Politics Republican

Boehner Plays Hardball–Government Shutdown Looms Ahead

The Boehner has spoken!

“We are going to cut spending!” And with those words, the House Speaker exited the podium to the left. But in his haste to cut spending, what will happen to the funding of everyday government operations after the March 4th deadline?

The Republican controlled House is determined to cut $100 billion in spending from the new budget, and the Democratic controlled Senate is poised to refuse such “draconian” cuts. Can the two governing bodies come to a compromise before the deadline?

To make matters worse, both the House and the Senate will be off the entire week for President’s day. When they return to work after their much needed vacation – because we know how hard they’ve worked over the last month, a total of 10 days in January – they will have only five days to come to an agreement on the new budget.

Boehner is not budging on his $100 billion cuts he promised the Teaparty, saying;

“We are hopeful that the Senate will take up the House‑passed bill that comes out of here today, tonight, tomorrow morning, whenever it is, and we hope that they will move it. But I am not going to move any kind of short‑term CR at current levels. When we say we’re going to cut spending, read my lips:  We are going to cut spending.”

And what is the Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid saying about this?

“I am disappointed that Speaker Boehner doesn’t believe he has the votes to avoid a government shutdown, unless his members get their way on all of their demands. It is unproductive to resort to threats of a shutdown without any negotiations.”

Meanwhile, the clock ticks on til March 4th.

Bill O'Reilly Birthers Republican United States White House

Karl Rove Caution G.O.P Leaders on Birthers Conspiracy

They’re all still bat crazy, even if Karl Rove is attempting to sound like the voice of reason. In a recent interview with Bill O’Reilly, Rove cautioned the Republican leaders against their quick embrace of the Birthers. The Republican strategist put it this way;

Republicans had better be clear about this.

We had a problem in the 1950’s with the John Birch Society, and it took Bill Buckley standing up as a strong conservative and taking them on.

Within our party, we’ve got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight.

He then implied that the White House is behind the Birthers conspiracy, calling it a trap. When asked by Bill O’Reilly if he believes a recent poll by Public Polling that indicate as much as 51% of Republicans are Birthers, Rove said;

I don’t know, but whatever it is, it ought to be less, because we need the leaders of our party to say “Look, stop falling into the trap of the White House and focus on the real issues.”

Asked again by Bill-O  if the strategy of the White House was to keep the conspiracy going, Rove answered, “sure it is.”

… because if we are where we are, which is we have a group of people out there who keep repeating this, and we’ve yet to get into a place where candidates are being asked about this in debates — look, don’t you think in the Fox debate or one of these debates that’s gonna be televised, candidates are going to be asked about this?

If  Rove is right, and this is a plot by the White House to keep the Republicans focused on where the President was born instead of the “real issues,” then it is a genius of a plan.  With over half of Republicans in this nation believing the President is a secret Kenyan agent sent to America as a child on a mission to become President, then destroy America from within by installing his Moslem beliefs, then I say keep the conspiracy going White House. It’s working brillantly!

Let the rest of this nation look upon the Republican Birthers as the fools they  are!

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