
Rush Limbaugh to Republicans – You Were “Not Elected to Govern!”

(Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

A day after his Republican party took control of Congress, Rush Limbaugh went on his radio show and began laying down the law, telling Republicans what he expects from them over the next few years – not to govern, but to stop President Obama and any other progress this country expected.

“It is rare that a political party running for office in a midterm election not standing for anything ends up with a mandate, and they have one, and it is the biggest and perhaps the most important mandate a political party has had in the recent era, and it is very simple what that mandate is,” Limbaugh said Wednesday morning. “It is to stop Barack Obama. It is to stop the Democrats. There is no other reason why Republicans were elected yesterday. Republicans were not elected to govern.”

In fact, Limbaugh said it would be impossible to “govern” with a president in office who “disobeys the Constitution” and “is demonstrably lawless.”

“Yesterday’s result cannot in any way mean that voters want Republicans to work with Democrats,” Limbaugh said. “And anybody who tells you that and anybody who thinks that could not be more dangerously wrong.”

Mark my words. Despite the “coming together” rhetoric from the Republicans now that they control Congress, this point of view by Rush Limbaugh will soon permeate the GOP landfill and every elected Republican official will use this talking-point as their excuse not to govern. Expect to hear these Republicans say, we were not elected to govern, but to stop the Democrats!

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