
Mike Bloomberg Calls Bill de Blasio’s Campaign Racist

Bill de Blasio and family

New York’s mayor Michael Bloomberg has jumped into the mix, calling Bill de Blasio’s campaign racist.

Bill de Blasio is the leading New York democratic mayoral candidate trying to get Bloomberg’s job.

In an interview with New York magazine, Mr. Bloomberg said he considered it racist of Mr. de Blasio to promote his mixed-race family. Mr. de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, is black and their teenage son, Dante, appears in his father’s campaign ads.

Mr. Bloomberg added that he did not think that Mr. de Blasio was a racist. But he said, “It’s comparable to me pointing out that I’m Jewish in attracting the Jewish vote.”

At an appearance in Brooklyn on Saturday with his wife and their 18-year-old daughter, Chiara, Mr. de Blasio called Mr. Bloomberg’s remarks “very, very unfortunate and inappropriate.”

“I’m exceedingly proud of my family,” he added. “I hope the mayor will reconsider what he said. I hope he realizes it was inappropriate.”

In her response to the mayor’s comments about her husband’s campaign, Ms. McCray said, “Do I look like an inanimate object? Or a tool? I walk, I talk and make my own decisions.”

After Mr. Bloomberg used the word racist, his interviewer asked what he meant. The mayor tried to clarify his assessment by saying: “No, no, I mean he’s making an appeal using his family to gain support. I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone watching what he’s been doing.”

News Politics

Banning Bloomberg


So, the Emperor Michael Bloomberg….Ahem, Excuse me, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has developed a habit of wanting to ban…well, most anything  his arrogance can come up with it. He recently sent New Yorkers in a tizzy when he wanted to crack down on those over-sized 32 oz drinks. Maybe he felt they were in direct competition of his over-sized ego?

One will never know.

He has vehemently expressed that banning these 32 oz drinks will help fight obesity. Oh, really? How exactly does this help fight obesity considering the fact I can just run to my local grocery store and buy a 2 liter in a rebellious state of mind?? Or did he  miss the part where many fast food places and restaurants provide free unlimited refills on beverages so that you can drink yourself into a sugary stupor??

If you were truly interested in fighting obesity, how about developing some real plans that could actually work.

For example, our youth is the largest it’s ever been due to the ever increasingly dependence upon video games to fulfill their recreational needs. So, why not try implementing mandatory recess time and Physical Education class in order to help keep our kids active and start a mental trend towards a healthier state of mind and body?

Did you know that too many of New York’s public schools have NO recess or as little as 10 minutes time to run around, play, and burn away some calories? Or that qualified Phys. Ed. teachers are being pulled out of the gym to go teach Social Studies?? Yes, this is really happening in the NY public school system.

Or maybe we can spend some of our taxes on creating more accessible recreational centers that offer plentiful exercise equipment at affordable prices. New York has some, but not quite enough.

Fortunately, someone has finally put Bloomberg at a halt. A New York judge has seen right through this Big Gulp facade and has labeled Bloomberg’s banning desire as arbitrary and capricious and put an end to this silly 32 oz drink ban.

But don’t worry folks, Emperor Bloomberg is going to appeal this judgement and waste more time and money on this frivolous matter instead of dealing with bigger issues that comes with running a major metropolitan city. You know, small things like: crime, economy, hunger and homelessness, and the ever crippling real estate issue.

Bloomberg went so far as to say,

“Anytime you adopt a groundbreaking policy, special interests will sue. That’s America.”

Only in Bloomberg’s world is banning a 32 oz drink a groundbreaking policy.

I just hope the rest of America is paying attention to what’s going on in New York because if the mayor decides to run for Presidency in 2016, we should all be worried at the great lengths and tax payers’ dollars he will spend just to get his way.

For us New Yorkers, we have quickly learned that the tale is indeed true —

Our Emperor has no clothes.

Tid Bits

Thursday, February 21, 2013

“THERE’S GOLD IN THEM THAR HILL-ARYS!”  No need to worry about Hillary Clinton and how she’ll make ends meet after quitting her day job. Her gig as Secretary of State segues right into a career in the public speaker circuit where its estimated she could pull in anywhere from $250,000 to $750, 000 a pop! Considered one of the most admired people in the world, Hillary can parlay this into a pretty nifty retirement package if she plays her cards right. Then, who needs the white house in 2016?  ♦

Its on record that John Boehner and his bunch approved of the sequester idea, if they and Democrats didn’t come up with a budget plan for the first fiscal period of 2013. They approved of it!  Now, Boehner is going around saying that ‘No, I didn’t approve a sequester because’ quote, ” …it threatens US national security, thousands of jobs and more” and is bad, bad, bad! So what part of “on record” doesn’t he get?  He now wants the record to show that he and the GOP will allow the $1.2 trillion sequester cuts to go into effect unless President Obama and Democrats agree to make some deep cuts to entitlement programs. Highly unlikely JB. If Boehner thinks the blame for the activation of the automatic cuts, which can go into effect in 9 short days, will be placed on the President’s head, then either he and his party were not paying attention to who won  the election for POTUS this past November or they’re certified members of the walking dead, in which case they’ll be excused for not knowing who won on accounta them being brain-dead and all. In this late stage of the game, Republicans are trying to drag the country back to square one. In-sane. ♦

 The Independent Party has selected Adolfo Carrion, the former borough president of the Bronx, as their candidate for mayor. Formally a Democrat and member of the Obama Administration, Carrion now has an official spot on the ballot this fall as an Independent. His strategy, he says, will be to target NYers who aren’t Democrats or Republicans and who suffer from voter apathy, having never voted at all. Carrion says that less than 30% of the electorate actually shows up to vote.  Pull that one off my friend and I guarantee you, there will be a spot for you in the White House! Adolfo Carrion joins the ranks of Michael Bloomberg, George Pataki, Andrew Cuomo, Eric Schneiderman, Kirsten Gillibrand, all successful switch hitters to the Independent Party. ♦

A new play at the Lincoln Center, written by Kirsten Greenidge (Bossa Nova, Milk Like Sugar),“Luck of The Irish” chronicles an upwardly mobile African-American couple who want to buy a home in an all-white neighborhood of 1950’s Boston, but due to that wonderful era in America’s history, black folks realized that their brown faces automatically made them ineligible to buy homes in certain parts of the country. The couple hatch a scheme to pay a struggling Irish family to “ghost-buy” a house on their behalf in order to get their piece of the American Dream. Ms Greenidge writes:

“Ghost buying was how my grandparents bought their house in a predominantly white town in the 1950s. The American dream is that you should be able to provide a home for your family. But often, if you are ‘other’ – poor, of color, what-have-you – there are forces conspiring against you. I am more than slightly obsessed with recognizing how race and class intersect – and they always do in America.” -Kirsten Greenidge

This historically went on quite often and was still risky business once the family showed up at their new home with a moving van. Aaahh, what people wouldn’t do for liberty, freedom and justice for all, huh? Anyway, fifty years later it backfires, and the Irish family wants “their” house back. Wow!  One of stars of the show is Victor Williams who plays Deacon Palmer, Doug Heffernan friend on the tv show “Kings of Queens” (I love that show. ) Tickets  for “Luck of The Irish” are on sale now so support an indie and go check it out.♦

Later pilgrims…


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