
Fox News Claims Obama is “Buying Votes” By Giving Overtime Pay for Americans

stuart_varney Fox News Claims Obama is "Buying Votes" By Giving Overtime Pay for Americans

Fox Business host Stuart Varney said on Thursday that the efforts by President Obama to authorize overtime pay for millions of Americans making less than $50,000 a year, amounts to “redistribution” by the president, amounting to “buying votes” before the November election.

“This is redistribution by executive order,” Varney says. “The president is buying votes. He is commanding higher salaries for millions of people. Right before an election. Don’t you think that those millions of people will be grateful and say, ‘thanks for the pay raise, Mr. President. I’m voting Democrat.’ Don’t you think that’s in there?”

Varney then mentioned a tech company on the verge of apparent death because the young people who worked tirelessly day and night for little to no pay, would now demand proper payment, thus killing the company. He mentioned Google… yes, that poor company that went out of business years ago because they had to pay people for the work they did.

“Let me take you back to Google,” Varney opined. “In the earlier days of Google, they had all kinds of youngsters, up and coming strivers, who would work day and night. That’s how they built the company. Tech startups with really a drive to succeed and climb that food chain.”

“Now if you bring this in, those high tech workers who started all these brilliant companies, they’ll be on the clock,” he insisted. “Instead of these overnight creative meetings, they’ll be saying, ‘Oh, I just exceeded my 40 hours, I’m due overtime. And if I don’t get it, I’m going to sue.'”

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