests.

For more please go to: and Twitter @rigrundfest  


New Slogan For The Obama Re-Election Campaign – Forward! Video

The Obama re-election campaign has decided on a new slogan for the 2012 Presidential election. It is one simple word… Forward. The campaign has also put out a 7 minute video emphasizing some of the challenges the country faced when President Obama took office, as well as some of the policies the administration implemented to correct the mess left by the Bush administration.

Some of the policies highlighted in the video are: The stimulus, the auto bailout, the health care law,  ending combat operations in Iraq and winding down the war in Afghanistan, and the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden.

If President Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, one can safely assume that Mitt Romney’s slogan would be… Backwards… and one would be correct to make that assumption.

Mitt Romney Politics

The Ultimate Flip Flop – Romney Now Takes Credit For The Auto Bailout

Okay, okay…! Now this is going too far and it shows exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign think of the American voters – that we’re really slow to understand, and we’re easily guided… or misguided for that matter!

Of course you remember the auto bailout that Republicans in Congress voted against. Their claim was that the only way for the auto industry to succeed, was if it failed. Mitt Romney even wrote an opinion piece saying that a bailout of the auto industry was a bad idea. In fact, Romney went as far as saying that Detroit should “go bankrupt.” Democrats and the President however, took a different position and helped the struggling auto manufacturers.

Needless to say, this position by Mitt Romney and the Republicans proved to be wrong as Detroit and the auto industry have made a complete turn-around. American auto makers are now number one in the world again and the Republicans are on the wrong side. So it comes as no surprise that they are now trying to take credit for the success of the auto industry.

This is what The Hill is reporting;

One of Mitt Romney’s top advisers said Saturday that President Obama’s decision to bailout Chrysler and General Motors was actually Romney’s idea.

“[Romney’s] position on the bailout was exactly what President Obama followed. I know it infuriates them to hear that,” Eric Fehrnstrom, senior adviser to the Romney campaign, said.

“The only economic success that President Obama has had is because he followed Mitt Romney’s advice.”

Amazing… absolutely amazing! Not only is it amazing, their claim is also hilariously amusing!

If President Obama had “followed Mitt Romney’s advise” like this adviser is saying, the American auto industry would be an unpleasant memory. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) would have lost their jobs, the unemployment rate would be in double figures and the economy would have taken a suicidal jump over the edge of the proverbial cliff. That is what the Republicans wanted and that was what Mitt Romney meant when he said “let Detroit go bankrupt.”

But now… now they want to claim credit!

Yes, these Republicans must think the American public have an attention deficit disorder!

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