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Fox News Outrage – Because of Obamacare, People Must Now Wait to Buy Healthcare

Fox News has something else to complain about. They are now blaming Obamacare for the people who chose to remain uninsured past the enrollment cycle. You know, those same folks Fox News told not to buy healthcare.

On the so-called “news” network’s website, this was written;

There is yet another ObamaCare surprise waiting for consumers: from now until the next open enrollment at the end of this year, most people will simply not be able to buy any health insurance at all, even outside the exchanges.

Apparently, the concept of an enrollment cycle is foreign to the good ole folks over at Fox. Of course, the rest of us already know that enrollment in health insurance happens every year and anyone who missed or failed to enroll because, they listened to Fox for example – would usually wait for the next enrollment cycle. But according to the foxers, Obamacare is now the culprit.

I still cannot figure out why their audience continue buying their bull!

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