Mitt Romney ObamaCare Politics

Report: Under Romney’s Health Care Plan, Uninsured Will Increase To 72 Million

If there are more uninsured, then more people will use the emergency rooms as their primary care, then more Americans with insurance will be asked to pay more on their policies to cover these emergency room visits by the uninsured, then insurance companies will make more profit from the increase in premiums, then Romney’s plan to put more money in the pockets of the rich will be complete.

The analysis by the Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based health care research foundation, found that under Romney’s health care plan, the uninsured population would soar to 72 million by 2022 — 12 million higher than if nothing had been done at all.

By contrast, if President Barack Obama’s health care law is fully implemented — including complete state participation in the now voluntary Medicaid expansion — the number of uninsured people would drop from 47.9 million in 2011 to about 27.1 million people in 2022, the report estimated.

The Commonwealth Fund produces studies that often cast the national health care law in a favorable light, and spotlight the shortcomings of the American health care system compared to other countries.

Health Care Politics

Republican Audience Applauds Hearing About People Dying

The call themself pro-lifers, you know, for life. But apparently, that belief stops immediately after birth.

That was evident in the Republican’s last debate, where a hypothetical question was asked of the panel. What to do if a healthy person cannot afford healthcare and get’s sick to the point that they need intensive care, these pro-lifers, or conservatives, or Teaparty members think that person should just…die.

I’m not making this up!

Wolf Blitzer of CNN asked the question in the last Republican Presidential debate. It was directed to Ron Paul about what the person needing intensive care should do if they have no health care. But before Ron Paul could get his full answer on the record, the pro-lifers in the audience answered for him, shouting “let him die!”

This is where the Republican party is today, where the revelation that Rick Perry of Texas has executed more people than any other governor in the state’s history was met with applause, and the only solution for the sick who cannot afford the care they need, is to let them die!

Base on these Republican audience reactions, would it be far-fetched to conclude that voting for a Republican is almost as bad as committing suicide?

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