Barack Obama Politics Racism Republican

The Barack Obama Presidency Proves Dad Was Right.

“Ezra,” Dad would say, “work hard, and work to the best of your ability. And be mindful of those who will willfully and intentionally put obstacles in your way. Their intent is your failure, and they will watch you fall then accuse you of being incapable of doing your job. So you must work even harder and you must work smarter, and in the end, the truth will come to light.”

Over the last three years, the election of Barack Obama as the President of the United States has proved many things, some good, some bad. But one thing his presidency will leave in the minds of the world is this: The job of a black man is always hard, but it is even more difficult when obstacles are willfully and intentionally put in his way with one objective in mind – to make sure he fails, then to accuse him of being incapable of doing the job.

My father told this to me on many occasions and at times, I thought he was just rambling off at what he thought was some form of injustice in the world. I heard him say it so many times, I even finished his sentences in my head. I felt as though I heard the same thing one time too many.

Dad wasn’t a radical man, in fact, he was a caring person who gave and gave often. He believed if you have the physical and/or mental capability to work, then you should, and you should do it to the best of your ability. But this is where his skepticism showed, because he would always warn about those forces that will try to undercut your ability, causing you to not be as productive as your true potential would allow.

I never really understood this, or maybe I chose not to. I was young and easily distracted by anything shiny. But as I grew older and matured, and began absorbing and observing the world around me, Dad’s words rang true in my ears, sometimes, too loud. In my own professional life, I can point to many occasions where Dad was right and I could randomly ask any black American and get life stories where they too felt as though their abilities were intentionally crushed and suppressed, far beyond its limit.

But nowhere are Dad’s words more true, than here and now. What we’re witnessing in the American political system, with the election of Mr. Barack Obama as the first black President of this great nation, is the willful and intentional effort by some – particularly those elected officials in the Republican party – to make sure this black President fails.

We’ve heard it all when they talk about Mr. Obama, “he doesn’t love America,” and the infamous, “he’s not one of us.” We’ve heard Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann described Obama’s presidency as “a gangster government.” All these and more are code words meant to portray a certain vision to the average American, but today, Republican Congressman Tom Coburn tossed the code words out the window when he attempted to answer an audience’s question about if he believes Obama wants to destroy America. Coburn answered;

“His intent isn’t to destroy. It’s to create dependency because it worked so well for him. I don’t say that critically. Look at people for what they are. Don’t assume ulterior motives. I don’t think he doesn’t love our country. I think he does.

“As an African American male, coming through the progress of everything he experienced, he got tremendous benefit through a lot of these programs. So he believes in them. I just don’t believe they work overall and in the long run they don’t help our country. But he doesn’t know that because his life experience is something different.

So it’s very important not to get mad at the man. And I understand, his philosophy — there’s nothing wrong with his philosophy other than it’s goofy and wrong [laughter] — but that doesn’t make him a bad person.”

The President has also been referred to as a “tar baby” and “your boy,” in addition to the countless racists emails, one showing the White House lawn filled with watermelons, and another Republican generated email showing a family of apes with Mr. Obama’s face super-imposed on a chimpanzee’s.

Tom Coburn and his fellow Congressional Republican officials have joined together and voted against every policy initiative President Obama tried to implement. They’ve even voted against bills they originally wrote, just because President Obama began supporting those bills. And in the process of creating these obstacles for this particular president, Republicans are successfully dismantling the American economy, and they’re casting blame on the President on a daily basis.

Of course, the opposing party will always strive to gain control of the White House, and they would say and do almost anything to achieve that goal. But when the race of the occupant of the White House plays into your political decision making processes and you willfully and intentionally create unnecessary obstacles with the intent to ensure that the incumbent president’s administration is a  failure, then you’ve just proved my Dad was right, and in this case, that’s an unfortunate claim for me to make.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

15 replies on “The Barack Obama Presidency Proves Dad Was Right.”

I don't think there is a more brilliant or hard working man or woman in all of Washington DC as Barack Obama. All of these attacks are shameful, especially from Coburn, who used to work closely with Obama. His comments must hurt the president deeply.

@EzKool Obv the attacks against him from the right are 99% result of racism. NOT all attacks are racist, however. I'm disappointed by his conservative-Clinton approach–see the fate of public option. That Obama did not push for true health care reform, but went for a conservative, Heritage Foundation non-solution is a huge issue. He got his non-solution, and the problem is that listening to those ranked against him, you'd think he'd actually got a single payer system passed. He did not. What he passed was an ineffective mess that would be considered laughably inadequate in every other developed nation but ours. Yes, he might have lost had he pushed for public option, but by pushing for it, he would have made clear that he truly had a different vision. He did not, and that has nothing to do w/the racist nation he was elected to lead. That has to do w/Obama, and his Clintonian, center-right policies. The fact is that even if Obama had complete accord, he would still not have done very much to undo the decline…and the decline is the problem. Black, white, straight, gay, female, male–a president with principles would be in a better position today.

Thanks Andrian. And yes, the world is watching. But these Republicans don't care about the world, they don't even care about other Americans think. They have an agenda, and that's to make sure this president fails.

Are you surprised? Let's be honest here, some democrats are just as guilty. I started writing a clever comment and after the first sentence I thought, Why? Our parents know or knew the field is not level. Your father was preparing you for this. I am not suprised. Frankly, I am happy to see all of these people expose themslves for who they realy are. The world is watching. And if God is watching, He can not be pleased. The gates of hell are well oiled and ready to recieve. And if any of the stories I heared in my youth are true, Their hell will be overseen by a very large and hatefull black man.

It is true and sad that Obama has had to endure what I deem to be unreasonable obstacles and attacks. The fact that he can be called a "tar baby" in this day in age is appalling to me. I'm not sure what's going on with today's politics, but it's a sad state of affairs. People aren't looking out for their fellow man. They are more concerned with which party is 'right'. Obama is trying to help the American citizen and too many are doing their best to ensure it doesn't happen.

I think any black Democratic president would go through the same trials this president is facing. If it was a Republican black president however (and I know there are no such thing as a black republican, there's black wanna-be's, but that's it), the Democrats in congress would not create the kind of obstacles these Republicans are creating.

Yea, these LWNJ's don't get the fact that although they may want to see the President do well, their constant knocking on him is turning off other Democratic voters.

To be honest I just assumed it was Republicans not wanting to let any Democrats have their way since I figured it would be the same the other way around. From this post I'm wondering if ANY black president would have the same hurdles as Obama appears to have? It's definitely obvious progress is not being allowed.

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