democrats Politics

Mississippi Republican Now a Democrat Because of Obamacare

Let me be the first one to issue an apology. I was wrong and I am big enough to admit that. Apparently, there is one smart Republican in Mississippi, I had no idea. And because he is so wise, he has dropped the party of hate and ignorance and has joined the party of Progressives.

Former Republican state Sen. Tim Johnson on Wednesday announced he’s switching parties and challenging incumbent Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves this year.

According to the local report, Johnson held a press conference at the state Capitol and reportedly told supporters, “Why join the Democratic Party and run for lieutenant governor? I’ll tell you: We are all Mississippians first. Elected officials should be in the business of helping all Mississippians, not picking out who to hurt.

“The Republican Party leaders’ actions against supporting Medicaid expansion and threatening our local hospitals was the final, deciding factor for me.”

Barack Obama Healthcare

More Americans Sign Up for Obamacare

The Obamacare love grows. And I’m absolutely positive that a lot of Republicans are covered and enjoying their Obamacare!

Nearly 2 million people have signed up for health insurance for the first time through and close to 6.4 million people were enrolled in the federal marketplace one month into the 2015 enrollment season, HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said Tuesday.

“People are shopping for coverage and people are signing up,” Burwell said in a rare press conference, adding that she was encouraged by strong start.
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The pace means HHS is well on its way to having more than 9 million people covered in state and federal exchanges in 2015. The sign-up season ends Feb. 15.

The enrollment update included both new customers as well as people who got covered for 2014 and are renewing. About 1.8 million people actively renewed their health coverage as of Dec. 15, the cut-off for Jan. 1. coverage. Others who were covered in the first year were automatically re-enrolled for a second year.

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Report – Number of Americans Without Healthcare at Record lows – #ThanksObamacare

It’s a very simple concept – provide people with the opportunity to buy their own life saving health insurance and the average, sensible American would jump at that opportunity. Then there are  those who would deny themselves life saving healthcare if they think doing so would hurt the president.  We will call those people Republicans. You should always stay away from Republicans

But I digress.

A new report out today finds that the amount of uninsured in America is at record lows.

Earlier this week, the National Center for Health Statistics released new data on health insurance coverage during the second quarter of 2014, the first federal survey data that largely capture the effects of the Affordable Care Act’s first open enrollment period. These new data confirm earlier findings that 2014 has seen dramatic reductions in the share of Americans without health insurance, reductions that correspond to an estimated 10 million people gaining coverage since before the start of open enrollment.

This progress is even more striking when viewed in historical context. Building on work by other researchers, the Council of Economic Advisers has constructed estimates of the share of Americans without health insurance extending back to 1963. These estimates show that the drop in the nation’s uninsured rate so far this year is the largest over any period since the early 1970s, years in which the Medicaid program was still ramping up and the Medicare and Medicaid programs were expanded to people with disabilities.

With this year’s decline, the nation’s uninsured rate is now at or near the lowest level recorded across five decades of data. Furthermore, new data out today on Medicaid enrollment and data on Marketplace plan selections from earlier this week show that progress in reducing the number of uninsured Americans is continuing.

Healthcare ObamaCare Politics

More Obamacare Good News – New Report – Obamacare Rates Are Falling

If you’re one of the unfortunate few that listened to the Republicans and conservative media 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you’ll be scratching your head wondering why Obamacare is working. And you’ll be wondering why the prices haven’t skyrocketed, crashing the economy and bringing the nation to its knees. And for some of you walking around with no insurance because you drank the Republican Kool-aid about Obamacare, you are probably scratching your head and kicking yourself now.

Well, don’t kick too hard. Remember, you have no insurance.

For the other millions who were smart enough to buy into Obamacare, here’s more good news. Rates are falling more than was anticipated.

new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that in seven major cities that have released data on 2015 premiums, the price of the benchmark Obamacare plan — the second-cheapest silver plan, which the federal government uses to calculate subsidies —  is falling.

Yes, falling.

“Falling” is not a word that people associate with health-insurance premiums. They tend to rise as regularly as the morning sun. And, to be fair, the Kaiser Family Foundation is only looking at 16 cities in 15 states and the District of Columbia, and the drop they record is, on average, a modest 0.8 percent (though this is the same methodology they used in 2014, and to good results). But this data, though preliminary, is the best data we have  —  and it shows that Obamacare is doing a better job holding down costs than anyone seriously predicted, including Kaiser’s researchers.

“I expected premium growth to be modest in most of the country,” Larry Levitt, a co-author of the report, told Vox’s Sarah Kliff. “But what we saw were some decreases instead.”

Health Care Politics

Reuters Poll: Interest In Obamacare Coverage Still On the Rise

Reuters is reporting that uninsured Americans are showing more interest in the coverage offered under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law despite technical problems that have hindered enrollment through a government website, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

The glitches have crippled, the new online insurance marketplace meant to serve people in 36 states, frustrating millions of would-be applicants since it opened for enrollment on October 1.

The poll’s findings are good news for Obamacare supporters who worry the problems and bad press could dissuade people from signing up, particularly the young and healthy who are crucial to diversifying the pool of insured and keeping premiums down.

The uninsured view the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, more favorably since online marketplaces opened – 44 percent compared with 37 percent in September, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll. It found that 56 percent oppose the program compared with 63 percent in September.

A higher proportion of the uninsured also said they are interested in buying insurance on the exchanges, with 42 percent in October, saying they were likely to enroll compared with 37 percent in September. The results have a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points

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