
This Is One Corporate Tax Cut Republicans Will Oppose

Congressional Republicans have been calling for less taxes on Corporations. Doing this they claim, would stimulate more hirings, thus more jobs. Well the President has listened to their calls and today, the administration announced a plan to reduce the Corporate tax rate from 35% to 28%.

“Obama’s plan would be part of a larger effort to overhaul the U.S. tax system and it dovetails with Obama’s call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on individuals making $200,000 or less.

“While the 35 percent nominal corporate tax rate ranks among the highest, deductions, credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a much lower rate.

“Under the framework proposed by the administration, the rate cuts, closed loopholes and the minimum tax on overseas earning would result in no increase to the deficit.

“That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or enjoy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under Obama’s plan. Others, however, would pay less while some would simply benefit from a more simplified system.”

Sounds like a win win situation. Republicans get their Corporate tax cuts and President Obama get to close corporate loopholes. But don’t expect anything to get done, as Republicans will not agree to do anything this president proposes even if the proposal is one of their own. And ending Corporate loopholes is not something Republicans’ to-do list.


President Obama Sings The Blues at The White House

Ever heard Mitt Romney sing? You’re not missing anything. His singing actually sounds the same as any of his speeches – dry and robotic.

On the other hand, here is president Obama, entertaining the likes of Mick Jagger and BB King at the White House last night. After singing a line to an Al Green classic a few weeks back, President Obama was asked to join in. He was reluctant at first, but eventually took the mic and wowed the crowd.

contraception Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Mitt Romney Does the Santorum – Its All About Obama’s Religious Test

Call it desperation, call it pandering, call it President Obama’s Religious test. Whatever you think it is, just add it to the growing list of ways Mitt Romney has shown that he will say whatever and do whatever to be president.

Romney has seen Rick Santorum’s huge success among his base by attacking Mr. Obama’s beliefs, so naturally, Romney figures the same luck would come his way if he does the same thing.

“You expect the president of the United States to be sensitive to that freedom and protect it and, unfortunately, perhaps because of the people the president hangs around with, and their agenda, their secular agenda, they have fought against religion,” Romney said, responding to a question about religious freedoms, in particular the Obama administration’s recent controversial attempt to require all institutions, including hospitals and colleges with religious affiliations, to offer free birth control and other contraceptives.

The policy was later rewritten to allow certain institutions to refuse to pay for the contraception and instead allow for private insurance to offer the cost of the coverage.

“I can assure you, as someone who has understood very personally the significance of religious tolerance and religious freedom and the right to one’s own conscience, I will make sure that we never again attack religious liberty in the United States of America,” Romney said, seemingly referring to his own Mormon faith, which has frequently been questioned during his various campaigns.”

Oh, and the small part in the Constitution that says there shall be no Religious test to be President? That does not apply to Obama.

Leave it up to Mitt Romney – a man who claims to know what it feels like to have your religion and beliefs attacked – to do the same and attack someone else’s faith.

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