Illinois Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Be Illin'(ois)

If there ever was a good time for the Romster to win a solid victory, this would be it. And, as luck would have it, he will win the Illinois primary going away. With the latest polling showing him with anywhere from a 10-15 point lead, this one will not be a nail-biter. Neither will the nomination battle. No brokered primary either. I know. I’m no fun. But then again, neither is Mitt.

The GOP has tried to move on from contraception to the economy, but the darn economy keeps improving, car sales are up, jobs are being created and consumer confidence is on the rise. Mitt’s been reduced to saying that he could do a better job with the recovery. Rick’s given up and says the real issue is freedom.

So here’s how it will go down:

Romney            48%

Santorum          31%

Gingrich            11%

Paul                   9%

A convincing win for Romney. More stories about how conservatives aren’t crazy about him. On to Louisiana.


Romney Lies – Suggests He’ll Never Attack President Obama To Win an Election

Ask Mitt Romney a question about his policies for the nation, and I can assure you he would find a way to blame President Obama for something. But he’s not alone. Romney, like his other Republican presidential opponents, have figured out that the average Republican voter is not concerned about policies, they’re looking for someone who can best criticize the president, especially if that criticism is coupled with a few mouthful of lies.

But of course,  we are talking about Mitt Romney, and sticking to his character trait, Romney is now trying to distance himself from the say anything to win style of his campaign. Said Romney;

“We’ve seen throughout the campaign that if you’re willing to say really outrageous things that are accusatory and attacking President Obama that you’re going to jump up in the polls,” he said during a campaign-office visit in the Detroit suburbs. “I’m not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support. I am who I am.”

Throughout the course of the Republican primaries, there have been like a million Republican presidential debates. Google any of them and marvel at the things Romney was allowed to say against this president… in an attempt to win the nomination.


Polling Report: Special Mitt-Will-Be-the-Nominee-Edition

Since I didn’t post a Polling Report for Nevada, my public wanted to know if there was a problem, or if I was indeed in good health. All is well. I’ve just been saying for a while that Mitt will be the nominee in posts both recent and past, and there aren’t too many other ways to say it. Well, I did say it in December, but that’s the last time I’m going to remind anyone. The upshot is that I will continue to write feverishly about the campaign, but not on a primary-by-primary basis. Unless Mitt gets upset. Which he won’t.

So for Nevada, I’m going to invoke the possibly unconstitutional religious-but-maybe-I-don’t-have-to-be-religious excuse. Romney won the caucus. ‘Nuff said.

As for Tuesday’s contests in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri, the tune hasn’t changed. I expect that Romney will win two out of three solidly, with a possible loss in Minnesota to Santorum, who is ahead in the latest polls. I’ll even go out on a limb and say that Romney will sweep them all. And he’ll keep on winning, but maybe not in Georgia because that’s Newt’s home state, and he – Romney – would be the Republican nominee.

Then Barack Obama will beat him like a linty rug in November.

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