Mike Brown Shooting

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News for Their Dumb “Reporting” on Mike Brown Shooting

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart was back to form last night when he took on the crazies at Fox News for their stupidity and their comical reporting on the tragic events in Ferguson MO over the last few weeks, when an unarmed teenager was massacred by police.

Now there were many areas where Fox’s stupidity prevailed, but Stewart zeroed in on Bill O’Reilly’s decision to break his vacation to comment on Mike Brown’s shooting, and Stewart also focused on Sean Hannity – the stupidity is abundant with this guy folks – and Hannity’s idiotic statement saying, that if he found himself in the same situation as Mike Brown, he would just raised his shirt to show the cop that he didn’t have a gun.

“You really do have no f*cking idea, do you?” Jon said. “If only Michael Brown, instead of holding his hands over his head, had reached down to his waist and lifted up his shirt to show the gun he did not actually have, well, this whole tragedy could have been avoided.”

Stewart then went on to explain the difference between Blacks and Whites in this country, and how they are treated. To illustrate, he shared that a white “The Daily Show” producer clad in “homeless elf attire” once went out in New York City to tape an interview, accompanied by a black correspondent for the show dressed in a well-tailored suit. The black correspondent was the one stopped when entering the building.

“Race is there, and it is a constant,” Stewart said. “You’re tired of hearing about it? Imagine how f*cking exhausting it is living it.”



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