
Brandy Discuises Herself – Sings in NY Subway – No One Pays Attention – Video

Well, there was this one man, but… in a car filled with New Yorkers, a famous singer like Brandy couldn’t even get some love, leaving the artist to ask, “can a sistah get ONE fan?

In a blog, Brandy wrote;

Recently, Frank Silent and I took a little subway ride after I’d left the gym,” she said on Monday in the blog post detailing her NYC adventure. “Frank, his camera, and I always equal a good time. I decided to hit the subway and sing my little heart out. You’ve (sic) fun-filled morning left me asking: Can a Sistah get ONE fan?!


Mitt Romney Politics

Best Ad Yet – Romney Not The Solution, Romney Is The Problem

This one should win an award. But then again, every time Romney opens his mouth someone in the President’s campaign has material for another Romney debunking.

The ad shows Romney singing (if you want to call it that) America The Beautiful – a song that highlights some of the wonders of this country. Meanwhile, in the background, some little known facts pop up about Romney’s so-called love for this nation – his outsourcing of American jobs, his offshore bank accounts etc., etc…

This one’s a keeper!

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