CNN occupy wall street Politics

Colin Powell Is In Favor Of The Occupy Movement

He is probably the smartest Republican alive today, and in a world where crazy people get to be the toast-of-the-town and are selected to run for the Republican party’s nomination for President, one wonders why a man of Colin Powell’s intelligence still calls himself a Republican.

In an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan, Powell spoke favorably of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, a movement other Republicans have gone out of their way to ostracize.

The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are “as American as apple pie,” former Secretary of State Colin Powell said during a recent interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan. According to Powell, there is plenty of justification for the movement’s outrage, but also some reason for concern over its direction.

Powell began by recalling his upbringing in Harlem and the Bronx at a time when his parents didn’t make much, but were at least able to find stable employment.

“I don’t think either of them ever made more than 50 or 60 dollars a week,” Powell said. “Both my parents worked for as long as I can remember, they always worked, they always had work.”

But this sort of job stability is no longer present, the retired four-star Army general said, a fact that is now serving as a catalyzing force for the Occupy movement.

It is time to leave the Republican Asylum Mr. Powell. Your talents and wisdom cannot be appreciated by a group of people who are willing to bury this country just to make the President fail.

Come on over, there’s plenty of room here.

Barack Obama Domestic Policies Mitch McConnell Senate United States

Big Up! To The Heroes

On the day before Veteran’s Day, The Senate overwhelmingly approved a provision of President Barack Obama’s  Job Act that gives companies tax credits for hiring unemployed military veterans –  a proposal which had rare bipartisan appeal.

A month ago, President Obama’s job’s plan was killed the second it hit the congressional floor, but as promised,  he began sending portions of the bill up to Congress in hopes of getting them enacted separately,  but until yesterday Republicans voted unanimously to knock them down as well.  But Thursday, Republicans joined Democrats in passing this bill with only one dissenting vote, that belonging to  Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) explaining that the amendment only created loopholes that benefited veterans over regular citizens for jobs (WTF?!).

President Obama urged lawmakers to “pass additional jobs proposals in the weeks ahead to help the millions of other Americans who are still looking for work.” After weeks of publicly campaigning against Republicans for failing to act on portions of his $447 billion jobs bill, President Obama said Thursday they “did the right thing.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY.) said the bill offered a welcomed opportunity to break the  gridlock on the Senate. “We’re going to legislate,” he said, before predictably ranking on Democrats for not advancing more jobs ideas Republicans could back.

The 94-1 vote for the legislation came as the jobless rate among Iraq and Afghanistan vets are  in the double digits. The bill  awards companies a $5,600 tax credit for each veteran they hired who had been unemployed for at least six months and $2,400 for hiring a veteran who has been out of work a month.

On his jobs plan stump, Obama has emphasized that taking care of our Veterans is not a Democratic or Republican issue, it is an American responsibility.

Big Up! for our military women and men and  President Obama’s bill.


occupy wall street Politics

Police Brutality Against OccupyBerkeley Students

More police brutality on American citizens, exercising their right to peacefully assembly and protest. The students at Berkeley showed their support for OccupyWall Street by forming OccupyBerkeley, only to have the stuffing knocked out of them by the very group who took an oath to protect and to serve them. A true example of how citizens who have a common cause are pitted against each other to generate animosity between the two to keep them enemies.

In the video we hear these American students screaming, “stop beating students!”

What about the Bill of Rights?

child support Politics

Don’t Mess With The Hungry Deadbeat Republican Congressman Joe Walsh

Can’t a  a guy  get a break? Republican Congressman Joe Walsh has had a lot on his mind lately. His wife has filed a lawsuit against him for over $115,000.00 for 9 years of back child support, he was hungry and had drank a lot of coffee. So having a town hall meeting on this particular day with the very people who elected him to Congress was just a little too much for the hungry, deadbeat dad and his constituents got an earful.

Maybe they should have fed him first.

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