Politics Terrorism

Man Threatens to Kill 1 Muslim a Week in Canada

Following the ISIS claimed attacks in Paris where at least 129 innocent people were killed and hundreds more injured, a man in Canada wearing a Joker mask posted a video on YouTube promising to kill one Muslim or Arab a week.

The video was posted Tuesday on YouTube, but has since been taken down. In it a man speaking in a Quebecois-sounding accent said that starting next week he would kill an Arab or a Muslim each week all across the province.

He was brandishing what appeared to be a handgun and said he had like-minded people on board who would help him to carry out the threat, reported the National Post.

Quebec provincial police, Sûreté du Québec, wouldn’t confirm or deny investigating the video.

Montreal’s police (SPVM) said they were aware of the video and were trying to establish whether the person falls under their jurisdiction.

“If you make threats on social networks or on the web, there are very concrete consequences in the real world, the criminal code allows us to press charges against people who do things like this,” SPVM spokesperson Laurent Gingras told Vice News.

CNN Politics

CNN Anchors Want Muslims to Take Responsibility for ISIS’s Attack in Paris – Video

I don’t know what to say about CNN anymore. Recently, because of the nonsense from Don Lemon, an online petition was circulated demanding his firing. Now, after the horrible ISIS attacks in Paris, two CNN anchors asked a Muslim why that community didn’t know or report the attack before it happened!

“Why is it that no one within the Muslim community there in France knew what these guys were up to?” asked CNN anchor John Vause as he interviewed Yasser Louati, a representative for the Collective Against Islamophobia in France. “Because it seems to me that this was a pretty big plan. Surely someone beyond the seven guys who’ve been killed over the last 48 hours would have to have known something and that was probably within the Muslim community but yet no one said anything.”

“Sir, the Muslim community has nothing to do with these guys,” Louati replied, “Nothing. We cannot justify ourselves for the actions of someone who just claims to be Muslim. Our secret services knew about these guys and, again, just like during the January attacks, it turns out they were all on a black list somewhere somehow on a desk. So right now we can’t take responsibility for anything.”

But the anchor and his co-anchor refused that argument and the conversation, no, the accusation continued for almost six minutes as the anchors insisted that someone in the Muslim community should have known and reported the planned ISIS attack.


Domestic Policies Foreign Policies ISIS News Politics Russia Syria Terrorism

Does This Mean War?

I’m being a bit of a coward by posing my title as a question, but I do firmly believe that the western world is headed towards a much larger, more coordinated and, ultimately, more deadly military conflict. If it sounds like war, smells like war, destroys like war, breeds intolerance like war, then it must be a war.

And we’re in one.

I fear that there are more attacks coming in places that think they’re prepared, but are not. After all, Vladimir Putin thought he was going to help Assad in Syria and escape the fate that has befallen the United States, France and Great Britain. He was wrong, and 224 Russians savagely and tragically lost their lives. The French have been attacked twice this year. Israel is under constant threat.Who’s next?

I went on Facebook on Friday night after reading about the attacks and saw many people who had attached the peace sign with the Eiffel Tower in it, the French flag, and pictures of the people I know from their Paris vacations. But I also saw some vitriolic hatred directed towards all Muslim, and I mean ALL Muslims, even though they are not terrorists, and I saw the requisite number of posts calling President Obama a Muslim and blaming him for this, and seemingly every other attack, whether it was on US soil or not. It’s still gauche, evidently, to blame GW Bush for September 11, but blaming Obama for an attack on Paris is de rigueur, at least among a certain segment of the population.

Foreign policy will be a key factor in the upcoming presidential election and the GOP field had better begin focusing on policies other than building a very high wall on the Mexican border, throwing people out of the country and reestablishing the fortress America that served us so badly from 1924 to 1965. It also means that Bernie Sanders had better come up with a foreign policy plank that offers Democrats a choice between him and Hillary Clinton. Obviously, she has the most experience in the field by a wide margin. She’s got to make Americans believe that she can keep us safe, but engaged in the world. We need to stay strong.

My heart goes out to those who lost a loved one or who was injured in the attacks. The world has now shifted.

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