
“Fox News Killed my Precious Mother”

Tracy Knauss posted this message on his Facebook page, blaming the so-called “News” Network for the death of his mother. According to Knauss, his mother, an extremely devoted Fox News viewer, died 10 days after she suffered an injury and refused to go to the doctor because she didn’t want “ObamaCare getting all her information.”

Karole reports: When I first saw this image on Facebook, I wasn’t sure how on earth Fox News could have killed someone’s mother. And then I read the message that went with the photo. Tracy Knauss posted it on his Facebook page along with a message which said in part:

I know this personally. FOX News killed my precious mother, Hallie. She watched FOX religiously. And when she fell ten days before she died, she refused to go to the doctor because, “I don’t want Obamacare to get all of my information! she declared, recalling the warnings from FOX News “anchors.” She was emphatic. She was not going to consort with the muslim enemy. As she made out her will she told her lawyer, “I don’t want any of my money going to the Muslim Brotherhood!” And her last protestation dealt with “Obama’s death panels.” Mother died just days later. I hold FOX News responsible for my mother’s death.

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