CNN superbowl Tid Bits tweets

CNN Suspends Roland Martin Indefinitely

During the Superbowl on Sunday, Roland Martin, a regular political commentator on CNN, tweeted this:

The tweet caused an uproar in the gay and lesbian community, causing CNN to indefinitely suspend Mr. Roland. From CNN’s statement;

“Roland Martin’s tweets were regrettable and offensive. Language that demeans is inconsistent with the values and culture of our organization, and is not tolerated. We have been giving careful consideration to this matter, and Roland will not be appearing on our air for the time being.”

fail Mitch McConnell Politics

An Almost Impossible New Low For Congress, And We Have Republicans To Thank

When President Obama became President of the United States, something got triggered in Congressional Republicans. They all decided that this particular president must not succeed. Before Mr. Obama’s moving truck drove up and delivered the Obama’s personal merchandise to the White House, Republicans had already began their game plan – to fight, to argue and to disrespect the office of the President like no other time in this nation’s history.

So they fought and continue to fight. And they set new records for filibusters. And they criticize  President Obama, for everything from the price of gas and oil – that has everything to do with market speculators and nothing to do with the president – to jobs lost in a recession that began primarily because of Corporate greed and the policies of Mr. George Bush.

Yes, the Republican’s game plan was, and is, in full effect. Every time they succeed in stopping a jobs plan, and every time they filibuster tax cuts for businesses, and every time they try to cut American’s rights, or manage to take away benefits that Americans have paid into, Republicans believe that Americans would blame the President.

Well Republicans, your game plan is flawed. Yes, you’ve managed to create an atmosphere in Washington of no coorporation and no compromise, but your expectation that the public would blame the president is not working out the way you planned it.

This new poll shows the disgust Americans are feeling about the job both Democrats and Republicans in Congress are doing.

Only 10 percent said they approved of the way Congress was handling its job, down from 13 percent in January.

The previous all-time low from Gallup was 11 percent in December of 2011.

Congress’s approval rating averaged 17 percent in 2011, peaking at 24 percent in May — it has been slowly declining since.

But don’t expect Republicans to stop now. Don’t expect them to do the job of the American people who sent them to Congress. Republicans would continue pushing against and fighting this particular president because there is something inside them that commands them to do so. And what ever that something is, Congressional Republicans are prepared to go down with the ship if it means Americans might think the president is a failure.

But their game plan is not working. We the people are paying attention…


Mitt Romney Politics Republican Rick Santorum

The Campfire After Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri: Santorum Sweeps! Mitt to be Nominee!

And the headlines will be breathless. Rick Santorum hit the trifecta last night winning all three states and setting himself up as the chief conservative challenger to Mitt Romney. Which is like being the first raccoon to cross the Interstate before the semi barrels by going 80 mph, good buddy.

Never mind that no delegates were at stake in any of the states. It’s all symbolic for the conservatives as they attempt to pull Romney so far to the right that he’ll have to lean just to stand up straight.

In the end, it won’t matter. Mitt will be the nominee, but he’ll be damaged and forced to say even more things that he doesn’t believe in order to mollify the conservatives. The Democrats are trying hard to give him an issue over religious groups forced to cover birth control. I would say this was a winning issue, but somehow, Mitch McConnell lecturing the country about religion and the pill is probably the best thing to happen to reproductive rights in a long time.

That sound you just heard? It’s just Tim Pawlenty baying at the moon. Move along citizens.

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